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Steve and Davina Mortimer 8 West Close Swinton Malton YO17 6SZ (01653) 695764 .

Charlies Angels, Happy Christmas! In this editions newsletter we are simply summarising our progress so far and our planned events. We notified you in May of the formation of Charlies focus group, this continues to work well and is committed to developing the fund, organising fundraising events, sharing ideas and making decisions together. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the 25 members of the group that are giving their time, petrol money and brain cells to ensure the fund continues to be effective in achieving its goals.
UPDATED NEWS Our current running fund raising total is 24393.45 The work planned on the PICU had been put on hold due to the uncertainty of their future. We have recently had confirmation that the PICU will be unchanged for the foreseeable future, therefore we are planning on starting the final room early in the new year. Care for the Family ( remain very grateful for our support and have been able to use Charlie's Fund money to subsidise days and weekends for bereaved parents. CLIMB are doing INCREDIBLE work with Charlies money: the MCADD website is now up and running and is being used by many hundreds of families worldwide as a means of support and information gathering and sharing ( Steve and I spoke at their conference in October and were very proud to see first hand what Charlies fund is enabling. Three very influential speakers spoke about MCADD, treatments, up-to-date research and families were able to ask the professionals questions and share with each other. We were also able to share with many other families that are affected by MCADD, people that are living with MCADD and also families that have lost children to MCADD. We were overwhelmed by the appreciation of all families and event organisers. The conference enabled parents to share and support each other and to learn much more about the condition that is affecting their family. The children also had a fantastic time playing together. THIS YEARS EVENTS (PAST) Saturday 18th June Graeme Hunter (and his first class support team!) had a great time cycling from Blackpool to Scarborough in under 10 hours. He raised around 600! Thank you! Sunday 19th June Ben Wileman did the Iron Man in Devon and raised 400! Thank you Ben! Sunday 19th June Craig and Clare ran the Jane Tomlinson 10K Run in Leeds ad raised over 400! They amazed us with their determination. A very emotional day! xx Saturday 17th September Merry-banks very entertaining musical concert raised 400! Thank you Annie! Saturday 5th November, over 150 people shared In the BBQ party at The Elms, over 800 was raised! A family member had her 80th birthday this year and donated 500 to the fund instead of receiving gifts. Thank you so much Doreen! Danny also cycled coast to coast over 2 days and raised well over 200 for the fund! Thank you! The generous people at Stockton SA raised over 300 during a great evening with Cornerstone brass! We are truly thankful to all who have supported, organised and taken part in these events. Thank you for the preparation, time, commitment and love that you have shown in all you have done. We were disappointed to have to cancel then final event of the year but it certainly didnt detract from all that we have achieved.

We would like to say a huge thank you once again to all our friends and family that continue to support us and Charlies fund. Thank you for organising, for baking, for donating, for selling, for running, for cycling, for giving, for crying, for texting, for writing, for loving and for ...... remembering. We have recently had good news from the Charity commission they have agreed to register The Charlie Mortimer Fund (although it may not be finalised until Feb/ March as we need to do a little fine tuning to the trust deed document). This will make a huge difference to the fund and the money and the support that will be available to us. Thanks go especially to Alex for your help in this area. FUTURE EVENTS 17th March 2012 Yorkshire Youth band and youth chorus concert 7pm @ The Salvation Army Hall, Norton, Malton. Thursday 24th May, Black Dyke Band Concert and guest vocal soloist @ Morley Town Hall - we are expecting this to be a sell-out so please ring us on 01653) 695764 to book tickets. Summer BBQ @ The Elms, date to be arranged. October ?? Evening under the stars Ball @ Sheffield SA Hall, more details to follow. The majority of fund raising last year was from individuals taking part in events, If you feel this is something you would like to do, please get in contact as we have lots of details and sponsorship forms you could use. Craig, Clare and Peter are considering doing the (THREE !!) Jane Tomlinson 10K runs this year, you could maybe join them on one!! Don't hesitate contacting us if you feel you can help in any way. We are always very keen to hear from you, either by letter, facebook, emails, phone calls or texts. Please contact us with your support, with ideas, with questions, with offers of help. Once again, we remain very committed to Charlie's Fund and are looking forward to many exciting events this year. We hope to see you supporting us.

Thank you for continuing to support us with words, money and prayers. Charlie's fund will always be a part of our life and our passion to ensure Charlies life has a huge effect on many people is our driving force. Our little star.

Structure of Charlies Fund

. Fund Trustees Mrs Davina and Stephen Mortimer Dr Matthew Law, Mrs Kathryn Wileman, Mrs Caroline Cleghorn. Charlies Fund Focus group Ian & Linda Beecham, Christian & Victoria Lewis, Ryan & Kathryn Wileman, Neil &Amanda Beecham, Nicola & Jason Leek, Elise Gowing, Trish Guest, Caroline Ledgard, Joanne Suckling, Jen Riley, Craig & Clare Beecham, Paul & Alex Mortimer, Caroline Cleghorn, Matthew & Rebecca Law, Annie Brown. (if you would like to be involved in this group or would like more info, simply send us an email)

Sort Code: 40 31 08

Account Number: 41475622

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