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Since you will have two questions to address, this is the best way to
map out your ideas for the This is the best way to map out your ideas
for the Two Part Essay:

I. Introduction
II. First Question
III. Second Question
IV. Conclusion
Introduction - In general, you will need 2-3 sentences for this paragraph.
Since this is the first paragraph of your essay, you should paraphrase the
questions that were given to you. In other words, rewrite the questions in
your own words using synonyms. This will help you in a few ways. First, it
will guarantee that your essay is on target and following the theme given to
you in the questions. Secondly, it will give you a chance to show the
examiners that you have a wide range of vocabulary and can call upon
synonyms when necessary. The second sentence will introduce the specific
topics that you plan to discuss in your main body paragraphs. Therefore,
your introduction paragraph should look like:

Rewritten Questions - Paraphrasing both questions (1-2 sentences)

Outline/Opinion Sentence - This is where you will outline the essay.
Remember: Your opinion will be embedded throughout the essay, but this
is not an opinion essay.
First Question - This paragraph should be about 4-5 sentences long. In this paragraph, you will
describe the specific views with explanations, details, or examples. The paragraph should look
like this:

Topic Sentence - This will introduce the first question.

Explanation/Detail of First Question
Result - This is where you answer the question.
Example to Support the Result

Second Question - This paragraph should be about 4-5 sentences long. In this paragraph, you
will describe the specific views with explanations, details, or examples. The paragraph should
look like this:

Topic Sentence - This will introduce the second question.

Explanation/Detail of Second Question
Result - This is where you answer the question.
Example to Support the Result
Conclusion - This paragraph will wrap everything up, and it is not the
time to add any new information into your essay. This paragraph should
be around 2-4 sentences, and include the following information:

Summary of the Main Points (1-2 sentences)

Recommendation or Prediction (1-2 sentences)
I. Introduction
A. Rewritten Questions (1-2 sentences)
B. Outline/Opinion Sentence (1 sentence)
II. First Question
A. Topic Sentence (1 sentence)
B. Explanation/Detail of First Question (1 sentence)
C. Result (1 sentence)
D. Example to Support the Result (1 sentence)
III. Second Question
A. Topic Sentence (1 sentence)
B. Explanation/Detail of Second Question (1 sentence)
C. Result (1 sentence)
D. Example to Support the Result (1 sentence)
IV. Conclusion
A. Summary of the Main Points (1-2 sentences)
B. Recommendation or Prediction (1-2 sentences)
Nowadays, the way many people interact with each other has changed
because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types
of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative
• Introduction:
These days, the relationship people have with each other has been affected by advancements
in technology. There are several ways in which relationships have been negatively affected by technology.
Paragraph 1:
Technology has greatly impacted relationships. One of the major ways is that nowadays, people have more acquaintances
and fewer close friends. For example, many people may have hundreds and thousands of friends on social media websites
like Facebook as it is easy to connect through these websites. Thus, technology has led to less face-to-face interaction
between people. Because using social media sites has become an integral part of the lives of many people these days and
connecting with others has become so much easier as a result of such sites, most people spend more time online chatting
with their friends than actually meeting them face-to-face. (105 words)

Paragraph 2:
I believe that the above changes have been negative. Firstly, people now feel lonelier as they spend more time with the
computer rather than with other human beings. Studies have shown that people need real face-to-face interaction if they
want to remain emotionally healthy, and the lack of such communication has made many people become lonely and even
depressed. Consequently, many people who use technology to communicate with others are gradually losing important
social skills. These days, it is very common for people to communicate and express themselves using emoticons or other
forms of expression that are common online. However, an unfortunate consequence of all this is that people do not know
how to express themselves properly using their body language or tone of expression. (124 words)

To sum up, people have fewer close friends and have less direct contact with people due to technology. This
development is negative as it is easier for people to feel lonely because of this and they are becoming less adept in social
situations. Given this situation, it is recommended that people should seek to spend less time on electronic devices in order
to improve their relationships with others. (68 words)
Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a
good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?
In today’s society, some parents are becoming increasingly permissive. They do not impose sufficient discipline on
their children, and in some cases buy them too many things. This essay will explore why this is not a good way to
raise children and why it will have negative impacts upon them in future.

While it is understandable that parents want to give their children expensive toys and let them run freely in the
streets, this is actually not really an appropriate method of parenting. Having too many toys encourages children
to be materialistic and does not offer them the same change to develop social skills like sharing. Furthermore,
when children have asked for the toys, it gives them a sense of entitlement and even power over their parents. As
for giving children too much freedom, there are obviously a great many dangers in this world from which they
need to be kept safe. Children also need rules and boundaries to encourage them to develop into mature and
responsible adults.

If parents insist on this permissive style of parenting, their children will grow up with very different values from
those of stricter parents. Children who were never forced to study will end up with poorer grades in school, and
those who were given everything they wanted as children will expect everything to come easily as adults. In short,
they will lead difficult and disappointing lives, in contrast with what their parents hoped.

In conclusion, although it is tempting to give children whatever they want, parents ought to set rules and
boundaries, and to be careful with how they reward children. If parents fail to impose a basic level of discipline,
children may grow up with a poor attitude that will cause them and others to suffer.
Most schools offer some type of physical education program to their students. Why is it important? Should
physical education classes be required or optional?

Physical education programs are having paramount importance in a school curriculum, therefore, there have
been a number of given opinions, that physical education should be compulsory because of its mental and
physical health benefits for a student, however, some oppose it. I will discuss both types of opinions before
a conclusion.
To begin with, undoubtedly, it has been proved that physical activities are the part and parcel of healthy life.
Students who are exposed to these types of physical exercises can increase their stamina and resistance
power. According to medical science, a Strong immune system helps to prevent certain diseases like
diabetes, obesity, and indigestion. It not only improves the stamina of the body but also makes one mentally
strong. Besides that, A recent study has revealed that indulgence in these activities does not let the students
sneak time for electronic gadgets.
Furthermore, physical programs are very helpful in inculcating the values of team spirit, cooperation, and
coexistence. Therefore, the array of benefits makes it an inevitable part of the school’s curriculum…
On the other hand, there are situations and certain circumstances when a physical program needs to be
sacrificed. Students with certain disabilities and illnesses somehow should not be forced to be a part of this.
Their impairments prevent them to be active and physically enthusiastic. Indeed, there is the requirement to
have it optional but it is also imperative to understand that they should be equipped with any other
educational aspects like computer numeracy and soft skills.
In conclusion, physical education should not be optional since it provides physical and mental growth to a
student but the circumstances of impaired candidates should be kept in view.

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