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Arithmetic Mean or Mean Average
The arithmetic mean of a set of observations is obtained by dividing
the sum of the values of all observations by the total number of
Thus, the mean of n observations is defined as
Method of Calculating Mean of Grouped Data
Direct Method:

Assumed Mean Method

In this method, first of all, one among ‘s is chosen as the assumed
mean denoted by ‘’. After that, the difference between and each of
the ’s. i.e, is calculated.
Then, arithmetic mean is given by

Step Deviation Method

Mode of Ungrouped Data
Mode The data which is repeated maximum numbers of times
Mode of Grouped Data with Class Interval
In grouped data, mode is a value that lies in the modal class and it is given by
the formula.

lower limit of the modal class
size of the class intervals (assuming all class sizes to be equal)
frequency of the modal class
frequency of the class preceding the modal class
frequency of the class succeeding the modal class
Median of Ungrouped Data
For finding the median of ungrouped data, we first arrange the data
in ascending order.
(i) If is odd,
(ii) If is even,
Median of Grouped Data
To find the median class, we located the class whose cumulative frequency is .
Median of a grouped or continuous frequency distribution

lower limit of the median class
number of observations (Sum of frequency)
frequency of the median class
size of the median class (assuming class size to be equal)
cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class
1. If the mean of the following data is 14.7, find
the values of p and q
Class Frequency
0–6 10
6 - 12 P
12 - 18 4
18 - 24 7
24 – 30 q
30 - 36 4
36 - 42 1
Total 40
2. Find the mean of the following data, by using step deviation method.
Class 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70
Frequency 4 28 15 20 17 16
3. A set of numbers consist of three 4s, two 5s, six
6s, eight 8s and seven 10s. What is the mode
of this collection of numbers ?
(a) 7 (b) 10 (c) 6
(d) 8
4. Find the mode of the following distribution
Class 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 35 - 40
frequency 45 30 75 20 35 15
5. If mode of the following series is 54, then find the value of f.
Class 0 - 15 15 - 30 30 - 45 45 - 60 60 - 75 75 - 90
frequency 3 5 f 16 12 7

Find the modal class in which the given mode lies and find the value of f
6. If the median of the following frequency
distribution is 32.5. Find the values of f1 and f2
Class Frequency
0 - 10 f1
10 - 20 5
20 - 30 9
30 - 40 10
40 - 50 f2
50 - 60 3
60 - 70 2
Total 40
7. The median of the following data is 50. Find the
values of p and q, if the sum of all the
frequencies is 90.
Marks Frequency
20 - 30 p
30 - 40 15
40 - 50 25
50 - 60 20
60 - 70 q
70 - 80 8
80 - 90 10
8. If the median of the distribution given below is
28.5, find the values of and .
Class Interval Frequency
0 - 10 5
10 - 20
20 - 30 20
30 - 40 15
40 - 50
50 - 60 5
Total 60
9. A health officer took an initiative of
organizing a medical camp in a remote
village .The medical check– up of 35 students
of the age group of 10 year and their weight
were recorded as follows:
Weight (in kg) No. of Student
38 - 40 3
40 - 42 2
42 - 44 4
44 - 46 5
46 - 48 14
48 - 50 4
50 - 52 3
Now answer the following questions :
(a) What is the mean weight of the students?
(b) What is the median class of the given data;
(c) What is the difference of lower limit of the
modal class and median class?
(d) Calculate the mode of the given distribution
10. Assertion (A): The mean of first 20 terms of the
Arithmetic progression 1, 3, 5, 7,…….is 20
Reason (R) : The mean of first n terms of the
Arithmetic progression 1, 3, 5, 7 …is n
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of
assertion (A)
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
and reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

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