2.0 Homeostasis & Adaptation 1

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By: Farzana Kausar

At the completion of this unit, learners will be
able to:
 Define the term homeostasis.
 Discuss the factors which affect homeostasis.
 Define feedback mechanism and its
 Discuss the role of feedback mechanisms in
maintenance of homeostasis with examples.
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Homeo = same; stasis = standing
Homeostasis is the body's ability to maintain a stable internal
environment despite external changes.
 Homeostasis is the body's self-regulation to maintain stable internal
conditions essential for optimal function and survival.
 Homeostasis must be maintained for normal body functioning and to
sustain life.
 Homeostatic imbalance – a disturbance in homeostasis resulting in
 First described by French physiologist CLAUDE BERNARD in
1865 and later named WALTER CANNON in 1926.
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Factors Affecting
 Factors affecting homeostasis include external
environmental conditions, internal metabolic
processes, hormonal signals, and the body's
feedback mechanisms.
 Some other factors may include Disease, Stress,
Lifestyle, Injury, Dehydration, Genetic factors,
Outside Temperature.

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Two Major Systems

 Autonomic Nervous System

 Endocrine System

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 Receptor: Detects and responds to changes in
the environment (stimuli), sending this
information to the control center.
 Control Center: Analyzes the information
received from receptors, determines the set point
(desired value), and decides on an appropriate
 Effector: Carries out the response instructed by
the control center, providing a means to
counteract or enhance the stimulus and restore
the system to the set point.

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Feedback Mechanism
(Feedback Loop)
Negative Feedback:
 This is the most common type of feedback mechanism in
 It works to maintain a stable condition by counteracting any
deviation from the set point.
 When a change occurs in the internal environment, sensors
detect the change and send signals to effectors (muscles or
glands) to reverse the change.
 The goal is to bring the system back to its normal or set point.
 Examples include the regulation of body temperature, blood
glucose levels, and blood pressure.
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Negative Feedback
 Temperature Regulation:
 Stimulus: An increase in body temperature.
 Receptor: Temperature receptors in the skin and hypothalamus
detect the rise.
 Control Center: The hypothalamus determines the set point and
signals effectors.
 Effector: Sweat glands release sweat, cooling the body through
 Response: Body temperature decreases, and the feedback loop is

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Negative Feedback
 Blood Glucose Regulation:
 Stimulus: Rise in blood glucose levels after a meal.
 Receptor: Pancreatic cells detect elevated blood glucose.
 Control Center: The pancreas releases insulin.
 Effector: Cells take up glucose, and the liver stores it as glycogen.
 Response: Blood glucose levels decrease, and insulin release

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Positive Feedback
 Positive feedback amplifies or reinforces a change in the
body's internal environment.
 Instead of opposing the change like negative feedback, it
enhances or accelerates it.
 Positive feedback is often associated with processes that
need to be completed quickly.
 Examples include blood clotting during an injury and the
release of oxytocin during childbirth.

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Positive Feedback
 Childbirth (Uterine Contractions):
 Receptor: Stretch receptors in the cervix detect pressure from the
baby's head.
 Control Center: The brain (specifically, the hypothalamus and
pituitary gland) releases oxytocin in response to the pressure,
stimulating uterine contractions.
 Effector: The uterine muscles act as effectors, contracting and
pushing the baby further down the birth canal.

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Positive Feedback
 Blood Clotting:
 Receptor: Platelets and damaged tissues detect the presence of a
break in a blood vessel.
 Control Center: The platelets release chemical signals that
activate more platelets, promoting further clotting. The
coagulation cascade is also initiated in the blood plasma.
 Effector: Platelets and clotting factors act as effectors, forming a
blood clot at the site of injury.

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Blood clotting

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Stages of Homeostasis
 There are three stages of homeostasis.
 Sensing
 Processing
 Responding

 These stages are managed by the receptor, control

center and effector respectively.
 These stages work in a continuous manner for the
maintenance of homeostasis.

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Stages of Homeostasis
Receptor is where sensing is performed. It is the sensing element, which
is responsible for the monitoring and responding to the changes in the
internal or external environment.
The control center is where processing happens. It is also known as the
integration center. It is responsible for receiving and processing
information from the receptor.
Effector is a part which is involved in responding to the commands from
the control center. It may either enhance or oppose the stimulus.

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 Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in

Health and Illness 12th Edition

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