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Chapter 19

Database Recovery

19.1 p 611-617
Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc.

These slides have been edited (improved

by adding figures and symbols, and in
minor ways) by Dr. JDBrownsmith
Outline of 19.1 Recovery Concepts

 19.1.1 Recovery Overview

 19.1.2 Caching (Buffering) of Disk Blocks
 19.1.3 Write-Ahead Logging
 19.1.4 Checkpoints
 19.1.5 Rollback

Chapter 19-4
19.1.1 Recovery Overview

 Purpose of Database Recovery

• To bring the database into the last consistent state,
which existed prior to the failure.
• To preserve transaction ACID properties (Atomicity,
Consistency, Isolation and Durability).

Example: If the system crashes before a fund transfer

transaction completes its execution, then either one or both
accounts may have incorrect value. Thus, the database
must be restored to the state before the transaction modified
any of the accounts.

p 612
Chapter 19-5
19.1.1 Recovery Overview
 Types of Failure

The database may become unavailable for use due to:

• Transaction failure: Transactions may fail because of
incorrect input, deadlock, incorrect synchronization.
• System failure: System may fail because of addressing
error, application error, operating system fault, RAM
failure, etc.
• Media failure: Disk head crash, power disruption, etc.

Chapter 19-6
Failure Challenge 3

code DBMS

memory memory AFIM



When a system failure occurs (e.g., a power outage without a

backup power system), identify the parts of the system that are
Chapter 19-7
How to Recover from Catastrophic Failure

tape archival
DBMS First, restore
the back up
copy of the

Then, reapply the operations
of committed transactions
up to the point of failure.

What about the non-committed transactions? p 630

Chapter 19-8
I tell you Mike, I can't understand
why a committed transaction would
have to be redone.

Chapter 19-9
How to Prepare for Recovery from
Catastrophic Failure

tape archival
DBMS Periodically
copy the entire
database to
backup storage

log Either stop processing and commit all

transactions (not always possible)
or backup the log

p 630
Chapter 19-10
How to Recover from non-Catastrophic Failure

transaction log DBMS

• Undo the operations that cause inconsistency

• Redo operations to restore the database to a consistent

Chapter 19-11
Transaction Log
For recovery from any type of failure, data values prior to
modification (BFIM - BeFore Image) and the new value after
modification (AFIM – AFter Image) are required. These values
and other information are stored in a sequential file called
Transaction log.

Sample Transaction Log

T ID Back P Next P Operation Data item BFIM AFIM
T1 0 1 Begin
T1 1 4 Write X X = 100 X = 200
T2 0 8 Begin
T1 2 5 W Y Y = 50 Y = 100
T1 4 7 R M M = 200 M = 200
T3 0 9 R N N = 400 N = 400
T1 5 nil End

Back P and Next P point to the previous and next log records of the same
Chapter 19-12
19.1.1 Recovery Overview

 Database Data Update Techniques

• Immediate Update: As soon as a data item is

modified in cache, the disk copy is updated.

• Deferred Update: All modified data items in the

cache are written either after a transaction ends its
execution or after a fixed number of transactions
have completed their execution.

• Shadow update: The modified version of a data


item does not overwrite its disk copy but is written at

a separate disk location.
• In-place update: The disk version of the data item is
overwritten by the cache version.

Chapter 19-13
19.1.1 Recovery Outline
 Database Data Update Techniques

• Immediate Update: As soon as a data item is

modified in cache, the disk copy is updated.


3. memory 4.
buffer data

Chapter 19-14
Recall: Introduction to Transaction
 write_item(X)  command  includes  the  following 
2. Find the address of the disk block that contains item X.
3. Copy  that  disk  block  into  a  buffer  in  main  memory  (if  that 
disk block is not already in some main memory buffer).
4. Copy  item  X  from  the  program  variable  named  X  into  its 
correct location in the buffer.
5. Store  the  updated  block  from  the  buffer  back  to  disk  (either 
immediately or at some later point in time). 
code DBMS
3. memory catalog
buffer 4.

Chapter 19-15
Write_item Challenge #14

code DBMS
3. memory catalog
buffer 4.

What types of application activities would cause a memory write

to the memory buffer?
• UPDATE ...
Chapter 19-16
Immediate Update

• Immediate Update:
As soon as a data item is modified in cache,
the disk copy is updated.

code DBMS database

3. memory data
buffer 4. catalog

Something is missing from this picture. What is missing?

Chapter 19-17
Immediate Update

Immediate Update:
As soon as a data item is modified in cache,
the disk copy is updated.

code DBMS database

3. memory data
buffer 5. catalog

"Force writing" of 4.
the transaction log Log
Chapter 19-18
Deferred Update
Deferred Update:
All modified data items in the cache are written
to the database either after a transaction ends its
execution or after a fixed number of transactions
have completed their execution.

code DBMS database

3. memory data
buffer 5. catalog

During transaction commit, 4.

write the transaction log Log
Chapter 19-19
Immediate Update (when) with In-Place
Update (where)
Immediate Update: As soon as a data item is modified in cache,
the disk copy is updated.
In-place update: The disk version of the data item is overwritten
by the cache version.

code DBMS

memory memory AFIM

buffer 5.
4. "Force writing" of Where data
the transaction log 4. Log is written to
What prevents other transactions from getting this data before the
transaction is committed?
Chapter 19-20
Immediate Update (when) with Shadow
Update (where)
Immediate Update: As soon as a data item is modified in cache,
the disk copy is updated.
Shadow update: The modified version of a data item does not
overwrite its disk copy but is written at a separate disk location.

Application database
code DBMS

memory memory BFIM

buffer 5.
4. "Force writing" of 4. Where data
the transaction log Log
is written to
Is a write_lock needed on the BFIM?
Chapter 19-21
Deferred Update (when) with In-Place Update
Deferred Update: All modified data items in the cache are written to the
database either after a transaction ends its execution or after a fixed number
of transactions have completed their execution.
In-place update: The disk version of the data item is overwritten
by the cache version.

code DBMS

memory memory AFIM

buffer 5.
4. "Force writing" of
the transaction log 4. Log Where data
is written to

Chapter 19-22
Deferred Update (when) with Shadow Update
Deferred Update: All modified data items in the cache are written to the
database either after a transaction ends its execution or after a fixed number
Shadow update: The modified version of a data item does not
overwrite its disk copy but is written at a separate disk location.

Application database
code DBMS

memory memory BFIM

buffer 5.
4. "Force writing" of 4. Where data
the transaction log Log
is written to

Chapter 19-23
DBMS Components


Buffer Manager/
Cache Manager
Recovery Manager
Lock Manager

The cache manager manages in-memory buffers.

We previously called this the Buffy Manager.
Chapter 19-24
19.1.2 Caching of Disk Blocks
 Data Caching
Data items to be modified are first stored into database
cache by the Cache Manager (CM) and after
modification they are flushed (written) to the disk. The
flushing is controlled by Modified and Pin-Unpin bits.

main memory buffers

Cache database
Disk page data

For simplicity, we assume that a buffer contains a single disk page.

Chapter 19-25
19.1.2 Caching of Disk Blocks
cache directory
disk page address, buffer location, dirty bit, pin-unpin bit

• Pin-Unpin bit: if pinned, the page can not be

to disk yet.
• Modified bit: Indicates the AFIM of the data item.
main memory buffers
Cache database
Disk page data

Chapter 19-26
19.1.3 Write-Ahead Logging (WAL)

When in-place update (immediate or deferred) is used, then a

log is necessary for recovery and it must be available to
recovery manager. This is achieved by the Write-Ahead
Logging protocol.


"force writing" of
Log p 614
the transaction log
Chapter 19-27
Immediate Update (when) with In-Place
Update (where) and WAL
Immediate Update: As soon as a data item is modified in cache,
the disk copy is updated.
In-place update: The disk version of the data item is overwritten
by the cache version.

code DBMS

memory memory AFIM

buffer 5.

Where data
4. "Force writing" of 4. Log is written to
the transaction log (for
Undo) BFIM

Chapter 19-28
19.1.3 Write-Ahead Logging

Write-Ahead Logging states that:

Before a data item’s AFIM is flushed to the database disk
(overwriting the BFIM) its BFIM must be written to the log
and the log must be saved on a stable store (log disk). This
data is needed for Undo. (See previous slide).

Before a transaction executes its commit operation, all its

AFIMs must be written to the log and the log must be saved
on a stable store. This data is needed for Redo. (See next
p 614
Chapter 19-29
Deferred Update (when) with In-Place Update
(where) and WAL
Deferred Update: All modified data items in the cache are written to the
database either after a transaction ends its execution or after a fixed number
of transactions have completed their execution.
In-place update: The disk version of the data item is overwritten
by the cache version.

code DBMS

memory memory AFIM

buffer 5.
4. on commit, "Force Where data
writing" of the 4. Log is written to
transaction log AFIM
for Redo
Chapter 19-30
Recovery Challenge 12
(Using immediate, in-place update)

code DBMS

memory 3. memory AFIM

buffer 5.
4. on commit, "Force Where data
writing" of the 4. Log is written to
transaction log AFIM
for Redo

...Assume only one transaction is in progress...

T107 at step 3,4,5 - update the buffer, log BFIM, database AFIM
T107 at step 4 commit - write the log (AFIM for T3)
T107 at step 4 commit - write to log completed
---- System Failure ----
What does the DBMS do upon startup?
Chapter 19-31
Recovery Challenge 12
(Using immediate, in-place update)
...Assume only one transaction is in progress...
T107 at step 3,4,5 - update the buffer, log BFIM, database AFIM
T107 at step 4 commit - write the log (AFIM for T3)
T107 at step 4 commit - write to log completed
---- System Failure ----
What does the DBMS do upon startup?

T107 - Although the log says committed, the DBMS does not
know that the crash did not happen after the log was written and
before the database was updated. Thus it must undo this
transaction (to remove the database AFIM), and will re-do
(completely) it from the data in the log.

Chapter 19-32
19.1.3 Steal/No-Steal and Force/No-Force

Possible ways for flushing database cache to database

Steal: Cache can be flushed before transaction commits.
Reason: Buffer Manager needs a free buffer.
No-Steal: Cache cannot be flushed before transaction commit.

Force: Cache is immediately flushed (forced) to disk.

No-Force: Cache is deferred until transaction commits.

Typical database systems employ a steal/no-force strategy

p 614
Chapter 19-33
A direct byte buffer whose content is a memory-mapped
region of a file.

public final MappedByteBuffer force()

Forces any changes made to this buffer's content to be written to the
storage device containing the mapped file.
If the file mapped into this buffer resides on a local storage device then
when this method returns it is guaranteed that all changes made to the
buffer since it was created, or since this method was last invoked,
will have been written to that device.

If the file does not reside on a local device then no such guarantee is made.

If this buffer was not mapped in read/write mode

(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE) then invoking this method
has no effect.
Chapter 19-34
19.1.4 Checkpoints

 Checkpointing
From time to time (randomly or under some criteria) the
database flushes its buffer to database disk to minimize the
task of recovery. The following steps defines a checkpoint
2. Suspend execution of transactions temporarily.
3. Force write all modified buffer data to disk.
4. Write a [checkpoint] record to the log, save the log to disk.
5. Resume normal transaction execution.
During recovery redo or undo is required to transactions
appearing after [checkpoint] record.
p 615
Chapter 19-35
Transaction Log

Sample Transaction Log

T ID Back P Next P Operation Data item BFIM AFIM
T1 0 1 Begin
T1 1 4 Write X X = 100 X = 200
T2 0 8 Begin
T1 2 5 W Y Y = 50 Y = 100
T1 4 7 R M M = 200 M = 200
T3 0 9 R N N = 400 N = 400
T1 5 nil End

Problem: A failure has occurred. How far back in the

transaction log do we search for transactions to redo?

Chapter 19-36
Transaction Log
Sample Transaction Log
T ID Back P Next P Operation Data item BFIM AFIM
T1 0 1 Begin
T1 1 4 Write X X = 100 X = 200
T2 0 8 Begin
T1 2 5 W Y Y = 50 Y = 100
T1 4 7 R M M = 200 M = 200
T3 0 9 R N N = 400 N = 400
T1 5 nil End
checkpoint T1,T2,T3

The checkpoint log entry identifies all the transactions (Ts) that
are active. On subsequent failure, redo those Ts active at the last
checkpoint and any subsequent Ts which have a start and a
commit record in the log. Undo all Ts which were active at
the time of crash.
Chapter 19-37
19.1.5 Transaction Rollback

 Transaction Roll-back (Undo) and Roll-Forward (Redo)

To maintain atomicity, a transaction’s operations are redone
or undone.
Undo: Restore all BFIMs onto disk (Remove all AFIMs).
Redo: Restore all AFIMs onto disk.

Database recovery is achieved either by performing only

Undos or only Redos or by a combination of the two. These
operations are recorded in the log as they happen.

p 616
Chapter 19-38
19.1.5 Transaction Rollback


We show the process of roll-back with the help of the following

three transactions T1, and T2 and T3.

T1 T2 T3
read_item (A) read_item (B) read_item (C)
read_item (D) write_item (B) write_item (B)
write_item (D) read_item (D) read_item (A)
write_item (A) write_item (A)

p 617
Chapter 19-39
19.1.5 Transaction Rollback

Roll-back: One execution of T1, T2 and T3 as recorded in the log.

30 15 40 20
[start_transaction, T3]
[read_item, T3, C]
* [write_item, T3, B, 15, 12] 12
[read_item, T2, B]
** [write_item, T2, B, 12, 18] 18
[read_item, T1, A]
[read_item, T1, D]
[write_item, T1, D, 20, 25] 25
[read_item, T2, D]
** [write_item, T2, D, 25, 26] 26
[read_item, T3, A]
---- system crash ----
* T3 is rolled back because it did not reach its commit point.
** T2 is rolled back because it reads the value of item B written by T3. p 617
Chapter 19-40
19.1.5 Transaction Rollback

Roll-back: One execution of T1, T2 and T3 as recorded in the log.


system crash

Illustrating cascading roll-back

p 617
Chapter 19-41
Illustrating cascading
rollback (a process
that never occurs in
strict or cascadeless
schedules). (a) The
read and write
operations of three
(b) System log at
point of crash.

Chapter 19-42

Chapter 19-43
Checkpoint Challenge 6

checkpoint T21 database
T22 write X
T23 write Y data
commit T22
memory catalog
failure! buffer
wiped out!

Show why it is necessary to redo T22.

What is to happen to T21?
Why must T23 be undone? How does it get started again?
During recovery, another failure occurs. Now what?
Chapter 19-44

Chapter 19-45

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