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Artificial Intelligence

Courtesy: Kazi Saeed Alam, Assistant Professor, CSE, KUET

Modification: Abdul Aziz, Assistant Professor
• What is artificial intelligence (AI)?
• Why study AI?
• How can you tell whether a machine or program is
• What kinds of things (if any) can be learned by a machine?
• When can (should) machines replace human experts?
• What are the applications of AI?
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
• AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by
machines, especially computer systems
• AI is the study of ideas that enable computers to be
What is AI?
• “AI is the study of agents that exist in an environment and perceive
and act.” (S. Russell and P. Norvig)
• “AI is a programming style, where programs operate on data
according to rules in order to accomplish goals.” (W. A. Taylor)
• “AI is the activity of providing such machines as computers with the
ability to display behavior that would be regarded as intelligent if it
were observed in humans.” (R. McLoed) apply

What is AI?
• So We can group definitions of Artificial intelligence in the following 4
1. Systems that think like humans.
2. Systems the think rationally.
3. Systems that act like humans.
4. Systems that act rationally.
Acting Like Humans: The Turing Test
• Turing test, proposed by Alan Turing (1950)
• Human interrogator is connected to either another human or a machine in
another room.
• Interrogator may ask text questions via a computer terminal, gets answers from
the other room.

• If the human interrogator cannot distinguish the human from the machine, the
machine is said to be intelligent.
Capabilities of AI System
• Natural language processing, to enable it to communicate efficiently,
• Knowledge representation, to store what it knows or hears,
• Automated reasoning, to use the stored information to answer
questions and draw new conclusions,
• Machine learning, to adapt to new circumstances and detect and
extrapolate patterns,
• Computer vision, to perceive objects,
• Robotics, to manipulate objects and move around.
Thinking Humanly: Cognitive Science
• Problem: need to determine how humans think
• By introspection: trying to catch our own thoughts as they go by;
• By psychological experiments: observing a person in action;
• Cognitive Science brings together
• Computer models from AI, and
• Experimental techniques from psychology
to try to construct precise and testable theories of the workings of the human
• Some AI researchers (e.g. Newell & Simon with their General Problem Solver)
tried to compare the trace of program reasoning with human reasoning steps.
Thinking Rationally: The laws of thoughts
• Based on the syllogisms of the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
• Codify “right thinking” with logic.
• Logical formalism: Predicate logic
• Programs as logic derivation, Theorem proving
• Logic programming: Prolog as computer language (program is logic
• Problems:
1. Not all knowledge can be expressed with logical notations.
2. Computational blow up.
Acting Rationally: The Rational Agent
• An agent is just something that acts.
• A rational agent is one that acts so as to achieve the best outcome or
under uncertainty the best expected outcome.
• The right thing which is expected to maximize goal achievement,
given the available information.
Why Study AI?
Applications of AI
Speech recognition
• Virtual assistants: Siri (Apple), Echo (Amazon),
Google Now, Cortana (Microsoft).
• “They” helps get things done: send an email,
make an appointment, find a restaurant, tell
you the weather and more.
• Use deep neural networks to handle speech
recognition and natural language
Handwriting recognition (check, zipcode)
Machine Translation
Machine Translation
• Awesome robots today! NAO,
ASIMO, and more!
Recommendation systems (collaborative filtering)
Search Engines
Face detection
Detection of breast cancer in mammography images
Chess (1997): Kasparov vs. IBM Deep Blue

Powerful search algorithms!

Jeopardy! (2011): Humans vs. IBM Watson

Natural Language Understanding and information extraction!

Autonomous driving

– 2005: 132 miles
– 2007: Urban challenge
– 2009: Google self-
driving car


Welcome to the world of AI 
• “Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach” - Third Edition - Stuart J.
Russell and Peter Norvig.

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