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Network Models
 Introduction to network models (e.g., PERT, CPM)
 Critical Path Method (CPM)
 Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
 Resource leveling and project scheduling
Network Models
Learning Objectives:
• Understand the basics of network models used in
project management.
• Learn how to apply the Critical Path Method (CPM)
and Program Evaluation and Review Technique
• Understand resource leveling and project scheduling
Introduction to Network Models
• Network Models: Tools used to plan,
schedule, and control complex projects by
mapping out the sequence of tasks and their
Introduction to Network Models
Critical Path Method (CPM)
• Objective: To identify the longest path of tasks through a project, which determines the
shortest possible project duration.
Steps in CPM:
1. List all tasks: Identify every task required to complete the project.
2. Define dependencies: Determine which tasks depend on the completion of others.
3. Draw the network diagram: Use nodes for tasks and arrows for dependencies.
4. Estimate task durations: Provide a single time estimate for each task.
5. Calculate early and late start/finish times: Determine the earliest and latest times
each task can start and finish without delaying the project.
6. Identify the critical path: The longest path through the network diagram with the least
• Critical Path: Tasks on this path have zero slack time, meaning any delay in these tasks
will delay the project.
• Objective: Enhance understanding and application of CPM and PERT while
fostering teamwork and communication.
• Instructions:
1. Task Brainstorming: Ask each team to brainstorm and list all the tasks required
to complete their project. Here's the shuffled list:
1. Plan itinerary
2. Confirm attendance
3. Book accommodations
4. Arrange catering
5. Prepare event materials
6. Set up AV equipment
7. Select location
8. Send invitations
9. Arrange transportation
10.Organize team-building activities
2. Task Dependencies: Teams should identify
dependencies and sequence the tasks accordingly,
similar to the example provided.
3.Task Estimation: Each team should estimate the
time required for each task using three estimates:
optimistic (O), most likely (M), and pessimistic (P).
4. PERT Calculations: Teams calculate the expected
time for each task using the PERT formula:
5. Critical Path Identification: Each team determines
the critical path for their project using the estimated
6. Presentation: Have each team present their project
plan, focusing on the critical path and how PERT
estimates influenced their planning.
Introduction to Network Models
• CPM (Critical Path Method): Focuses on identifying
the longest path of dependent tasks and calculating
the minimum project duration.
• PERT (Program Evaluation and Review
Technique): Used for planning and controlling
projects with uncertain task durations by estimating
the time required for project tasks.
Introduction to Network Models
Purpose and Benefits of Network Models
• Network models help in breaking down a project into smaller, manageable
tasks, identifying the sequence of these tasks, and determining their
dependencies. This facilitates detailed project planning.
• By mapping out task dependencies, network models assist in creating
realistic project schedules. They help identify critical tasks that directly
affect the project completion date and tasks with flexibility in their timing.
• Network models enable continuous monitoring and control of project
progress. Project managers can track the completion of tasks, identify
delays, and take corrective actions to keep the project on track.
Introduction to Network Models
Key Components of Network Models
1.Tasks (or Activities):
1. These are the individual units of work that need to be completed in a project.
Each task has a defined start and end point.
1. These show the relationships between tasks. They indicate which tasks must
be completed before others can start.
1. In network diagrams, nodes represent tasks. They can be visualized as
circles or boxes.
4.Arrows (or Arcs):
1. Arrows connect the nodes and represent the dependencies between tasks.
They show the direction and sequence of the tasks.
Example of Key Components of Network Models
• Example Scenario: Organizing a Conference
Key Components:
• Tasks (or Activities): These are the individual units of work that need to be completed. In our example, the tasks could
1. T1: Book venue
2. T2: Invite speakers
3. T3: Design marketing materials
4. T4: Promote the conference
5. T5: Register participants
6. T6: Arrange catering
7. T7: Set up the venue
8. T8: Host the conference
Each task has a defined start and end point. For instance, "Book venue" (T1) starts when the search for venues begins and
ends when the booking is confirmed
Example of Key Components of Network Models
• Dependencies: Dependencies show the relationships between
tasks, indicating which tasks must be completed before others can
For the conference:
• T2 (Invite speakers) cannot start until T1 (Book venue) is completed.
• T4 (Promote the conference) can only start after T3 (Design
marketing materials) is done.
• T7 (Set up the venue) can only begin after T6 (Arrange catering) and
T5 (Register participants) are complete.
• T8 (Host the conference) is dependent on the completion of T7 (Set
up the venue).
Example of Key Components of Network Models
Nodes: Nodes represent tasks in network diagrams. They can be
visualized as circles or boxes. In our example, the nodes would be
labeled as follows:
• Node 1: Book venue (T1)
• Node 2: Invite speakers (T2)
• Node 3: Design marketing materials (T3)
• Node 4: Promote the conference (T4)
• Node 5: Register participants (T5)
• Node 6: Arrange catering (T6)
• Node 7: Set up the venue (T7)
• Node 8: Host the conference (T8)
Example of Key Components of Network Models

Arrows (or Arcs): Arrows connect the nodes and

represent the dependencies between tasks. They show
the direction and sequence of tasks. For our example,
the arrows would be as follows:
• Arrow from Node 1 to Node 2 (T1 to T2)
• Arrow from Node 3 to Node 4 (T3 to T4)
• Arrow from Node 5 to Node 7 (T5 to T7)
• Arrow from Node 6 to Node 7 (T6 to T7)
• Arrow from Node 7 to Node 8 (T7 to T8)
Example Scenario: Building a House
• Let's consider the example of building a house to illustrate the CPM
• Tasks and Durations:
1.A: Design house plans (5 days)
2.B: Obtain permits (3 days)
3.C: Lay foundation (7 days)
4.D: Build frame (10 days)
5.E: Install plumbing (5 days)
6.F: Install electrical systems (6 days)
7.G: Interior finishing (8 days)
8.H: Final inspection (2 days)
Example Scenario: Building a House
• A -> B: Obtain permits can only start after design house plans are
• B -> C: Lay foundation can only start after obtaining permits.
• C -> D: Build frame can only start after laying foundation.
• D -> E: Install plumbing can only start after building frame.
• D -> F: Install electrical systems can only start after building frame.
• E -> G: Interior finishing can only start after installing plumbing.
• F -> G: Interior finishing can only start after installing electrical
• G -> H: Final inspection can only start after interior finishing.
Example Scenario: Building a House
Example Scenario: Building a House
• The critical path (A -> B -> C -> D -> F -> G -> H) has a duration of
41 days.
• Tasks on this path have zero slack time, meaning any delay in these
tasks will delay the entire project.
• Tasks not on the critical path (such as E) have some slack time and
can be delayed without affecting the project's overall completion date.
Slack Time:
• Slack time, also known as float, is the amount of time that a task can
be delayed without causing a delay to subsequent tasks or the
overall project. Tasks not on the critical path usually have some slack
Example Scenario: Building a House
Identifying the Critical Path:
1.Path 1: A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> G -> H
1. Duration: 5 + 3 + 7 + 10 + 5 + 8 + 2 = 40 days
2.Path 2: A -> B -> C -> D -> F -> G -> H
1. Duration: 5 + 3 + 7 + 10 + 6 + 8 + 2 = 41 days
• Critical Path: A -> B -> C -> D -> F -> G -> H
Example Scenario: Building a House
• The critical path (A -> B -> C -> D -> F -> G -> H) has a duration of
41 days.
• Tasks on this path have zero slack time, meaning any delay in these
tasks will delay the entire project.
• Tasks not on the critical path (such as E) have some slack time and
can be delayed without affecting the project's overall completion date.
Slack Time:
• Slack time, also known as float, is the amount of time that a task can
be delayed without causing a delay to subsequent tasks or the
overall project. Tasks not on the critical path usually have some slack
Introduction to Network Models
• Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
• Objective: To handle the uncertainty in task duration estimates
and to analyze the time required to complete each task.
• Steps:
• List all tasks and their dependencies.
• Draw the network diagram.
• Estimate three durations for each task: optimistic (O), most likely (M),
and pessimistic (P).
• Calculate the expected duration (TE) for each task using the formula: ​
• Identify the critical path using the expected durations.
Variance and Standard Deviation: These can be calculated for task
durations to assess the overall project risk.
Introduction to Network Models
Benefits of Network Models
• Visualization: Provides a clear visual representation of the project's tasks and
their dependencies.
• Scheduling: Helps in determining the earliest and latest start and finish times for
each task.
• Resource Allocation: Assists in identifying critical tasks that require close
monitoring and resource prioritization.
• Risk Management: Enables the assessment of project risks and the
development of contingency plans.
• Performance Monitoring: Facilitates the tracking of project progress and the
identification of potential delays.
• By mapping out tasks and their dependencies, network models help project
managers to effectively plan, schedule, and control complex projects, ensuring
timely and efficient project completion.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

• Learn how to apply PERT to manage projects with
uncertain task durations.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Steps in PERT:
1. List Activities and Dependencies: Identify tasks and their
2. Draw the Network Diagram: Visualize the tasks and dependencies.
3. Estimate Time: Use three estimates for each task duration:
1. Optimistic Time (O): The shortest time in which a task can be completed.
2. Pessimistic Time (P): The longest time in which a task can be completed.
3. Most Likely Time (M): The best estimate of the time required.
4. Calculate Expected Time (TE):
5. Determine the Critical Path: Identify the longest path using
expected times.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Key Terms:
• Expected Time (TE): The weighted average of the
optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic times.
• Variance and Standard Deviation: Used to
measure the uncertainty in task durations.
Class Activity:
Exercise: Provide a set of project tasks with
optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic time estimates.
Have students calculate the expected times and
determine the critical path.
Project Task Set: Developing a Mobile App
• Here is a set of project tasks with optimistic, most
likely, and pessimistic time estimates. Students will
use this information to calculate the expected times
using PERT and determine the critical path.
Class Activity:
Example Solution
Example Solution

• Step 2: Task Dependencies

• A -> B, C
• B -> D
• C -> E
• D -> E
• E -> F
• F -> G
• G -> H
Example Solution
• Step 3: Create the Network Diagram
Example Solution
Step 4: Calculate the Critical Path
• Path 1: A -> B -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H
• Duration: 4 + 5.33 + 7 + 3.17 + 6 + 2.17 + 3.17 = 30.84
• Path 2: A -> C -> E -> F -> G -> H
• Duration: 4 + 9.33 + 3.17 + 6 + 2.17 + 3.17 = 27.84 days
• The critical path is Path 1 (A -> B -> D -> E -> F ->
G -> H) with a total expected duration of 30.84 days.
Resource Leveling and Project Scheduling
• Understand resource leveling and its importance in
project scheduling.
Resource Leveling and Project Scheduling
Resource Leveling:
• Definition: A technique used to optimize the
allocation of resources by adjusting the project
• Purpose: To avoid over-allocation or under-utilization
of resources, ensuring a smooth workflow.
Resource Leveling and Project Scheduling
Steps in Resource Leveling:
1.Identify Resource Requirements: Determine the
resources needed for each task.
2.Analyze Resource Availability: Compare resource
requirements with availability.
3.Adjust Schedule: Modify the start and finish dates
of tasks to level resource usage.
Resource Leveling and Project Scheduling
Project Scheduling:
• Definition: The process of planning the sequence of
tasks and their start and finish times.
• Tools: Gantt charts, network diagrams, and software
tools like Microsoft Project.
Class Activity
Exercise: Provide a project scenario with resource
constraints. Have students create a schedule and apply
resource leveling techniques.
Project Scenario: Website Development with
Resource Constraints
• In this project scenario, students will develop a
schedule for creating a website while managing
resource constraints. They will apply resource leveling
techniques to optimize resource allocation and ensure
smooth project execution.
• Resource Constraints
• Designers: 2 available full-time (8 hours/day each).
• Developers: 3 available full-time (8 hours/day each).
• Writers: 1 available part-time (4 hours/day).
• Testers: 1 available full-time (8 hours/day).
• IT Support: 1 available full-time (8 hours/day).
• Managers/Support: 1 available full-time (8
Example Solution
Step 1: Create the Project Schedule
Example Solution
Step 2: Resource Leveling
• Designers: Task B (UI/UX Design) requires 2 designers. Ensure designers are available for this
task before proceeding with other tasks requiring designers.
• Developers: Tasks C (Frontend Development) and D (Backend Development) both require
developers. Allocate developers to these tasks based on availability.
• Writers: Task E (Content Creation) requires a writer. Adjust the schedule to ensure the writer can
complete the task within their available hours.
• Testers: Task F (Testing) requires a tester. Ensure the tester is available once frontend and
backend development tasks are completed.
• IT Support: Task G (Deployment) requires IT support. Allocate IT support for deployment after
testing is completed.
• Managers/Support: Task H (Launch and Maintenance) requires managerial support. Ensure
managerial support is available after deployment.
• This project scenario challenges students to create a
realistic schedule while managing resource
constraints effectively. By applying resource leveling
techniques, students learn to balance resource
allocations, resolve conflicts, and optimize project
timelines to ensure successful project completion
within constraints. This exercise provides valuable
insights into practical project management and
resource allocation strategies.

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