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- Dimpi Chauhan ( 9th A )

- Roll no ; 12
Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are
elected by the people. • The rulers are elected by the people.
• Free and competitive elections are held. • Each adult
irrespective of religion, education, caste, colour, wealth have
one vote, one value. Democracy is a form of government in
which power is vested in the people, allowing them to
participate in the decision-making processes that affect their
lives. The term originates from the Greek words "demos"
(people) and "kratos" (power or rule), reflecting the principle
that the people hold the ultimate authority.
Core Principles of Democracy

•Popular Sovereignty:
The legitimacy of the government is derived from the will of the people. The government operates
with the consent of the governed, typically expressed through regular, free, and fair elections.

•Political Equality:
All citizens have equal rights and opportunities to participate in the political process. This includes
the right to vote, run for public office, and engage in political discourse.

•Majority Rule with Minority Rights:

•Decisions are made based on majority rule, but the rights of minorities are protected to ensure
they are not oppressed or marginalized. This balance helps maintain social harmony and respect
for individual freedoms.

•Rule of Law:
•Laws apply equally to all individuals, including those who govern. The legal system is designed to
be fair, just, and impartial, ensuring that no one is above the law.

•Free and Fair Elections:

Elections are conducted regularly, transparently, and without coercion. They provide a mechanism
for the peaceful transfer of power and for holding government officials accountable to the people.
Types of Democracy

Representative Democracy: Citizens elect Constitutional Democracy: Citizens directly participate Direct Democracy: The powers of government are
representatives who make decisions on their behalf. This in decision-making processes, often through referenda defined and limited by a constitution, which also
form is more common in larger, more complex societies and initiatives. This form is more practical in smaller guarantees certain fundamental rights and freedoms to
where direct democracy is impractical. Variations communities or organizations the citizens. This form ensures that democracy operates
include parliamentary and presidential systems. within a framework of law.

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