Government of India Act 1935-1

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• Constitutional Law Notes

• Prepared by : Maaz Ur Rahman PSP

Government of India Act 1935
24 July

•On the suggestions of Round Table

Conference ,the committee of constitutional
making issued white paper under the
chairmanship of Lord Linlithgow , the viceroy of
India , to consider recommendations for the
constitution of India. The report along with a bill
passed by British Parliament ,and after Royal
Assent enforced in India as Government of India
Act 1935.
Characteristics of The Act
• Introduced all India Federation ---- 11 provinces
• Proclaimed Bicameral Legislature --- Indian Legislature
Assembly--- 250 and the Council of State---156 ,laws could
be vetoed by Governor General
• Federal budget had two parts :Non-votable 80% by the
assembly and votable 20% be discussed and amended by
the Assembly
• Provincial autonomy ensured – System of Diarchy
abolished- two categories– transferred subjects entrusted
to Indian ministers responsible to the council while
reserved subjects under governors
• Provincial Governments
• Governors provinces
• Unicameral and bicameral
• Separate electorate

• Division of powers
• Federal list
• Provincial list
• Concurrent list
• Unlimited powers of Governor General
and Governors , executive powers
• Federal courts was established – chief
justice and six judges , interpreter and
guardian of the constitution
• Secretary of State enjoyed powers and
Indian Council which was created to help him
was abolished
This Act Has Significant Role in
Constitutional Development of
• Became the supreme law of the state
• Provided the basic structure of the constitution
• Divided powers between the federal
government and the constituent units
• Defined the role of legislature
• Curtailed the power of executive
• Laid the foundation of democracy

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