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Electric Dipole
Group 1:
Trần Đức Hiệp
Nguyễn Thị Bảo Nhi

Electric dipole Magnetic dipole Antenna dipole

One example of electric dipole

A molecule is an example of an electric dipole

A molecule of water (H2O)
The water molecule as a whole is electrically neutral, but the
chemical bonds within the molecule cause a displacement of charge.
The result is a net negative charge on the oxygen end of the
molecule and a net positive charge on the hydrogen end
=> forming an electric dipole.

Water is an excellent solvent for ionic substances

If water molecules were not electric dipoles, water would be a poor
solvent, and almost all of the chemistry that occurs in aqueous
solutions would be impossible

An electric dipole is a pair of point charges with equal magnitude and opposite sign (a positive charge q and a negative charge
-q ) separated by a very small distance d compared to the distance from the electric dipole to the points under consideration of
the field
Electric field lines for an electric dipole

Electric field of
electric dipole
Force on an Electric Dipole

Place an electric dipole in a uniform

external electric field : The force and on the two charges have:
- magnitude qE
- opposite direction

The net force on an electric dipole in a uniform external

electric field is zero
Torque on an Electric Dipole

The magnitude of the net torque is twice the magnitude of either individual

is the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the two forces

The product of the charge and the separation is the magnitude of a quantity called
the electric dipole moment


From (1) & (2) we have:

In vector form:
Potential Energy of an Electric Dipole

Potential energy for a dipole in an electric field:

The potential energy has its minimum (most negative) value U= -pE at the stable equilibrium position, where =0
and is parallel to

The potential energy is maximum when = and is antiparallel to

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