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Factors Influence of Sustainable

Tourism Development in Lala Lanao

Del Norte

Engane Ericka Nicole P.

Jusayan Vannesa G.
Manabat Roselien C.
Nebria Anecah Q.
Silaya Janine S.
Creating and maintaining a sustainable tourism
industry in a particular location in lala lanao del
Norte. an aspiration to Acknowledge all impact of
tourism both positive and addition it aims
to minimize the negative impact and maximize the
positive ones and also the negative impact to
destination include economic leakage damage to the
Natural Environment.and over crowding to name a influence sustainable tourism development in
lala lanao del Norte would include various Aspects
such as Environment conservation community,
infrastructure development,cultural preservation and
Economic consideration these factors can greatly
impact the success and longevity of tourism in the
In addition, One of the main issues of the Sustainable
tourism development is the potential negative impact
on the environment. Despite efforts to minimize the
ecological footprint, sustainable tourism can still result
in the degradation of natural resources, pollution,and
habitat destruction. Additionally, the increase influx of
tourists can put pressure on delicate
ecosystems,leading the loss of biodiversity and
disruption of local flora and fauna. Another problem
associated with sustainable tourism is the potential for
cultural commodification and exploitation. In an
attempt to cater to tourists demands, local
communities may be encouraged to showcase their
traditions and customs in a way that may compromise
their authenticity. This can lead to the erosion of
cultural traditions and practices, as well as the
practices, as well as the loss of cultural identity.
For this reason, The above mention urges the
researcher's to conduct a study of Factors
Influence of Sustainable Tourism Development in
Lala Lanao del Norte. The study seeks to identify
and analyze the key factors that influence
sustainable tourism development in Lala, Lanao del
Norte. These factors may include the natural and
cultural resources of the area, community
involvement and participation, government policies
and regulations, infrastructure and transportation,
marketing and promotion strategies, and the overall
tourism management and planning. By
understanding these factors, the study aims to
provide insights and recommendations for
promoting sustainable tourism practices in Lala,
Lanao del Norte, and maximizing the positive
impacts while minimizing the negative ones.
This study aims to investigate the relationship between
the factors influence of sustainable tourism
development in Lala ,Lanao Del Norte.

Specifically ,the study will seek to answer the following


1.What would be the factors that are being

explored and studied ?
2.What would be the outcome or result that is
influenced by the sustainable tourism development in
Lala Lanao Del Norte?
3.Is there a significant relationship between
the factors that are being studied and explored and the
outcome or result that is influenced by the sustainable
III. Scope and Limitation
The main objective of this study is to provide
information about Factors Influence of Sustainable
Tourism Development in Lala, Lanao Del Norte.
The study also includes the Local residents
personal information. This study is limited to the
selected 50 respondents, who are currently living
in Lala, Lanao Del Norte. Each of the respondent is
given survey questionnaire to answer. The data
gathered will be subject for statistical analysis.
IV. Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine Factors Influence of

Sustainable Tourism Development in Lala, Lanao Del
Additionally, this study may beneficial to the Future
Researchers, Findings of the study will pave the way for
other research that will investigate other variables that
can improve the factors that have an influence on
Sustainable Tourism Development in Lala, Lanao Del
Norte. These could include factors such as local
government policies, community involvement,
infrastructure, development, environmental conservation
efforts, cultural preservation, and economic factors. The
Sustainable Tourism Development itself.
V. Definition of Terms
The following terms are define conceptually and

LOCAL DEVELOPMENT - this refers to the process of

improving the economic, social, and environmental
conditions of a local community. It involves creating
policies and programs that promote sustainable growth
and development, addressing issues such as poverty,
inequality, and environmental degradation. (Google
SUSTAINABLE TOURISM - this refers to a kind of tourism that
has more benefits than negative impacts, especially relating
to the environment, the economy and communities. Truly
sustainable and responsible tourism should make
destinations better for people to live in as well as visit.
(Future Learn)
TOURISM DEVELOPMENT - this refers to the process of
creating and improving the tourism product in a
destination, including infrastructure, attraction, and
services. It involves the development of new tourism
experiences, the enhancement of existing ones, and the
promotion of sustainable tourism practices. (Google
-Generally Refers to individual who live in a particular area
or community for an Extended period of time often for years
or even decades. They have a strong connection to the area
and have developed a sense of belonging and familiarity
with the local culture,custom and way of life
(Google scholar)
FACTORS INFLUENCE - refers to the various elements or
variables that can affect a particular outcome, situation, or
decision. These factors can be internal or external, and they
can have a significant impact on the outcome of a situation
IX. References
Bramhall, R and Brown, L. (2020). Benefits for Teacher Using
Video in the Classroom in K–12 learning: A meta-analysis.
International Journal of Educational Telecommunications 7
Jimenez, E.C. (2020). Motivating factors of teachers in
developing supplementary learning materials (SLMs).
International Journal of Advanced Research, 8(5),
108-113. Retrieved: September 10, 2021, From:
Willmot, P. and Bamforth, S. (2010). ‘The use of video reports
to promote active engagement in learning’, 3rd International
Symposium on Engineering Education ISEE2010, Cork.

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