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Concrete floors
Rudus Concrete Academy
Concrete floors

The concrete structure that causes the most

• Large surface open
• The other dimensions of the tile are large
compared to the thickness
• Reinforcement is generally lighter than other
concrete structures
• Casting conditions are often difficult
The most typical problems
• Slow/ unevencommitment • Cracking
• Fluctuations in mass • Betraying the grip on the platform
• Pumpability issues • Scaling of surfaces
• Casting and kneading board conflicts of • Bending of corners
• Slow drying
• Pulp processing problems

The instructions regarding the quality requirements of concrete

floors, material selection, design, implementation and
commissioning and maintenance procedures are available as a


• Publicationthe aim is to give concrete floor customers, builders,for designers,
implementersand user-friendly instructions and recommendations.

• The guidelines include cement, water and normal weight aggregate

to be manufacturedconcrete floors.

• On a concrete flooris meant to be cast on sitetile structure whichserves as a tread

under traffic or other stresseither as is, impregnated with a protective agent, painted
or coated. Ifthe floor is leveledscreed or covered with carpet, ceramic tiles,with
concrete slabs orwith other floor coverings, apply the instructions for the floor surface
before smoothingor the floorinstalling the pavement.

• Field of applicationthe limits can be deviated from ifseparatelyso let's agree.

• A floor designed from a structural point of view can be groundedtile, groundload-
bearing slab cast against it (pile slab), load-bearing intermediate base cast in placeor
surface tile. The surface tile can be either attached to its base or detached from its
basefloating floor.

• The floorscan be unreinforced, bar-reinforced, tensionedorwith fibers reinforced.

• The publication discusses the quality requirements of concrete floors, material

choices,planning, implementationand commissioning and maintenance procedures. In
additionis given in the publicationinstructions for underground tiles and surface tilesfor
structural design andfor dimensioning.

• In publicationdoes not deal with load-bearing structuresstructural dimensioning.

• Carryingthe structures are dimensioned according to the current regulationsandof the

instructionsin accordance with.
1. Basic types of concrete floors
1.1 Ground slab

 On the left, cast against the straight groundconcrete slab.

 Qstep on top of the thermal insulationpoured concrete slab.
 Righton the edge, the thermal insulation is placed in the aggregate layer.
1.2 Pile slab
1.3 Surface concrete floor

To carry to the midsole structure

cast on surface concrete floor.

Floating on the floor surface concrete slab

is cast soundproof carpet on.
1.4 Load-bearing slab cast in place without separate surface casting
2. Classification system for concrete floors

2.1 Quality factors

• The classification system for concrete floors includes such general quality factors that are important for the durability and
use of the floor. The quality factors must also be measurable from the finished floor as agreed.

2.11Lclassification of risk factors

• Candor indicated by lettersAo, A, B and C of whichAois the most demanding
• Qhowling resistance are presented with numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, of which 1 is the most demanding
• The biggest permissiblecrack widthexpressed as numerical values ​I,II, III or IV, of which classIis the most demanding.
Class I is divided into three different subclasses according to the purpose of use.

• In addition to the actual quality factors, the classification system has defined separately unclassified quality factors, which
are used, if necessary, according to the use requirements of the object.
• Unclassified quality factors include, for example, roughness (slipperiness), electrical conductivity, shelf life, chemical
resistance, color differences, the amount of fibers on the surface and other factors related to surface quality.

For classification markingcan, in the case of particularly demanding objects, be attached as a fourth partThe letter T.
2.12 Classification Marking

The class of the floor is indicatedletter – number –number - as a combination

e.g. B – 3 – II

Directness requirementwear resistance requirement Allowablecrack class

The classification marking must be presented in full in the plans.

The classification mark defines the minimum quality level of each class.
In general, the aim should be to be as good as possiblequality level.
2.2 Use and application of the rating system

• Requirements regarding quality factors are set for each concrete floor as applicable.
• The requirement level of the quality factors, on the other hand, is determined by the use of the floor and is set by
the floor
in the planning phase.
• When setting the requirement level, the work method used to make the floor should also be taken into account.
• In the plans, the quality requirements must be presented in a complete combination according to the
for example B-4-II (T).
• The requirements for unclassified special quality factors are presented separately in the plan.

• The classification system is not capable due to the rather rough division of the quality requirements
to describequality requirements for all floors in detail.
• The purpose of the rating systemis to act as a guideline, and not quality requirements orrequirements
small undercuts should automatically be interpreted as meaning that the floor in question is fit for

• Ifthe quality requirements are exceeded, the set oneslimit values ​of quality requirementsif possible,
3. Quality requirements for concrete floors
• When making concrete floors, the first thing to do is to make sure that the finished floor allows
in the spaceplanned operation, i.e. the quality requirements are determined by the intended use of the

•candor •impact resistance

•wear resistance •chemical resistance
•cracking •slippage
•uniformity •looks
•shelf life •moisture(coating ability)
•no dust •electrical conductivity
•cleanabilityandhygiene •no ponding.

When all functional quality requirements apply to the floor and its surface and
stresses are defined, analyzed and prioritized.
4. Floor coverings and –coatingsset requirements
4.1 Quality factors
• To be coatedor for the design, manufacturing method and post-treatment of the floor to be
affect the following two author:
1) The stress on the floor, which means the floor from traffic and other use
targeting mechanical load.
Quality factors To the floor targeting The coating/coating
strain by by
Floor concrete X
Surface strength X X

Duration of cycling X X

Surface smoothness X

Surface smoothness X

Surface cleanliness X
4.2 Types of stress

Stress on the floor Exemplary usage space distribution

Small ones strains Living spaces
In terms of stress, use spaces comparable to living
Business premises
Medium sized strains Hospitals
Industrial premises
The big ones strains Storage facilities
Traffic facilities
Special premises

• To the coatingor the stress on the coating is determined by the mode of use.
• The type of stress determines the quality requirements for the surface to be coated,
the strength of the surfaceand bike stressin terms of duration.
• The designerthe selected pavement type setsquality requirements of allin terms of
quality factors.
• Thusto be coatedquality requirements for concrete floorsdetermined by two parallel
5. Floor concrete reinforcement

5.1 Bar reinforcement

• Used on all types of floors

• The most common reinforcement method
• Can be implemented as loose bars or prefabricated reinforcement units
• Ensure that the reinforcement stays in the right place during casting

5.2 Fiber reinforcement

• Steel fiber or structural plastic fiber ( macro fiber ) can be used to completely or partially replace traditional reinforcement
• Typical areas of use are underground floors, surface floors and piled slabs.
• It is now possible to use steel fibers also in load-bearing structures
• The share of fiber reinforcement is growing all the time

5.3 Post-tensioned floor structures

• A method rarely used in underground floors

• In load-bearing structures, post-tensioning is common, especially in parking facilities
• In post-tensioned structures, in addition to tendon steels, small amounts of standard bar reinforcement are also used
• The big onesseamless and crack-free floors are achievedby doingfloors under tension.
6. Floor joints
6.1 General

• Seams are usually the weakest point of a tile, so you should strive for floorswith as few seams as possible or seamlessto the floor.
• Seamsfor planningshould be attachedspecial attention and the type of seam should be chosen carefullyoperating conditionsrequirements in
accordance with.

6.2 Joint types

• Sports seams
• Shrinkage seams
• Release seams
• Working seams

6.3 Joint division of tiles

• The joint distribution of the ground slab is determined by the shape of the building, the floorimplementation method, floor channels,
in terms of equipment, tank and machine foundations and crackingthe chosen onedimensioning principle in accordance with.
• Striving as much as possible to square to the tiles(tile length at most1.5xwidth)
6.31 Example of tile joint division planning

Adobe Acrobat
7. Drying of floor concrete
7.1 Floor concrete and moisture

• Concrete floor structures must dry firstcoatingof

each covering orrequired by the coating
materialbelow the humidity limit value.

• The critical moisture value is the moisture value (coating limit value) that, taking into
account the measurement accuracy, must be below the judgment measurement depth
before coating or coating. This appliesspecially sensitive to moisture to the materials.

• Floor concrete moisture refers to the concrete slab and what may be on top of it
moisture content of screed.

• A screed applied on top of concrete that has dried on its surface re-wets the underlying
concrete, and this moisture and the moisture contained in the screed itself must be allowed
to dry before paving.getting started.
7.2 Measures affecting the drying of the concrete floor

They affect the drying of the concreteessentially

• properties of concrete
• structural solution
• wetting of concreteduring construction
• drying conditions

Concrete drying intensify

• good drying conditions: relative humidity of the air in the room < 50%RH
and temperature>20 °C
• raising the temperature of the structure: heating the concrete is usuallymore efficient
drying methodlike heating the air surrounding the concrete
•floor surface grindingandsanitation.
8. Concrete floor implementation instructions
8.1 Kick-off meeting and reception of the work area

• Before starting any floor workshould be arrangedshared by different partieskick-off meeting

• A quorum representative from at least the following is invited to the opening meetingfrom the
•main contractor
•flooring contractor
•of concrete supplier
•structural engineer

• The meetingthe primary goal is to ensure quality by going through the issues related to the
contract so that all parties have a clear and uniform understanding of the issues related to the
execution of the work.
At the kick-off meetingthe following matters are discussed to the necessary extent:

• plans and documents drawn up for the work (work reports, drawings)
•job- andliability limits
•quality requirements(also unclassified Quality factors)
•quality to state used methods
• the contractor's quality system or site-specific quality plan
•of concrete characteristics
•casting conditionsandweather protection need
•material deliveriesandstorage
• driving routes, work schedule and concreting plan, including concretemove,of concrete
sealing method, surface finishing and aftercare procedures
• supplying factories, preparation for disruptions (spare factory, spare pump), delivery speed
• structural details and special precision or unusual work technique
require points
• connection of the contract to other work phases of the construction site
•responsible persons and contact information
• persons who decide on tasks and changes that deviate from plans during work
•the contractor to be answered those quality documents
• commissioning of the floor (loading, other work steps)
• floor maintenance instructions and delivery to the customer.
Kick-off meeting…

• Minutes of the meeting are drawn up and signed by the customer and the contractor.

• Floor work the starting point for planning is the contract program and general schedule of the
entire construction site.

• The floor you have to allow time for doing it so that there is also enough time for the post-
treatment and drying of the concrete and the floor is not loaded too early.

• Daily the amount of work is matched to the joint distribution according to the plans as well as

• Floor workin the timing it must be taken into account that the highthe achievement of quality
requirements ismore difficult in winter conditions than in warm conditions.
At the reception of the work area, the flooring contractor and the customer inspect
about the base of the future floor, the surrounding workspace and the prepared plans

•height levels (platform, reinforcement, surface, floor wells, slopes, etc.)

•platform carrying capacityandevenness
•thermal insulation(materialandinstallation)
•seam structuresandreservations
• a platform to possibly limit the future plastic film, filter fabric, etc.
• preparatory work and possible protections agreed for the customer's tasks
• the quality and tensile strength of the concrete surface that will be the base of the attached surface floor
• the temperature and relative humidity of the casting room and the necessary insulation/closure
•platform the temperature,also in corner areas
•lighting- andheating conditions
• the need for weather protection if casting outdoors.
The acceptance inspection ensures that the casting conditions are as agreed and
concreting can be carried out as planned.
From the reception inspection of the work areawill be done minutes.
8.2The work method selection

The choice of work method is based onthat I'm donethe floor must be filledplanned for the destination
of useset requirements.

So that everyone's end resultinfluential partieswould be the samea unified understanding of these
requirements, definesthe quality level of the features that the designer considers to be the most important.

The definition is based on unequivocal explanationsmeasurement andto testing methods orthe appropriate testing
in the absence of something elseto the quality deemed appropriateevaluation method.
Affecting the choice of work methodfactors are e.g:

• Set quality requirements andpurpose of the floor

• the floorstructure
• of casting areassize and shape
• of concretetransfer possibilities
• probable onesworking and curing conditions
• alternative onesconcretes,raw materials at the workplacequality
• floor workadaptation to other work phases
• seamsand one-time casting areas
• the contractorexperience and capabilities
8.3 Selection of concrete

• The choice of concrete mass is based on the ready-madeto those placed on the floorto quality
requirements andto the selected work technique.

• However, the quality of the floor is created in many different waysfrom the combined effect of
the factor.

• Deficiency of any component causesbadthe end result.

• The whole that leads to a good result isof different componentsoptimal combination.

• The criteria for choosing concrete are

• Strength
• Maximum grain size
• Wear resistance of the body material
• The quality of the binder
• Water-cement ratio
• Suppleness
• Shrinkage magnitude / crack control
• Pouring temperature of concrete
8.4 Temperature

• The temperature has a significant impact on fresh concreteproperties.

• On the floorconcrete is thin and difficultto be protectedas a layer,to the thickness of whichcompared
surface areaemphasizes the effects of circumstances.

• Equal andeven temperatureis ideal

the good onesto create and maintain curing conditions.

• Temperature differencescause an unevenhardeningand increase water evaporation in fresh concreteof the

surface, wherebyrisk of plastic cracksto be borngrowsignificantly.

• Concreting spacethe right air temperature (at least +10 degrees)near the floor lineis important.
• Special attentionshould be attached to the corners andto the doorways.

• The correct temperature should be reached at least 12 hours before concreting.

• Concretingduringwill comeavoid strong heating, as evaporation from the open surface increases.
8.4 Temperature…

• Especially on thin floors, the temperature of the concrete mass dropsquickly casting platform(gravel,
concrete) temperature
according toand airspacestrong heatingduring the casting degrades important bonding andhardening
initial stagereactions and aftermath.

• All rightconditions, the best results are obtained with a cool air (15...20 C) by mass.

• Cool conditions, the temperature of the mass can be increased up to 30 C.

Herehoweverfor all work phasesthe time used is significantly reduced.

• It can be considered as a rough rule that, for example

• temperature drop +20from degrees to +10 degreesdoubles the engagement time

• respectivelytemperature increase from +20 degrees+to 30 degreescuts the engagement time in half.
9. Correct implementation of a concrete floor
Sizeduring the project: In the implementation phase:
• closecooperation, "intact chain" • rightwork performance
• tightcontrol • uniform qualitymass
• of qualitybe ready to pay • ladiesconditions
• fitcasting areas
• carefulaftercare
• carefulplanning and dimensioning Castingsafter:
• platformcheck • carefulaftercare
• ladiesconditions • Notoo early loading
• successfulmass selection • Nocoating too early

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