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Guidance and Counseling

Referral and Follow-up


Referral refers to the practice of helping clients find needed

expert assistance that the referring counselor cannot provide.
Directing the client to another counselor with a higher level
of training or special expertise related to the client’s need

When to Refer?
• When a student presents a problem or a request for
information that is beyond your level of competency.
• When you feel that personality differences (which
cannot be resolved) between you and the student will
interfere with his or her effective progress.
• If the problem is personal and you know the student on
other than a professional basis (friend, neighbor, etc.).
When to Refer? Cont’…………..
• If the student is reluctant to discuss his/her
problem with you for some reason.
• If, after a period of time, you do not believe your
communication with a student has been
Reasons for making referrals
• The client has another need.
• The counselor lacks specific skills.
• The client requires a specialist (e.g. health problem).
• The counselor knows the client beyond the professional
• The client is partaking in disruptive behaviour that
might be harmful to themselves or others.
Reasons for making referrals

• The counsellor and client are not establishing a satisfying relationship for
some reason (e.g. the client is reluctant to open up to the counsellor;
personality differences).

• The counsellor has difficulty with the issues being discussed because they
have some kind of personal meaning or take them outside of their comfort

• No progress is being made.

Reasons for making referrals
Note: Referral is not a sign of weakness or lack of skill.
• It does not mean that you cannot provide a safe and therapeutic
environment for the client.
• However, being aware of possible referral agencies ensures that the
client can choose the right option for them.
• At the core of making a referral is taking action that is best for the
Who to Refer?

• Anyone able to identify situations needing specialized

counseling or advising deserves commendation.

• In addition, referring a student to the office appropriate to

the problem demonstrates to the student that you have his
or her best interests at heart.
How to Make a Referral
 The service is free to all students; Confidentiality, to the
limits provided by the law and court is respected.
 No record of a student's use of the Counseling Center is
made on a transcript, job placement file, or
administrative file
 Information cannot be released without the student's
permission (the usual exception being cases of
imminent harm and danger to the student or others).
Who makes referral
A referral may be made by
• Peer
• Teacher
• Parent
• Collage nurse/dead of student(Matron or patron)
• Administrator;
• Outside Agencies or Individuals

1. Self Referral; Any Participant or family member may call for

information or arrange for confidential, short-term counseling

to discuss a personal problem.

2. Management Referral; The focus of counseling services will

be on the job implications of the situation, however, and not on
the personal nature of the problem.

Follow-up is a continuous monitoring program designed to

evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention procedures
concerning student progress and adjustments; This service is
undertaken as the systematic evaluation of whether the guidance
service in particular and the educational program in general have
satisfied the needs of students.
• Follow-up also refers to the formal and systematic
monitoring of the individual progress of current students
who have undergone academic advising, counseling,
referral, placement, or any special intervention program.
• Returning students and those who are on academic
probation are also monitored whenever needed
• An integral part of guidance services is the follow-up.
• It is concerned with what happens to students while in
college or after they have left college
• To ascertain the progress and status of students
within the various classrooms, courses, and
curricular areas.
• To gain data that may identify weaknesses in the
various phases of the college’s progress.
• To learn how graduates are processing.
• To evaluate the effectiveness of the schools placement
• To learn why pupils leave before graduation.
• To discover grade levels at which most dropouts occur.
• To obtain opinions concerning needed modification of the
curriculum in the light of the experiences of former pupils.
Techniques of Follow-up
Follow-up techniques includes;
postcard-survey, or
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages

1. Conducting surveys.

2. Use of telephone.

3. The use of follow-up letters.


Information obtained through follow-up techniques can

be used for;
 improving the curriculum stimulating better teaching,

increasing the value of the guidance services and

establishing better college and community relationships

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