Lesson 1 Teacher Roles

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What qualities should a teacher possess?
Form a Dyad and in 5-10 minutes, take
turns in sharing the characteristics of your
ideal teacher. Do they have commonalities
and differences? Record them in a Venn
Diagram below
Questions asked to Teachers
1. What makes a teacher good?
2. What characteristics should he
possess to be considered great?
3. How will he become effective?
Personal Qualities and Attitudes
 Good Personality
Personality refers to the teacher’s
character and allures as they walk, talk and
interact with others. “ The combination of
qualities or features that make up a person’s
unique personality are referred to as
Personality encompasses the manner in
which a teacher speaks, walks, and interacts, as
well as their physical appearance.
Personal Qualities and Attitudes
 Fair
It means being impartial and just. A lack of
favoritism or discrimination. (Oxford Dictionary)
 Honest
Honest teachers are trustworthy. Students
respect and trust teachers who are sincere and
 Dedicated
Teachers are devoted, loyal , committed to the
assigned tasks.
Personal Qualities and Attitudes
 Creative
Teachers with creativity approach tasks in
their own way. They are capable of
generating novel and original concepts. They
are capable of inspiring students.
 Flexible
The capacity of teachers to adapt to situations
is flexibility. They are not easily disrupted or
upset by the unforeseen situation or problems.
Personal Qualities and Attitudes
 Enthusiastic
Teachers with positive outlook,
optimism, and sense of humor are
 Role Model
Demonstrating good behavior and
settling a good example in everything he
or she does for others to emulate.
Professional Qualities
 Professional academic preparation
A teacher must complete a four-year
education degree program. During these years,
they are taught skills and gain knowledge that
are unique and exclusive to their vocation.
 Passing the licensure examination
Teacher are certified by the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) as license
professionals. They have extensive expertise in
their field.
Professional Qualities
 The legal practice of the profession
The government recognizes the teaching
profession as its partner in educating
children’s second parents.
 Adhere to the professional ethics
All the teachers are governed by the
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. The
guidelines specify ethical conduct expected of
teachers for disciplinary purposes.
Professional Qualities
 Membership in professional
The teachers are expected to join
many professional groups to advanced their
careers. They are required to attend various
seminars, research colloquia, and other
events for their professional development.
• Do you believe it is vital for a teacher
to be attractive and professional-
looking? Why?
• Think of a teacher you disliked in the
past due to the unethical practices
you observed she/he engaging in.
describe these unethical behavior.
Dr. Robert Walker (2008) in his research on
“Twelve Characteristics of an Effective
Teacher,” highlighted the characteristics
identified by his in-service and pre-service
1. Always prepared. The teacher comes to
class prepared. As a result, no time is
2. Exudes positivity. The teacher shows
optimism on teaching and the students.
3. Holds high expectation. The teacher
believes in the students’ capacity to
succeed and communication such beliefs
by continuously giving them challenging
4. Demonstrates creativity. The teacher
never runs out of novel ideas in teaching the
5. Exercise fairness. The teacher treats
everybody in class fairly and justly, may it
be in grades, opportunities, and privileges.
6. Displays personal touch. The teacher
connects with the students personally. In
this teaching, the teacher shows interest in
his students and shares his “self” to them.
7. Cultivates a sense of belonging. The
teacher makes students feel welcome and
comfortable in their classrooms. As
emphasized by Murry & Pianta (2007),
“students double their efforts once they like
their teachers and perceive them to be
8. Shows compassion. The teacher shows
concern on students’ personal problem and
sensitivity in relating to them and their
9. Possesses sense of humor. The teacher
makes learning fun and enjoyable. Students
will never experience a dull moment in
10. Respects students. The teacher who
respects the students receives the same in
return. He is careful not to embarrass
students when it comes to their grades or
11. Models forgiveness. The teacher does
not harbor ill feelings toward his student.
He forgives their shortcoming, mistakes and
even, inappropriate behavior. The teacher
believes in giving his erring student a
second chance.
12. Admits mistakes. The teacher sees
nothing wrong in admitting that he has
wronged a student. He is willing to
apologizes and correct the wrongdoing he
has committed.
1. When the teacher gives grades to his
students based on their merits of their
scholastic work, he is being .
A. Fair
B. Positive
C. Respectful
D. Compassionate
2. Marinel is happy about the way she is
treated in class. Despite her imperfections,
her classmates still accept her for who she
is. As a result, Marinel feels like .
A. She is respected
B. She is shown compassion
C. She belongs
D. She is treated fairly
3. Teacher Girlie makes sure that her
students learn while enjoying the lesson. As
a result, they come out of the classroom
happy. This is because teacher Girlie
A. Exudes positivity
B. Possesses a sense of humor
C. Cultivates a sense of belonging
D. Display personal touch
4. Which of the following is not an indicator of a
teacher that models forgiveness? .
A. Does not harbor ill feelings toward his
B. Forgives the shortcomings, mistakes and even
inappropriate behavior of his students
C. Believes in giving his erring students a second

D. Apologizes and corrects the wrong doing he has

committed to the students
5. One trait that students admire about Mrs.
Cruz is her punctuality, as she comes on time.
she believes in the saying, “Time is gold” and
makes it a point to maximize the time engaged
academically of her students. The given
situation depicts which teacher quality?
A. Holds high expectation
B. Demonstrates creativity
C. Always prepared
D. Shows compassion
6. Whenever a teacher show concern to her
students’ personal problem, similar to what a
guidance counsellor does, he .
A. Exercises fairness
B. Models forgiveness
C. Respects students
D. Shows compassion
7. Which of the following is true to a teacher
who exudes positivity?
A. Shows optimism on teaching and his
B. Never runs out of novel ideas in teaching
the class
C. Connects with the students personally
D. Makes learning fun and enjoyable
8. The following are manifestations of
teacher’s creativity EXCEPT
A. Autonomy
B. Predictability
C. Non-comformity
D. Independence
9. A teacher who holds high expectation of his
students may do the following EXCEPT .

A. Present challenging standards for students

B. Design instructional task that advance student
understanding to more complex level.
C. Assist students to accomplish more complex
understanding by building from their previous

D. Give general feedback about student performamce

10. Teacher John is very strict with his
students. He would often resort to hurting
them, whether physically or psycholgically.
To counter the effect of what has done to his
students, what must he do?
A. Admits his mistakes
B. Respects his students
C. Models forgiveness
D. Display personal touch
1. Do a self-check of your qualities. Do you have the
making of a good, great or effective teacher? Why or
why not?
2. Analyze the following situation and justify your
“Teacher Nimfa has been teaching for 10 years in local
public school in her province. As a teacher, she thinks
she is managing her class well. She would even cite
that her students could as her “anything under the sun.”
But in a recent evaluation given to her by her students,
one student remarked on her being “boring” in class,
aside from her being strict. What characteristics does
Teacher Nimfa seem to be lacking? What could she
have done instead? Why?

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