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Key points ;

Why is it important
What is Financial
to budget as a
student and in life.

How to achieve
financial goals.
Define the important terms;

• Finance: Finance is defined as the • Financial budgeting: is the process

management of money and includes of creating a plan to manage your
activities such as investing, borrowing,
lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting.
income and expenses over a specific
period, typically monthly or annually.
• Budget: A spending plan based on income The financial budget includes
and expenses. In other words, it's an
estimate of how much money you'll make
estimates of income and expenses,
and spend over a certain period, such as a serving as a tool for tracking financial
month or year. performance and making informed
Why it is important to budget as a student and
in real life
• Financial budgeting prepares you for real-world financial situations. While it starts as paying bills,
transportation it transfers to a full-blown interest In investment or even trying to buy a home.
• It also promotes spending habits, when you budget your finances you’ll have a better perspective of
where and how you’re spending your money. As students, we naturally do impulse buying. Budgeting
helps you curb out the things you need and what you don’t need.
Tips to budgeting
1. Create a budget. It helps you prioritize what is important and what is less important. You might want
something but not necessarily need it.
2. Use your student status- many organizations and outlets give discounts to students watch out for those.
3. Check for sales on items and if there are coupons to allow you pay less.
4. Always have savings and emergency funds as anything might come up at any time. etcc

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