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presented by group 4



Politics encompasses the activities associated with governance and
decision-making within a community, organization, or nation. It involves
the processes through which individuals and groups with differing
interests and perspectives negotiate, compete, and collaborate to influence
policies, laws, and societal structures.

Politics is not just limited to the activities of elected officials; it also

includes the participation of citizens, advocacy groups, political parties, and
other entities that seek to shape the direction of public affairs.
ii) Monetary Policy:
i)Stimulus package:
• Banks, guided by politicians, decide how much
• Governments give money to people or spend money is around and how much it costs to borrow.
on projects to boost the economy when it's • Lowering interest rates encourages borrowing and
struggling. spending, while raising them can slow things down.
• This helps create jobs opportunities , • Example :Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) managed
encourages spending, and gets financial the monetary policy.
• Interest Rate Policy - Overnight Policy Rate (OPR)
situation moving again. • The Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) is the primary tool
• Example : Prihatin Rakyat Economic used by BNM to influence short-term interest rates
Stimulus Package (PRIHATIN) and manage economic activity. Adjustments to the
• Date Announced: March 27, 2020 OPR impact borrowing and lending rates across the
• Total Value: RM250 billion (approximately economy.
USD 58 billion)
iii) Austerity Measures:
• Sometimes, when there's too much debt or prices are
rising too fast, governments will cut on spending or
increase taxes.
• This can help control debt and prices, but it can also
slow down the economy and make people lose jobs.
• Example : Asian Financial Crisis (1997-1998)
• The Asian Financial Crisis had a severe impact on
Malaysia's economy, leading to several austerity
measures like the Reduction in Subsidies: The
government reduced subsidies on essential goods and
services, including fuel.
1. Healthcare funding and budgeting: 2.Healthcare policy and regulation:

• The amount and distribution of funds • The pharmaceutical business patient care,
received by healthcare systems are heavily and medical practices are all governed by
influenced by politics. laws and regulations that are shaped by
• Budgetary choices for healthcare must be political choices.
• To ensure the safety and effectiveness of
made by governments, who must weigh medications and medical equipment.
conflicting demands against few resources.
3. Healthcare Infrastructure and Resources: 4. Healthcare Equity and Social
Ehealthcare • The intersections between
• The construction and allocation of
facilities, including clinics, hospitals, and politics and initiatives to address
medical equipment, are impacted by politics. socioeconomic determinants of
• The availability of specialized medical health, including housing,
services and technology in various places education, poverty, and
may also be influenced by political factors. healthcare inequities occur.
• Trust in Government
People’s faith in the government goes up when everyone seems to be gettting long

• Economic Stability
When a country’s leaders are in sync, it helps the economy grow.

• Governance and Policy

How different parts of the government work together affects decision-making.

• Social Unity
When people in a country feel connected and trust each other, it keeps
society stable.

• Citizen Well-being
How well politicians work together affects how
people live.
Policy and Law Enforcement and Political Awareness
Formulation Implementation and Public Interest

• Political decisions made by • Political stability and the • Political decisions that involve the
the government affect the effectiveness of government involvement of local communities,
direction and effectiveness of institutions play an important non-governmental organizations,
role in ensuring that these and the private sector in the
environmental policies
formation of environmental
implemented in this country. policies are implemented
policies can strengthen efforts to
conserve and preserve the
i) Education and Training:
• Resource Allocation: The level of funding that governments allocate to education
directly impacts the quality of schools, facilities, and learning materials. As a result,
well-funded educational institutions can provide better infrastructure, hire qualified
teachers, and offer diverse programs, all of which contribute to better human capital

ii)Educational Reform:
• The process of constantly renegotiating and restructuring the educational standards to
reflect the ever-evolving contemporary ideals of social, economic, and political culture.

• For examples: In Malaysia, the introduction of the Standard-Based Curriculum for Primary Schools
(KSSR) emphasizes holistic education and the development of higher-order thinking skills, significantly
shifting the focus from rote memorization to critical and analytical learning such as Higher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS) where It encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills
among students.
iii) Immigration Policies:
• Talent Attraction: Political stances on immigration
can either attract or repel skilled workers from
abroad. Policies that encourage the immigration of
highly skilled individuals can enhance a country's
human capital.

iv)Social Policies:
• Social Safety Nets: Programs like unemployment
benefits, food assistance, and housing subsidies can
help individuals during times of need, allowing
them to focus on skill development and job search
rather than merely survival.
Politics is a vital force that shapes every aspect of our society.
It influences the quality of education and healthcare, dictates
economic stability and growth, and determines the fairness
and inclusivity of our social policies

Understanding and engaging with political processes empowers us to

advocate for policies that promote equitable opportunities, foster
innovation, and ensure a thriving, healthy society. Therefore, active
participation in politics is not just a civic duty but a strategic
investment in our shared future.

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