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Travel Tips

Fantastic 3 Group

Group Members
Man Shin Khant,
Nay Zar Aung,
Htet Myat Aung,
Kyaw Zin Aung
What is travel?

-The act of moving from one location to another.

-Round trips, one-way journeys, long-distance, short-
distance, overseas, domestic, and various of other forms.
What is travel?

- You can travel by foot, bicycle, train, boat,

bus, airplane, ship or other automobile.
- You can travel with or without luggage.
• Whether it is for a business trip or a holiday trip,
we see people travelling often
• While the reasons for travelling are many, we
must not forget that it can be a refreshing
• You get to make friends when you travel to new
places and spend quality time with them
• Moreover, it also helps you enhance your social skills. After that, travelling
is great for learning new skills. For instance, going to mountain regions
teaches you how to trek. Similarly, going to beaches helps you learn scuba
diving or surfing
• ou can also enjoy the beauty of nature when you travel
• find discover the earth’s beauty
• Travelling also helps us understand people.
• After you spend time at a new place, you interact with the local people of
the place. You learn so much about them and their culture. It makes you
more open-minded and be mindful of the culture and beliefs of different
What is travel?
• New place
• New felling
• New knowledge
• New experience
• New culture

• Travel can relax

• Travel can get refresh
• Travel can get better thanking
• Travel can improve language
• Travel can get friendship
Why we need travel tips?

- Tricks to save money

- Avoids mistakes
- Travel like a professional
What is the travel tips for?
1. Be flexible
2. Make a list
3. Learn common phrases of the local language
4. Do not forget an extra camera battery or
5. Prioritize your health and safety
1. Do your research
2. Consider your budget
3. Park smart
4. Consider your clothing
5. Travel guide and the local
International Travel
1. Passport
2. Vaccination
3. Travel card
4. Travel insurance
5. Visa
6. Outbound Flight Requirement
7. Download Travel Apps
8. Print out the copies of documents
9. Medicine and First Aid Kit

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