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Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this chapter, the learner is expected to;

1. Understand the meaning of materialist concepts;

2. Determine the causes of materialism;

3. Identi fy the impact of materialism and consumerism on the “self ”


4. Appreciate unique ways to att ain happiness.


MATERIALISM purports that all that is

found in the universe is matter which is the
substance of nature. It suggests therefore that
material possession is all that matters most.
Success, happiness and the essence of individual
existence are gauged by material prosperity which
one has gained in a lifetime.
Western cultures have encouraged materialism
among people now as they seek for happiness and life
satisfaction. The pursuit of happiness is largely anchored
on what we can buy, how quick we can adapt to the
changes in technology as well as how well we can keep
pace with the status quo. The capacity to spend has
become the fundamental standard to show power, control
and happiness for being able to acquire whatever you
materially desire to acquire.
As resources continually become scarce,
economists and even environmentalists continue to
reiterate on the need to focus on needs rather than
wants and desires. However, as human nature
dictates, we are blinded by the growing
consumerism and commercialism around us. Our
self-esteem, as well as self-worth, has been greatly
determined by our accumulation of objects. This
behavior is even reinforced by social media as we
post daily statuses on buying a new pair of shoes,
to purchasing an over rated coffee and having a
vacation of a lifetime.
Material possessions provide
several effects on the individual
whether it is personal, intellectual or T
emotional. Varied motivations agitate
the individual to pursue more and I
amass more of the money, gadgets,
vehicles, jewelry and the like I
regardless of their realistic needs.
1. It is alleged that material 3. It is alleged that material
possessions provide these wealth boost their self-
individuals with a feeling esteem and self-confidence
of security as their money as they believe that they
and property provide process those assets that
them with tangible assets; not everybody has; and
2. It is alleged that wealth 4. It is alleged that
gives them a sense of cherished wealth provides
well-being as they alleged an individual with more
that this material wealth friends and relationships
provides them with through greater interaction.
The Concept of Self-Gift
The SELF is the primary object of one’s
journey through life. It is interesting enough to
know that one desire to work for personal
consumption and gratification. However the act and
behavior of collecting goods and providing gifts to
the self is considered as materialism. This is a way
to communicate with the self as influenced by
one’s culture and immediate environment.
1. Materialism is often associated with self-
centeredness. Often the individual would prefer to be
indifferent of others as well as separate from the majority.
The need to be alone and alienated is imminent. SELF-
CENTEREDNESS means prioritizing the self while
showing evident lack of empathy on the plight of others; Three
2. Materialism define success according to how
that self-
much wealth and property was amassed. They
usually utilize possessions in self-definition. They have gifts are
the evident tendency to define success in terms od the revelations
quality and amount of one’s acquired wealth. of an
3. Materialist believe that happiness results from materialism
the relationship between buying and consumption. .
Self-Gift can be source of intense happiness among
materialist. It provides them with very positive
emotions. Self-gift prevents negative emotions such
as depression, emptiness and sadness as it provides
therapy to the materialist.
The Correlates of Materialism
1. Materialism and happiness reportedly do not go well
together as it was shown that people who value
possessions and material wealth over other more
significant life goals are said to be less happy and are
more prone to depressions;
2. Materialism and self-esteem show an inverted
3. Materialism and financial stability show an inverted
relationship as well.
4. Materialism and well-being manifest opposite
relationship as individuals practicing this principle tend
to isolate themselves from the significant others as they
continue try to derive gratification from amassing objects
rather than interacting with the people around them.
6. Materialism and self-concept prove how insecurity
motivates people to work so hard for material
possessions as the same wealth becomes their source
of security.
7. Materialism and lack of engagement mean losing
one’s ability to empathize with others as they become
callous to other people’s needs.
According to Gregoire (2017) Materialism
makes people unhappy for the following
1. Consumer culture may be harming individual well-being.
Young adults born in this period of affluence are less happy
and are subjected to risk of depression and mental disorder as
their well being is not positively influenced by consumerism.
2. Materialistic values are linked to Type-A Behavior.
Those who are highly ambitious are highly competitive and
materialistic. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Pacific
Rim Psychology supported the revelations that Type-A
qualities include the motivation to acquire much wealth and
material possessions and are highly aggressive as well.
3. Money really can’t buy happiness.
4. Materialism could ruin your relationship.
5. Consumer cultures may breed narcissistic personalities.
Narcissistic are highly arrogant as they deeply concerned with
The Pursuit of Happiness
As materialism afflicts both rich and poor it is
something that has to be rectified before it destroys
the individual. Every individual now tend to focus
more on their ‘social image’. How people look up
them and follow them in their social media accounts
have become the valued daily activity on social
media sites. It seems like people have clamored so
much for affirmation and recognition which prompts
them to post online all the objects that they acquire.
So the ultimate question is how do we really
experience happiness about who we are and what we
have in its genuine sense?
Various ways to appreciate our own uniqueness
and be genuinely joyous about it.

1. Learn to share your blessings no matter how simple it

2. Improve your self-esteem and self-worth by engaging
in worthwhile activities;
3. Learn to communicate and relate with people around
4. Take time to appreciate the beauty of life and God’s
5. Be grateful to those who compliment you by returning
the favor;
6. Focus on your strengths and not on your flaws;
7. Stop projecting on media accounts about what you
have and others do not;
8. Learn to let go of things that are not significantly
9. Develop a mantra to counter the negativities entering
your thoughts; and
10. Stop brewing on negativities and on hurtful past.
Focus on the future and what you can do to be
productive and happy.

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