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 Advertising is a communication process that promotes a product, service, or

event. According to American Marketing Association (AMA) advertising is “any
paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods, ideas or services
by an identified sponsor”.
functions of advertising

 Informs
 Educates
 Creates Demand
 Enhances Competition
 Establishes Brand Identity
 Promotes Action
 Improves Customer Base

 A product needs an effective launching to hit the minds of the consumers. It must
share the details about the product’s quality, price, unique features, etc.

 Consumers obtain information about products from the ads they have read,
viewed, and heard. Manufacturers often make changes in prices, and
channels of distribution, and improve the quality, size, weight, brand, and
packing. These changes must be informed to the public through advertisements.

 Advertisements may carry messages intended for consumer education. They

sometimes sell or popularize certain concepts.
 Government agencies educate the masses with campaigns on a variety of topics
like consumer rights, safe driving, literacy, child rights, etc.
Creates Demand

 The main objective of advertising is to create demand for a product in the market.
This demand would set a favorable climate and acceptability among potential
 Once the product is established, frequent advertising reminds the buyers about its
presence in the market.
Enhances Competition

 Another important objective of the advertisement is to encourage competition.

Advertising is unavoidable to compete with or neutralize competitors’ advertising.
 When competitors are adopting intensive advertising as their promotional
strategy, it is reasonable to follow similar practices to neutralize their effects.
Establishes Brand Identity

 Developing a brand identity is one of the important functions of advertising.

Through campaigns and striking messages, advertisers create an impressive image
of the company in the minds of the audience. Such images make the audience
loyal to the company or brand name.
Promotes Action

 The purpose of advertising is to attract buyers through a call-to-action statement.

This encourages the customer to visit a store or website, and to contact the
advertiser for more information. Advertising is essentially an active catalyst.

 The ultimate aim of advertising is to persuade an audience into action. The AIDA
formula of advertising explains this concept.
 Attention: At first the advertising grabs the attention.
 Interest: Secondly the person becomes interested in the advertising message.
 Desire: The person is convinced of the claims and has a desire to purchase.
 Action: The desire leads the person to purchase the product.
Improves Customer Base

 Any business requires a constant customer base in order to remain successful. The
business needs to target its products and services to this customer base. The
company creates new products that attract existing and new customers alike.
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