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How to become the

Protagonist of your life?

Ishanvi Bhasin
Topic Sentence
Reasons to choose this topic

• We need to make serious amendments in our lifestyle.

• It’s high time we start living our life by our rules.
• We got one life and we should live that for ourselves
and ourselves only.
• I feel like being your life’s own main
character is one of the most important things
to do.
Thesis Statement
“ It is the need of the hour to refocus the spotlight on ourselves
since each one of us is the protagonists of our own existence. ’’
Make your own
a lot of stories to tell Decision
and memorable sense of freedom
moments and individuality

It’s all about you and has Mind You only live once, but

nothing to do with someone
if you do it right, once
is enough.

am I becoming someone
Believe in You who is better than I was
Imagination and yesterday?
Fictional Shift
The world we live in is filled with insecurities and hardships that we blend in, often we tend to side-
line ourselves and forget our value of existence. People are more focused on the worldly
expressions and expectations than what they personally desire. It is the need of the hour to refocus
the spotlight on ourselves since each one of us is the protagonists of our own existence.

To begin with, you need to reimagine your life as a story that you are living. It might sound weird to
a lot of people but when your non fictional life seems to take a fictional shift, your daily tasks will
start looking uncomplicated. This step makes sure to make everyone a character to your story and
yourself to be the most important one. Each day that you live should be a new chapter, this thought
gives a new found motivation to start your day.
To follow with, our life requires us to make decisions at every point whether it be as small as deciding what to
wear for the day. Your decisions should not be influential or out of your own insecurities. It is not easy to
make all of the decisions by yourself but waking up in the morning and living your day with your own choices
gives you a new sense of freedom and individuality. It makes us feel that we have no chains to the world and
we are making our own paths.

Often, we try to attain what other people have disregarding what we possess. A protagonist never compares
itself to others as they know their worth. Similarly, you need to stop moving your eyes in the crowd and start
envisioning yourself as the only person in the room. This means that you need to compete and get better
than yourself since you’re your biggest competitor. The question you should ask every day is this: “Who am I
becoming, and am I becoming someone who is better than I was yesterday?”
Moreover, the world works on a very fast pace and we need to get ourselves a break and press that
pause button whenever possible. Running in the world’s rat race makes us realise that the life we’re
living can also be termed as mere survival. As the protagonist of our life, we should have a lot of
stories to tell and memorable moments from the past. It is of great importance for us to have
interests and hobbies and things that makes our life exclusively fascinating for ourselves because at
the end it’s a story not a game and we have only one life to live.

To conclude, you need to make yourself as the best version of yourself and put efforts in actions that
lead to self-betterment. Look in the mirror and believe in the person standing in front of you. It is
important to remember that it is your life and you are allowed to turn it around by doing
what’s best for you.

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