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Understanding in
biomedical research is crucial
for upholding . This
presentation will explore the complex
issues and provide guidance on
navigating these challenges.
Principles of Bioethics
The four core principles of
bioethics are , ,
, and . Adhering
to these principles is essential for
ensuring the ethical conduct of
biomedical research.
Gonflict ooft Inteєreєsstt
Identifying and managing
is critical in biomedical
research. Researchers must disclose any
potential conflicts to maintain
transparency and uphold the integrity
of the research.
Emerging Ethical Challenges

Advancements in biomedical research present

new related to genetic
editing, artificial intelligence, and data privacy.
Addressing these challenges requires ongoing
ethical reflection and adaptation.
Navigating the in biomedical research demands a
steadfast commitment to upholding the principles of
bioethics. By prioritizing ethical considerations, researchers
can contribute to meaningful and responsible
advancements in healthcare.

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