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Educational Psychology


Aimen Abrar (FA20-BPY-005)

Sabahat Abbasi (FA20-BPY-110)

Motivation refers to the internal or external factors that drive, direct,
and sustain an individual's behavior towards achieving a particular
goal or satisfying a need. It plays a fundamental role in influencing a
What is person's choices, effort, persistence, and overall engagement in various

Motivation? By creating a learning environment that supports students' autonomy,

competence, relatedness, setting clear expectations and conveying the
value of learning, and enhancing students' self-efficacy beliefs,
educators can positively influence students' motivation, engagement,
and academic success.
Types of Motivation
Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation arises from within an Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is

individual. It involves engaging in an derived from external rewards or

activity for the sheer joy, interest, or consequences. Individuals engage in

satisfaction it provides. Intrinsic motivation activities not because they find them

is driven by internal rewards such as a sense inherently enjoyable but to obtain external

of accomplishment, curiosity, or personal incentives like praise, grades, money, or

fulfillment. recognition.
Theories of Motivation

1 2 3

Self-Determination Theory Expectancy Theory Goal-Setting Theory

Self-Determination Theory Expectancy Theory Goal-Setting Theory

SDT posits that individuals have Expectancy theory emphasizes the Goal-Setting theory claims that
innate psychological needs for role of an individual's expectations specific and challenging goals can
autonomy, competence, and and subjective task values in motivate individuals by directing
relatedness. In an educational influencing motivation. In their attention, mobilizing effort,
setting, students are more motivated education, students' motivation is increasing persistence, and fostering
and engaged when they feel a sense influenced by their expectations of the development of strategies to
of autonomy in their learning, success in a particular task achieve the set objectives. The
experience competence in their (expectancy) and the perceived theory suggests that individuals are
academic tasks, and have positive value or importance of that task more likely to be motivated when
social interactions with teachers and (task value). they have well-defined goals that
peers. are both attainable and challenging.
Educational Implication of Educational Implication Educational Implication
Self-Determination Theory of Expectancy Theory of Goal-Setting Theory

Setting Clear Expectations Setting Achievable

Autonomy Support

Relevance of Learning Feedback & Progress

Competence Building

Relatedness & Positive Providing Support & Challenging Tasks with

Relationship Resources Support
Techniques of Motivation in Education
1 2 3 4

Provide meaningful and relevant Provide constructive feedback Foster a supportive classroom Use a variety of instructional
learning experiences & offering praise climate strategies

5 6 7 8

Establish a sense of community Reinforcement Reward & Punishment Fixation of Goals

and purpose

9 10 11

Novelty Competition Readiness

Provide meaningful and relevant learning experiences
1. Connect the material being taught to real-life applications and students' interests. Relate concepts
to their daily lives or future aspirations to increase engagement and motivation.

Provide constructive feedback & offering praise

1. 2. Offer specific and timely feedback that focuses on both strengths and areas for improvement. Also,
acknowledge students' efforts, progress, and achievements.

Foster a supportive classroom climate

3. Create a positive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel safe and supported.
Encourage collaboration, cooperation, and mutual respect among students.
Use a variety of instructional strategies

Incorporate different teaching methods, such as hands-on activities, group work, discussions, and
multimedia resources. This helps cater to different learning styles and keeps students engaged.

Establish a sense of community and purpose

5. Help students understand the purpose and importance of their learning. Connect lessons to broader
societal issues or community needs to create a sense of meaning and relevance.

Reinforcement in education involves providing positive consequences for desired behaviors (such
as praise or rewards) to motivate students, reinforcing the connection between actions and positive
outcomes, fostering a conducive learning environment.
7. 8. 9.
Reward & Punishment Fixation of Goals Novelty
Using a combination of Setting clear and achievable Introducing novelty in
rewards and punishments goals for students provides learning materials or
can help motivate students them with a sense of activities captivates
by reinforcing positive direction and purpose, students' interest, creating
actions and discouraging motivating them to work an engaging environment
negative behavior. towards specific objectives. that enhances motivation.

10. 11.
Competition Readiness
Encouraging healthy Aligning course content with
competition among students students' readiness levels,
can motivate them to excel promotes optimal learning
academically by fostering a engagement by catering to
sense of achievement within current skills level, thus
supportive environment enhancing motivation
Activity for the Class

1. Positive Affirmations

2. Success Sharing

3. Visualization Exercise
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