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Course: BIO201

Introduction to Biochemistry & Biotechnology

Ariful Islam, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Office: SAC832A
Initial: ArIm
BIO201: Course outline
 Course title: Introduction to Biochemistry & Biotechnology

 Course Type: Core Course (Program Major)

 Course Teacher/Instructor: Ariful Islam, PhD [ArIm]

Office: SAC832A

 Pre-requisite: BIOLOGY I (BIO103) & General Chemistry I (CHE 101).

 Credit Value: 3

 Contact Hours: 36

 Total Marks: 100

BIO201: Course outline
This course is designed as an essential building block for students with a desire to have a
solid understanding of the basis of biochemical reactions and their application in
biotechnological innovations. The topics covered will be suitable for someone who is
considering a career in Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Biotechnology. Having knowledge
on Introductory Biochemistry and Biotechnology is an important component of any program
in which students are expecting to gain employment in the fields of medical and
biotechnological research.

Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:
 Define and explain the basic concepts in biochemistry.
 Discuss biochemical pathways.
 Define biological macro-molecules.
 Explain the underlying concepts in biotechnology.
 Discuss the application of biochemical knowledge in biotechnological inventions.

BIO201: Course outline
By attending classes regularly, and through participation in the assessment exams
(Quizzes, Mid-Terms, and Final), students of this course should be able to:

 Understand the fundamental chemistry of living organisms and application of

the biochemical knowledge in biotechnology.

 Get knowledge of biochemical reactions involved in different pathways and the

chemical nature of biological macro-molecules that can be applied in
biotechnological inventions.

 Understand the biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture

products intended to improve the quality of human life.

 Learn about the technologies applied to biology, molecular biology, genetics,

and many other sub-fields of biology.

BIO201: Course outline
Course contents
This course aims to provide a basic knowledge and understanding of the major
integrating concepts of biological science. To do so, we will study following things;

 Introduction and Overview of Biochemistry & Biotechnology.

 Foundations of Biochemistry.

 Amino Acids.

 Proteins: Structure & Function.

 Carbohydrates.

 Lipids.

 Nucleic Acids.

BIO201: Course outline
Course contents
 Biological Membrane.

 Overview of Metabolic Pathways: Carbohydrate, Proteins, Fat,

 Overview of Information Pathways.

 Genetics & Biotechnology.

 Biotechnological inventions.

 Safety in Biotechnology.

 Ethics in Genetic Engineering & Future of Biotechnology.

 Note: course contents can be updated/changed anytime.

BIO201: Course outline
1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 4th to 8th Edition. David L.
Nelson & Michael M. Cox. WH Freeman & Company, New York, USA.
2. Biotechnology, 5th Edition, 2009. John E. Smith. Cambridge University
Press, New York, USA.

 Try to get updated information from internet (Wikipedia, Scientific Articles,


 Handouts will be distributed throughout the course in the form of electronic

version. The handouts will cover the lecture topics.

BIO201: Course outline
Assessment & Evaluation
Assessment Strategy Count Marks % Question Pattern & Evaluation
Continuous Assessment
4 or 5
The exam will include a fill
(i) Quizzes (Count 3 ×10=30
in the blanks, true/false, and MCQ.
best 3)
(ii) Assignment - - On given topic
(iii) Attendance - 5 100% attendance is desired.

Summative Assessment
(iv) Midterm 1 30
Broad and short answer questions.
(v) Final Examination 1 35
TOTAL 3 100 The NSU letter grading policy is followed.
Makeup Exam Policy:

 No make-up quiz under any circumstance.

 Make-up for mid-term exams will be considered only under special circumstances. Any make-up of
mid-term exam will be based on questions with answers on essay-format.
What can you do with a major in
Biochemistry and Biotechnology ?
Career Options in developed countries: Career Options in Bangladesh
Accademia (Professor) Accademia (Professor)
Research Research institutes (Researcher)
 Molecular biologist  BCSIR, BSTI, BIRI, etc.
 Biotechnologist
 Microbiologist Medical/Clinic
 Clinical research Biochemist, Microbiologist
 Epidemiologist
 Food scientist
 Forensic scientist
 Genetics
 Biomedical engineering
 Pharmaceutical researcher, etc.

Pharma, Food, Cosmetics, Biotech, etc.

Introduction to
Biochemistry & Biotechnology
What is Biochemistry?
 The term Biochemistry was derived from two words: bio &
chemistry. Bio means life, and chemistry is the branch of
science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties
of substances and with the changes that they go through.

 Biochemistry is the explanation of biology at the molecular level

using chemical and physical properties.

 Biochemistry is the study of the chemical substances and vital

processes occurring in live organisms

 Biochemistry is the chemistry of life.

 Basic principles of biochemistry are common to all living
organisms. It deals with the structures and functions of cellular
components and their synthesis and degradation
How does Biochemistry affect your life?

 Medicine
 Cosmetics
 Agriculture
 Industrial applications
 Environmental applications
Principal Areas of Biochemistry

 Structure & Function of Biological Macromolecules:

Proteins, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA),
and Lipids.

 Metabolism: Catabolic & Anabolic Reactions.

 Molecular Genetics: Replication of Life and Regulations

of Protein Synthesis.
Foundations of Biochemistry

There are five foundations of biochemistry:

1. Cellular Foundations
2. Chemical Foundations
3. Physical Foundations (thermodynamic)
4. Genetic Foundations
5. Evolutionary Foundations
Next Lecture:
Foundations of

Reference Textbook:
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
4th or 8th Edition
David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox
WH Freeman & Company,
New York, USA

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