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CNBM International Engineering Co.

, Ltd

Sena Kalyan Sangstha

3rd Cement Grinding Mill Project
6th December, 2016
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

I. Orientation with the equipment and its
technical specification

II. Operational aspects

III. Maintenance details
IV. Troubleshooting & remedial measures

V. Regular maintenance and inspection

CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

I. Designing Work Progress

I. Orientation with the equipment and its technical specification

★ Woking principle

★ Construction

★ Technical description
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Engineer station Operator station

TCP/IP 100Mbps

Whole plant network
OS2 11KV DP secondary station
Operator station


Mill house control station



Fly ash silo remote station Feeding station local control station
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CPU control and display component


INTF Red Internal fault
EXTF Red External fault
FRCE Yellow Mandatory job activation
MAINT Yellow Maintenance demand pending
RUN Green RUN mode
STOP Yellow STOP mode
BUS1F Red MPI/PROFIBUS DP port 1 main line
BUS5F Red PROFINET port main line fault
Mode selector switch
For setting the CPU present mode can use mode selector switch. The
mode selector is a three block transformation switch.
Memory card slot for insert the memory card.
There have two kinds of memory card:
• RAM card
It can extend CPU load momery.
• Flash card
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Flash card is for memory the user program and data, it is a un-easy loss storer(no need
stand by battery). It can be programmed by program device or CPU. It also can extend CPU
load momery.

MPI/DP port
Each kind of equipment can be connected to the CPU MPI port. For example:
• Program device
• Operator control and monitor device
• Other S7-400 or S7-300 controller

The MPI port can be configurated to DP main station, in order to use as PROFIBUS DP port
(max support 32 pcs DP secondary station).

The distributor I/O, program device /OP and other DP main station can connect to the
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The PROFINET IO device can connect to the PROFINET port. PROFINET port have two
external revers port (RJ45). PROFINET port supply to industrial ethernet connection.
Caution: This port only can be connected to the ethernet, can not connect to public
communication net.
Only can be connected with network components which meet the PROFINET standard

Into the power supply

According to the module type to install one or two pcs standby battery in the S7-400 power
module. The purpose is as bellow:
• Backup the user program in the RAM.
• Keep the dynamic state DB sentinel value, timer value, counter value, system data value
and data value.
• Backup internal locking.
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SIMATIC ET 200SP is a scalable distributed I/O system. Use for connect the process signal to
upper controller by fieldbus.

The SIMATIC ET 200SP distributed I/O system have comprehensive fuction, so it can be used
for various area.
SIMATIC ET 200SP distributed I/O system can be installed on the installation guide.
Including :
● CPU/ port module
● Maximum 64 pcs I/O module, can be inserted to the BaseUnit in any combination.
● One service module, resposible for complete the ET 200SP configuration.
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① CPU/ port module

② Undertint BaseUnit BU..D with the
power supply voltage
③ Dark color BaseUnit BU..B, used for
extend potential group
④ I/O module
⑤ Service module
⑥ BusAdapter
⑦ Installation guide
⑧ Reference mark

BaseUnit used for ET 200SP module electrical and mechanical connection. I/O module
insrt to the BaseUnit. Different requirement can use different BaseUnit.
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I/O module / Fail safe I/O module
I/O module can confirm every terminal’s function. The
controller can detect the present condition by connected
sensor and actuator, trigger the related response. I/O module
have the following types:
• Digital input ( DI 、 F-DI )
• Digital output ( DQ 、 F-DQ )
• Analog input ( AI 、 F-AI )
• Analog output(AQ)
• Process module (TM)
• Communication module(CM)
Service module is used for whole ET 200SP configuration.
Including the holder (5*20mm) which can support three
standby fuse.
Program component: program the I/O module by BaseUnit.
The system support the following two types:
①mechanical code component: ensure correct program.
②electronic code component: this type have one rewitten
electronic storer, for save the module specific configuration
data. (like fail safe module F destination address, IO Link
primary station reference data).
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24 V DC connector. This connector supply 24V DC and connect IM.

Shielded connector. It can reduce the impedance of shield line within short installtion time.
The bus terminal voltage
Must by BaseUnit BU...D input the supply voltage L+.
Every BaseUnit BU...B can connect the supply voltage L+ by terminal (red/green).
Working principle:
① CPU/port module ② BaseUnit BU.
③ BaseUnit BU. ④ Potential group 1
⑤ Potential group 2 ⑥ Potential group 3
⑦ Backplane bus
⑧ Service module
⑨ Bus terminal voltage P1/P2
⑩ AUX bus
⑪ Supply voltage L+ (3)
⑫ Extra required voltage
⑬ Supply voltage L+ (2)
⑭ Protection conductor Use AUX bus connect different potential
⑮ Supply voltage L+ (1) Note: If wihtin one ET 200SP station power or AUX bus use
⑯ Supply voltage 1L+ different potential, then need use BaseUnit BU...D to separate
these potential group.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

II. Operational aspects

Cement plant DCS system use Wincc7.0 SINAMICS Programming software. Consists of
three DELL computer, Including an engineer station and two operator stations, The
engineer station and operator station software are the same. The difference lies in the
software license is different, Operator station can only run Project, the engineer station
can run and Development the Function. The engineer station can also be used as operator
station. Respectively realize the operation control of the clinker grinding production line.
In the production process operation control three DELL computers are redundancy.
Boot instructions: After the computer starts, Automatic entry WINCC 7.0 software
system,Mouse click

Pop up dialog
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Input relative application username and password, after landing and then click the menu
button to enter the corresponding picture, can also choose to exit the WinCC.
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After entering the relative to the page, All equipment can be used independent start mode
Conduct Start and stop operation. Independent start Mouse click equipment
General motor pop-up dialog box Figure 1, positive inversion of the motor pop-up dialog box
Figure 2, the valve motor pop-up dialog box figure 3.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

All equipment stay Ready for the state Can Start-up equipment, Not ready Click the start
button will pop up the corresponding alarm information.
Motor color status description:
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Fault reset: when the device is in a fault state,Site fault

handling perfect tense Click on the button
Reset the fault

Historical data query: historical data query for all data Right click the mouse Need Query
data, pop-up dialog box Reasonable use of the dialog box on the top of the tool to query
the data needed, drag the ruler to check a certain period of time data.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd
Alarm query: Click , In the pop-up dialog box to select a long list of files,
and then drag the scroll bar to the time required to query.
In the normal production process, the proposed use of interlocking way to run,Prevent
equipment failure,achieve the purpose of protection,under special circumstances,Need
independent opening device,First cancel the interlock command,unlock status click on the
start button.
Air system consists of two air compressors, two sets of dryers and Gas storage tank.In the
normal course of production need First Starting gas path system.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd
Blending system operation:consisit of two part: Conveying of raw materials into silo & raw
material blending.
Conveying of raw materials into silo is composed of the following picture. All equipment are
used in an independent way to start and stop operation.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd
This picture include these fuctions:display the level of raw mateieal silo.these number
means the left space of silo.when this number is small than 2m,an alarm message will be
triggered.OPertor must stop the running of the conveying flow equipment at once,for avoid
the material to spill out.
Raw material blending include pic1 and pic2, the start mode of these device are designed
as two ways: unlock solo starting way and chain lock starting way.In chain lock starting
way, group start as group stop function can be operating.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

Only when every device inside the chain

has the “Ready” signal, You can do
starting or stoping chain group.
Operating. The mode must be set to
lock_mode.the emergency button can
only be enable to current chain
group.The flyash devices are not
included in this chain group,operator
should switch the device by stand-alone
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd
The following pic display the process of blending.

The propotrion ratio data should be provided by laboratory. An alarm will be triggered if the
accumulative total of ratio is lager or less than 100%

When all the proportion ratio are set, Input the Total set Flux of the ball mill.According this
number and the ration data,the computer will adjust every quantity of mateaial proportion
automatically.When the accumulative total number is too lager, click the “cls button ” to clear
the number to 0.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd
Recycle cooling water:Consists of two recycle water bumps and one cooling tower cooling
fan .The recycle cooling system should be started in any occasion of need.

Ball mill system: include lubricating oil system,main engine,and auxillary device.
Check the temprature of the tank of lubricating oil, confirm the tempature is not lager
then the limit before starting the main engine. If the temperature is too low,then start the
heater in a way of stand-alone.For the temperature of lubricating oil of main engine
reduction gear and powder concentrator,then they are lage than 42 ℃,the heater must be
stopped automatically.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd
The function mode of main engine reduction gear lubricating oil station can be selected as
manul-mode or automatically-mode When automatically-mode is seclected and
started ,the operator can set and start one of the active pump,and wait until the pressure of
the condenser outlet is lager then 0.3MPa and this situation last more than 2 minutes,then
a ready signal(of allow main engine to start) will be triggered. In the process of running ,if
this pressure is less than 0.25Mpa, start then standby bump automatically. Otherwise
when the pressure is less than 0.2Mpa, stop then main engine automatically.

Only after starting the mill reducer oil staions(head part

and tail part), a ready signal of allow main engine to start
will be triggered.when the stations have fault signals, the
plc SYSTEM will stop the ball mill automatically.
Only after starting the powder concentrator oil staions, a
ready signal of allow concentrator to start will be
triggered.when the stations have fault signals or stopped in
anycase , the plcS YSTEM will stop the concentrator
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

In Cement storage group,only when all device

have ready signal,then “group start” as “group
stop” function can be operated in case of the
mode is set to “lock”.Emergency button only
work to the current active group. The flyash
blending devices are not included in chain
group, they should be started or stopped by
stand alone seperatlly.When unlock manul
mode is set to this Cement storage group,
particular caution should be took when
switching the conveying pass device into the
storage silo. BUT if under the “lock and auto”
mode ,every operation will be carry out
automaticaly by PLC. After starting all the
devices,the system will set to lock auto mode.
If any fault signals and special events happen in
the process off group starting , an alarm will
display ,and the chain group will not be set
into “lock auto” mode.
Wharf unloading and conveying system
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A signal of allow unloading was trigger when the following conditions are meeted
For the device of dust collector above th silo,fan of the dustcollector,air compressor, there is
with “ ready” signal on and no alarm signal triggered.
The left spare space is lager then 5m(from charge level indicator)
Under such circumstance, when the start button is pushed in the dock ,PLC will start the
dust collector above the silo,the dust fan,air compressor in sequence. When all the device
are started, a sgnal that can start the ship unloader was triggered.
When the left spare space is less than 5m,an alarm is sent to the cabinet of the ship

The following condition should be meeted before allow starting bottom silo flyash
conveying system:
1. the weight of flysash silo is less than 80t
2. The device in the chain group all running: dust collector above the flyash silo, dust
fan,gasify valve beneth the silo,roots blower
Aftermath, a signal will be sent out to the control cabinet of the flyash conveying .
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

III. Maintenance details

1. The control room should keep clean, the computer inside should not have the dust, and
mainframe computer should clean the dust regularly.
2. The control room should prevent the static electricity.
3. Forbidden to insert the unauthentic USB flash and mobile storage to the computer.
4. Forbidden to charge battery for mobile phone and other device by computer USB
5. The PLC panel inside should keep clean.
6. UPS should all the time supply, especially during the long time stop maintenance
7. After long time the power cut, should check the CPU battery have alarm or not, if alarm
should replace the battery which have sufficient power.
Note: during the battery replace time the CPU can not cut the power, otherwise the
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

IV. Troubleshooting & remedial measures

Access Module fault ( SM 、 FM 、 “EXTF”LED lighting until confirm error For

error CP ) SM :
(enter) I/O read access error • OB 122 use EXTF
I/O write access error • Input the item in diagnostic buffer
• If didn’t install OB, CPU transfer to
STOP mode.

• The program running time

Over exceed the specified “INTF” LED lighting until confirm error.
time • OB request error OB 80 use
error • The message buffer overflow If didn’t install OB, CPU transfer to STOP
(enter) • Monitor interrupt mode.
• After CiR recover RUN
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd
At mainframe
• At least one standby OB 81 use
Power module EXTF
battery is electro-discharge If didn’t install OB, CPU
in power module transfer to RUN mode.
(not power
• no standby voltage
network eror)
• The power module can not
(entry and leave)
supply 24 V DC
Remove/insert SM and insert
Remove/insert module type error. OB 83 use
If didn’t install OB, CPU EXTF
module interupt If only insert one SM and
under the CPU STOP mode transfer to STOP mode.
remove this module, then
the EXTF LED will not light.
After again insert SM, the
LED will light short time.

CPU OB 84 use
hardware Detect storer error and
If didn’t install OB, CPU
error remove it. INTF
transfer to RUN mode.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

• Can’t input status information to

Communication DB(shared data communication)
error • Wrong message frame ID OB 87 use INTF
• Wrong information length
• Shared data frame structure
• DB access error

• BCD convert error

• Range length error
Program • Range error OB 121 use
error • Align error If didn’t install OB, INTF
• Write error CPU transfer to STOP
• Timer number error mode.
• Counter number error
• Block number error
• Not loaded block
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

CPU board RUN and STOP LED indicate present CPU mode.

• RUN bright STOP off CPU is in RUN mode.

• RUN off STOP bright
CPU is in STOP mode, non-exacute user program. Can cold start, restart and hot start,
• RUN quick flashing STOP quick flashing
CPU is DEFECTIVE. INTF 、 EXTF 、 FRCE 、 BUSF1 、 BUSF5 and IFM1F LED also flashing.
• RUN slow flashing STOP bright Detect function trigger CPU HOLD.
• RUN quick flashing STOP bright
Trigger hot start/cold start. According to used OB length, maybe need one minute or more
time to execute these function. If CPU still not change to RUN, maybe the system
configuration have fault.
• STOP slow flashing CPU request storer reset.
• STOP slow flashing Storer is resetting or CPU is initializing.
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LED BUSF1, BUSF2 and BUS5F indicator with MPI/DP, PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO port
relevancy fault.

BUS1F bright : MPI/DP port detect fault.

BUS2F bright : PROFINET IO port detect fault.
BUS5F bright : PROFINET IO port detect fault.
BUS5F flashing : PROFIBUS DP port one or some device no response.
BUS1F flashing :
CPU is DP primary station : PROFIBUS DP port 1 one or some secondary station no
CPU is DP secondary station : DP primary station is not addressing to CPU.
BUS2F flashing :
CPU is DP primary station : PROFIBUS DP port 2 one or some secondary station no
CPU is DP secondary station : DP primary station is not addressing to CPU.
CNBM International Engineering Co., Ltd

Thanks SKS/MCF site team cooperation

and support for our work.


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