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Introduction to Optimization
Techniques (OT)
• Optimization technique is a powerful tool to obtain the desired design parameters
and best set of operating conditions
 Optimization technique is the act of achieving the best possible results under given
 Accurate Information
 Higher quality results
 Grater adaptability
 Improve the efficiency
 Easy to communicate
 Easy to Implement.
 Easy to Programme.
 Increased competitive advantage
 Enhanced quality and consistency
• Need to update continuously.
• Can consider only small scale problems
• Difficult to adapt to new sitations.
• May be time consuming process.
• Complicated
• Mechanical Engineering design
• Image Processing
• Neural Networks
• Manufacturing System
• Financial Market
• Vehicle Routing Problem
• Travelling Salesman Problems
• Linear Optimization
• Non linear Optimization
Linear Optimization: Linear optimization is a method applicable for the solution of
problems in which the objective function and the constraints appear as linear
functions of the decision variables.
• The function of the formula: Z= ax + by
• The formula’s operating limitations: cx + dy ≤ e
and fx + gy ≤ h
• Other, non-negative restrictions: x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
Linear Optimization Classification:
1) Graphical Method
2) Simplex method
3) Two Phase simplex method
4) Big-M method
Non Linear Optimization: Non linear optimization is a method applicable for the
solution of problems in which the objective function and the constraints appear as
non linear functions of the decision variables.
• The function of the formula: Z= ax3 + by2
• The formula’s operating limitations: cx + dy ≤ e
and fx + gy ≤ h
• Other, non-negative restrictions: x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
Formation of Linear Optimization :
Formation of Linear Optimization Problems :
Example-1 :
A company manufactures two products X and Y, which require, the following
resources. The resources are the capacities machine M1, M2, and M3. The available
capacities are 50,25,and 15 hours respectively in the planning period. Product X
requires 1 hour of machine M2 and 1 hour of machine M3. Product Y requires 2
hours of machine M1, 2 hours of machine M2 and 1 hour of machine M3. The profit
contribution of products X and Y are Rs.5/- and Rs.4/- respectively. The contents of
the statement of the problem can be summarized as follows:
Example-2 :
A patient consult a doctor to check up his ill health. Doctor examines him and advises
him that he is having deficiency of two vitamins, vitamin A and vitamin D. Doctor
advises him to consume vitamin A and D regularly for a period of time so that he can
regain his health. Doctor prescribes tonic X and tonic Y, which are having vitamin A,
and D in certain proportion. Also advises the patient to consume at least 40 units of
vitamin A and 50 units of vitamin Daily. The cost of tonics X and Y and the
proportion of vitamin A and D that present in X and Y are given in the table below.
Formulate L.P.P to minimize the cost of tonics
Example-3 :
Example-4 :
1) Graphical Method: when we have two decision variables in the problem
2) Simplex method: When the problem is having more than two decision variables,
simplex method is the most powerful method to solve the problem. It has a
systematic programme, which can be used to solve the problem
Simplex method: When the problem is having more than two decision variables,
simplex method is the most powerful method to solve the problem. It has a systematic
programme, which can be used to solve the problem.
Standard form of LPP:
1) All decision variables are non negative. (x1, x2≥ 0)
2) The objective function is maximization or minimization.
3) All the constraints are less than equal to type expect non negative condition.
Solve the following linear programming problem using Simplex method
Maximize Z = 24 x1 + 48 x2
Subjective to constraints
x1+ 2 x2 ≤ 48
2x1 + x2≤ 60
x1, x2≥ 0

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