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1.Explain what is Human
2.Evaluate their learning about
Competency human migration.
3.Identified the types of human
4. Illustrate push and pull factors
of human migration.
Learning Objectives
i.Explain what is Human migration
ii.Evaluate their learning about human migration.
iii.Identified the types of human migration.
iv.Illustrate push and pull factors of human
v.Participate actively in class discussion
what is human
The English word migration comes from the
Latin verb migrare, which means "to move
from one place to another." In its broadest
sense, human migration refers to any
movement of people from one place to
another, whether temporary or permanent.
an emigrant is someone who
leaves their own country to live
in another,
is someone who moves to
another country to live
Human migrations are
classified into two types

migration can be internal or external.

Second, migration can be either
voluntary or forced
There are two major
types of migration
internal migration

which takes place within a

international migration

that takes place across

international boundaries
Seatwork/Drill and Practice
I will divide the class into 5 groups, and each group will have a leader and one
representative, who will serve as the group reporter for today’s activity.
I have here five manila papers; group leaders, kindly get one for your group.

(The teacher will explain the group activity)

Each group will create a scenario that illustrates the push and pull factors that cause
individuals to migrate, then identify what kind of human migration the scenario depicts.
Start your group discussion now, and once you've thought of a scenario, write down
your answers.

(The teacher will give them 15 minutes to do their group activity)


·For today’s assignment, I want you to relax

and have some quality time with your loved
ones. While doing that, observe where people
usually use limits in their life, and let’s hear your
story next meeting.

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