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The Human Digestive

In human beings, the process of intake of essential nutrients in the form of
food takes place through an entire system is known as digestive system.

The human digestive system is constitutes of :

1/- Alimentary Canal :- Along hollow tube which contain organs through which
the food actually passes ( oesophagus, stomach, small intestine large
intestine, etc.) .

2/- Accessory Organs :- Organs that help in digestion but not food passes
through them ( liver, pancreas, salivary gland, etc.).


(break down of (digested food (absorbed food (removal of

(intake of food) larger molecules is absorbed is used to undigested food)
into smaller into body) provide energy)
Major Organs of the Digestive System :

1/- Mouth
2/- Oesophagus
3/- Stomach
4/- Small intestine
5/- Large intestine
6/- Rectum and Anus
(1) Mouth :- It is the first part of the digestive system from were the food enters into the
alimentary cannel.

 Functions:
- Mechanical breakdown of food by chewing
- Chemical breakdown by saliva

 Components:
- Teeth, tongue, salivary glands

Slivery Salivary
Mouth Saliva Starch Maltose
Gland Amylase
(2) Oesophagus :-

It is the thin and long muscular tube that pusses food downwards due to the rhythmic
contraction and relaxation of muscles and is known as peristaltic movement.

 Function:
- Transports food from the mouth to the stomach

 Process:
- Peristalsis: a series of wave-like muscle contractions
(3) Stomach :- Stomach is a large J-shaped organ which expand when food

The muscular wall of the stomach help in mixing the food thoroughly with more digestive juices.

 Functions:
− Stores food
− Mixes food with digestive juices
− Starts protein digestion

 Components:
− Gastric juices [ HCL, Pepsin, Mucus)

 Location:
− Between the esophagus and the small intestine, below the
(4) Small Intestine :-
• It is the longest part of the alimentary cannel.
• It is the site of the complete digestion of food.
• It secretes intestinal juice.

 Functions:
− Digestion of nutrients
− Absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream

(5) Large Intestine :-

 Functions:
− Absorbs water and salts
− Forms and stores feces
(6) Rectum and Anus :-

Rectum act as a temporary storage site for undigested food. It has voluntary smooth
muscles that remove the faces out of the body through the anus.

Accessory Organs of the Digestive System

1) Liver
2) Pancreas
(1) Liver :-

• It is the largest gland of the body.

• It secretes bile juice.

• Bile juice convert food into alkaline medium.

• Bile juice helps in emulsification of fats.

(2) Pancreas :-

It secretes pancreatic juice which contains enzymes like :

I. Trypsin = help in digestion of protein

II. Lipase = help in breaking down of emulsified fats

III. Pancreatic Amylase = helps in digestion of carbohydrates

• The digestive system is crucial for breaking down food, absorbing
nutrients, and eliminating waste.

• Maintaining digestive health is essential for overall well-being.

Thank you !

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