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Department of Education

Course Code: EDU 07344

Course Title: Quantitative Research Techniques in


Lecturer: Dr. Sifuni N. Lusiru


•As human beings we have inquisitive nature;

i.e the need to know the unknown

•So every time the unknown confront us, we

put effort to get fuller knowledge

•This nature is the mother of all knowledge.

But, there are some specific Motivations in
• So as we said curiosity about new knowledge, is one
and very important motivation,
• But others may include:
• The desire to solve problems in the society

• The desire for intellectual joy of doing a creative work

• The desire to be respected

• The desire to get a degree

• Government or employment directives etc

What is Research?
• Research refers to a search for knowledge

• But, since it is academic undertaking, and here is academic

arena it is important to define it technically:

Research is the search for knowledge through objective

and systematic methods of finding solution to a problem

It is objective and systematic. These are characteristics of

scientific undertaking and so geographic researches

Latter we shall see the main steps involved in undertaking

geographic/scientific studies/researches
Types of Research
There are Various Types of Research:

1.Applied vs. Fundamental

2.Descriptive vs. Analytical

3.Conceptual vs. Empirical

4.Quantitative vs. Qualitative

1. Applied vs. Fundamental
Applied/Action Research
• It is a research with the aim of finding solutions for an
immediate problem in a society, organization or institution

Fundamental/Basic/Pure Research
• It is a research with the main objective of making
generalization and formation of theories
• E.g. studying natural phenomena so as to find general
knowledge about them
•Or you study human behaviors so as to make generalizations
about them
•This means, researchers gather knowledge for knowledge sake
2. Descriptive vs. Analytical
Descriptive Research (or Ex post facto research in social
•Are researches whose objective is to explain (describe) the
state of affairs
•Researchers have no control over variables
•But, only report what has happened or is happening
E.g. How many people do so and so?

In Analytical Research, the researcher analyses the available

information to make critical evaluation.
E.g. Why that number of people do so and so?
3. Conceptual vs. Empirical
Conceptual research

• is the type of research whose objective is to develop theories or

concepts related to some abstract idea(s)

Empirical/Experimental Research

• Relies on experience or observation without emphasis on theories

• Researchers have control over variables and can deliberately

manipulate them to study the effect

• Researchers rely on hypothesis/guess about the possible results

• Then, collect enough data to prove or disprove their hypothesis

4. Quantitative vs. Qualitative
Quantitative Research
• Is based on the measurement of Quantity or Amount

• It is used where phenomena can be expressed in terms of


• Data collected and analyzed are in numeric form


• NB. There are data collection, analysis and presentation

techniques for quantitative research
Qualitative Research
• Is concerned with phenomena involving quality or kind

• Researches interested on:

Human behaviors, Attitudes, Opinion, Ideas, Views or how
people think about something etc

• In most cases data are obtained in words (narratives or

explanations about something)

• But, it may also be in images, pictures etc

Mixed Research
Now, can you recall what we said in defining the
term “Research”?
‘search for knowledge through objective and systematic methods of finding
solution to a problem’

Two key words:

Research is Objective
Research is Systematic

•i.e. subjectivity/biasness is not allowed in research because research is

scientific undertaking

•Systematic: Being a scientific activity, it means there are some

standard procedures to be followed
We may call them:

•Steps involved in research?

•Steps involved in undertaking a scientific study?
•Steps involved in undertaking geographic researches?
1. Problem identification

2. Literature review (Gathering available information)

3. Hypothesis formulation

4. Data collection

5. Data analysis

6. Data presentation

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