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Total Budget: 1,000,000 PKR

Budget Allocation: 40% (400,000 PKR) to Facebook ads. Utilize video
ads that feature TVC video to capture attention and drive engagement.
Use Facebook's targeting options to reach your desired audience based
on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Experiment with different
ad placements, such as in-stream ads and sponsored posts, to maximize
1. Instagram:
• Allocate 30% of your budget
(300,000 PKR) to Instagram
ads. Leverage Instagram's
video ads and carousel ads to
showcase highlights of the
TVC video and entice users to
watch the full version. Use
Instagram's targeting features
to reach younger
demographics interested in
education and career
1. YouTube:
• Budget Allocation: 10% (100,000 PKR)
to YouTube ads. Utilize TrueView in-stream ads and
bumper ads to promote the TVC video to users
actively seeking educational content. Target relevant
keywords and topics related to education, college
admissions, and career guidance to reach a highly
engaged audience.
3. TikTok:
4. Allocate 20% of your budget (200,000 PKR)
5. Strategy: Create short and engaging promotional video
tailored to TikTok's format. Utilize trending sounds,
hashtags, and challenges to maximize visibility and
For a successful campaign, consider the following strategies:
• Compelling Thumbnails: Use eye-catching thumbnails for your video
ads to increase click-through rates and encourage users to watch the
• Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): Include a clear and compelling CTA in
your ad copy to encourage users to watch the full TVC video or visit the
KIPS College website for more information.
• Ad Sequencing: Utilize ad sequencing on platforms like Facebook to
create a series of ads that tell a cohesive story and guide users through
the customer journey, from awareness to conversion.
• Remarketing: Implement remarketing campaigns to retarget users who
have previously engaged with your TVC video or visited the KIPS
College website. Offer incentives or additional information to encourage
them to take the next step, such as scheduling a campus tour or
requesting more information.

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