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Communication for

Communication for Development

 What is Communication for Development?

 In 1996 through General Assembly Resolution 51/172 the UN adopted a formal

 Definition of Communication for Development:

 Communication for development stresses the need to support two-way
communication systems that enable dialogue and that allow communities to speak
out, express their aspirations and concerns and participate in the decisions that
relate to their development’.

 Since then other complementary definitions of C4D have been advanced by

various development actors reflecting increased understanding of the role of C4D
in development processes. In 2006 the World Congress on Communication for

 Development defined C4D as:

 ‘A social process based on dialogue using a broad range of tools and methods.

 It is also about seeking change at different levels including listening, building

trust, sharing knowledge and skills, building policies, debating and learning for
sustained and meaningful change’.

 Put simply, Communication for Development (C4D) enables people, particularly

the most disadvantaged in society, to participate in shaping decisions that affect
their lives.
 Community-centred media is one outworking of communication for development.
It includes all kinds of media, T.V, cell phones, radio, internet, SMS, print etc.

 We use the term community-centred Media to embrace the specific and specialist
application of media programming to any objective that brings about positive
community development and change.
Communication for Development is built
around four axes:
 Com4Prom: Communication for Promotion promotes development aid in donor
countries to justify how and why development aid resources are spent.

 Com4Imple: Communication for Implementation facilitates the implementation

of development aid on developing countries by explaining development
programmes to local populations.

 Com4Power: Communication for Empowerment gives power to local population

to report on the implementation of the development aid they receive from donor

 Com4Coord: Communication for Coordination allows donor entities to

coordinate their activities on a global scale through a series of coordination tools
and rules.
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