Waste Plastic to Fuel Technology of NSR

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Waste Plastic to Fuel Technology

Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, Ph.D, MCIC, FICER, MInstP, MRSC , FARSS.
Company History:
In 2003: Karin Kaufman founded Natural State Research, Inc.
Karin Kaufman is a Ph.D. in Religion, and she is the Sole Owner of Natural State
Research, Inc. (NSR)
About $13 Million was invested for Research and Development.
NSR has Six Patent Pending (US & PCT), and performed test’s of all products
(ASTM) and was done by Intertek.
NSR has received four awards and many Press Release in Different Internet
Currently, NSR is looking for a Potential Strategic Partner to build a Pilot Plant
towards commercialization (need about 1.5-2.5 Yrs).
Funding Source: Private and Personal Trustee.
Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, PhD, MCIC,
 Inventor of Waste Plastics to Fuel Technology specialty on Waste to Energy.
 Head of Science / Technology Team, and Corporate Officer for NSR.
 Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and
Technology (UMIST), Manchester, UK in 1996.
 More than 23 years of experience in Research and Development.
 Member of 35-40 Professional Organizations.
 95-100 Research Publications and six books.
 Six Patent Pending.
 45-50 Peer Reviewer of International Journal.
 15-20 Chief Editors of International Journal.
 80-85 Editorial Board Members of International Peer Review Journals.
 35-40 Media Coverage.
 AEE-CT Chapter President.
 International Innovator 2010 Award from AEE.
 Oversees, networking all business and technical aspects of NSR.
 Eight to Nine Years of Experiences and Expertise on Waste to Energy Projects.
Technology Brief Scenario
Natural State Research, Inc. (NSR) has developed an innovative and unique
technology to produce alternative hydrocarbon liquid fuel from almost all
types of solid waste plastic materials. The technology is environmentally
friendly. NSR can produce approximately 1.3 liters of fuel from one
kilogram of waste plastic. The exact yield depends on the type of waste
plastic, and the grade of fuel desired (unleaded gasoline, naphtha chemical,
low sulfur diesel, Aviation/Jet fuel, fuel oil, heating oil or light gases such
as methane, ethane, propane and butane).

Key benefits of the technology:

•It will reduce dependency on fossil fuels

•It will reduce environmental pollution, by removing plastic from landfills
•And it will create sustainable jobs that cannot be outsourced

NSR’s technology is new and alternative to fossil fuels – sustainably

creating fuels without depleting our natural resources. The raw materials
required to make NSR fuel (plastic) were abundant until now. Its disposal
has posed significant environmental problems. NSR’s core-enabling
technology is viable – seeding a new ecosystem of economic activity.
NSR’s technology is scalable, in that it can be deployed in every
metropolitan area around the world.
Problem: 7% of Plastic is Recycled
(U.S. plastic in thousands of tons)
Waste Plastic into Ocean’s and City’s

LA River in California Waste Plastics in Pacific Waste Plastic in City

Waste Plastics
Individual Waste Plastics Percentage
19% LDPE
10% Others

6% 19%

9% PP Source:- Plastics Feed Stock
Recycling Book
The Problems with Waste Plastics

• Landfills and Recycling

• Transportation of Waste Plastics to Landfill
• Economic Problems with Proper Handling
• Environmental Issues (Non Biodegradable)
• Water Pollution
• Air Pollution (GHG)
• Endangered Marine Life from Plastic Diet
Technology with Patent
Technology (U.S. 12/471717 & PCT/US09/03200)
Technology: Thermal cracking of various types of waste plastic
into primarily liquid fuel at atmospheric pressure and 370-420°C
(source of energy is electricity, natural gas, and NSR’s own gas). No
pyrolysis, no under vacuum, no catalyst, no chemical conversion, and
simple handling/ operation.


Waste Plastics NSR Fuel


City Electricity
Electricity Production
Process Flow Diagram

Sorting Washing Drying
Grinding & Condensation Fuel

Fuel Final Fuel Sold as ultra low

Purification Gasoline, Diesel Sulfur crude

Production Yield Percentage




Products Name

Gasoline Heating Oil Diesel

Naphtha Chemical Aviation Fuel Fuel Oil

Lab Scale Fractional Fuel Percentage
Light Gas 8%

Residue 2%
Waste Plastics

Gasoline 6% Naphtha 38% Aviation 30% Diesel 21% Fuel Oil 5%

Car Chemicals Aircraft Truck Ship

 Any organization – be it a municipality, or a privately owned waste management facility will
benefit from the “carbon credits” upon the elimination of the waste plastic and the reduction in
dependence on fossil fuels. NSR can produce Crude oil, Gasoline, Diesel, Aviation, Home heating /
fuel oil, and Naphtha.
 NSR’s fuel burns cleaner than gasoline, due to its reduced concentrations of benzene, toluene,
styrene, xylene, and naphthalene compounds, which are present in fossil fuel emissions. NSR’s fuel
also contains negligible amount of sulfur, but it does not contain phosphor and nitrogen.
 Direct environmental benefits are realized by the removal of waste plastics from the environment.

Light Gas (C1-C4)

Residue Road
Waste Plastics Carpeting

Gasoline Naphtha Aviation Diesel Fuel Oil

Car Chemical Industry Air Bus Truck Ship

Waste Plastic to Fuel Use Through NSR Technology
Cost Analysis
● Thermal Process is at ambient pressure between 370-420° C
● NSR Fuel Energy input = 15-20 kWh
US$ 1.65 - 2.20
(Excluding overhead)
● Energy output = 55-60 kWh
US$ 6.05 – 6.60
● 3.0-3.40 Kg of Plastics = 3.8 litter = 1 gallon in Lab Scale
(Commercial scale would be less than US$ 0.50 – 0.70 per gallon)

Present Price:
● Gasoline = US$ 2.50-3.00 per gallon; Energy output: 35-40 kWh
● Diesel: US$ 3.00-3.50 per gallon
● Aviation Fuel: US$ 5.00-6.00 per gallon
Driving an Automobile with NSR Fuel

NSR Car Test Experiment

Specification for test vehicle:
1984 Oldsmobile (V-8, 5.0 liters powered engine) and 4 door Sedan
Experimental Conditions
Driver: Eugene Sheveron (180 lbs)
Along with three other researchers (Weight = 550 lbs)
Five -Gallon fuel container (35 lbs)
Spare Tire (50 lbs)
Total Load: 815 lbs
Mileage obtained:

NSR’s fuel (76) = 18 Miles/Gallon

Gasoline (87) = 15 Miles/ Gallon
Advantage of NSR Technology and Products
1. Efficient
2. Economic (cost effective)
3. Eco Friendly
4. 95-98% yield with minimum solid waste/ residue
5. No need to sort out waste plastics (except PETE and PVC)
6. Easy to setup (modular and mobile unit)
7. NSR’s fuels work with existing internal combustion engine
8. Creates jobs
9. Free/ little cost for raw materials
10. Easy to work with existing recycling and city waste facilities
11. Low investment with high return
• If all U.S.A.’s 40 million tons of waste plastic were converted to fuel with NSR’s
technology, there would approximately be 10.8 billion gallons less foreign imports
annually ($13.8 billion annual EBIT).

• As ultra high quality crude, the market can easily absorb 100% of NSR’s fuel
• NSR seeks to cultivate collaborative agreements with municipalities to build fuel-
processing plants that are an integral part of their waste plastic processing and vehicle
fueling systems.
• NSR seeks to offer its technology in a franchise / licensing format. Each locally owned
franchise / license would be able to build its own fuel production plant.
• NSR seeks to work with large Army bases, Airlines, Air force, DOE, USADA, NASA,
Aviation industries, Plastic industries, and Naval ships in converting their plastic waste
into reusable fuel. Not only this processes waste, which is a costly process, this recovers
economically viable fuel usable in standard internal combustion engines. Example:
U.S. Navy – initial takes 50K tons ramping up to 550K (West Coast) $1.55 billion cost
saving to the Navy.
Business Model
 NSR's product can compete unsubsidized with Crude Oil as
low as $30/bbl (approximately $0.75/gal.).
 Feedstock assured by offering $45/ton for waste plastic that
costs an average of $25/ton for landfill disposal.
 NSR plans to license their technology as well as having a
company owned and operated plants.
 Modular plants with an annual capacity of 25K tons of
plastic would have a capital cost of $16.00 million, produce
8.5 million gallons of fuel and $25.5 million/yr. EBIT after
2.5 yrs. Completion Plant needs 2.5 yrs time.
There are very few waste plastic’s to fuel competitors (less than 0.001%).
NSR will compete with greater product yield, greater flexibility both in terms of Feedstock (types of plastics),
product (types of fuel), and lower capital costs.
 Preliminary external analysis of NSR’s fuel indicates that this preserve’s aviation-type fuel. This offers a high
potential of return on investment. Initial tests also show 17% higher vehicle mileage with NSR’s fuel when
compared with commercial gasoline. This provides competitive economic advantages for NSR’s fuels over the
conventional fossil fuels. In addition to the unique advantages in its environmentally friendly source for
alternative energy.
 Ozmotech and Envion are a few companies that are working in this area.

 NSR’s advantage is that unlike the other companies NSR uses simple thermal conversion process, which
results less operating costs.
 NSR’s technology is also different from the other companies, because NSR can produce more than one type of
fuel from waste plastics.
 All known competitors use pyrolysis and under vacuum.


Pyrolysis 23.5% 36.8% 17.8% 31.5% 59.0%

NSR 81.6% 90.2% 92.0% 93.1% 90.5%

Professional Team

Wilson Sonsini – Corporate and Patent

Intertek – Products Testing & Validation
Bechtel – Engineering
KMPG – Accounting
Accenture – Strategic Business Planning
Navigant – Market & Customer Research
Acxiom – Sales & Marketing
Next Immediate Steps
Mo Pre-Engineering Testing & Fabrication

1 Source of plastic, compare vendor Test effect of moisture, labels,

specifications, equipment performance confirm lucrative plastic blend

2 Refinement of project schedule, permit Pilot Fabrication start

research, preliminary engineering

3 Draft permit plan begins, refinement of capex Pilot Fabrication 50%

& opex, identify 1st plant site

4 Research bioplastics option, Permit planning Pilot Fabrication done


5 Capex/Opex compared to pilot data, Permit Pilot testing – optimal heating &
plan complete condensing rates

6 Permit application for 3 ton/hr. plant Pilot demonstrations

Technical Testing
Next Step
Determine if dry cleaning is better than wet.
Confirm that leaving labels on are okay.
Confirm that plastic bags do not require pre-processing.
Confirm energy savings from vacuum operations.
Determine preliminary feasibility of using waste tires.
Confirm most lucrative combinations of plastics to process.
Provide key data for design criteria for three ton/hr. plant.
Test its efficiency for gasoline and diesel engine types.
Determine whether any engine retrofits will be required.
Demonstrate enhanced engine performance with the objectives
of reduced emissions and increased cost savings.
Year One Deliverables
 Safety Plan
 Operational protocols
 Mass/energy balance for process
 Process Flow Diagram
 Stoichiometric report
 Environmental impact statement
 Environmental Study
 Fatal Flaw Analysis
 Economic Analysis Report
 Information Disclosure Statement
 Licensor Process Guarantees
 Pre-Feasibility study
 Feasibility study
 Pilot plant design, fabrication and operation
 Continuous Flow plant design, fabrication and operation
 Large commercial plant conceptual design
 Process equipment specifications
 Capex/Opex Engineering report
Funding of $16 Million USD
Funding Requirement $16.00 million (2.5 years).
100K for Proof of Concept (65 Kg = 17-18 Gallons of LS Diesel)
$3.50 million for Building Pilot Plant including:
Permit, design, reactor, labor, and others (one year).
If we are fortunate the next significant funding will be for the first
commercial plant (i.e. $10 million +2.5 M for Contingent)
including permit, design, equipments, reactors, labors, labor, and
other relevant cost (two years).
If financials are close to correct then project financing should be
readily available thereafter.
Pilot Plant and Commercial Facility will be built in parallel way as
well as same location depends on the availability or investors /
collaborators desire.
Commercial Plant Schedule
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
‘12 ‘12 ‘12 ‘12 ‘13 ‘13 ‘13 ‘13 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14
Major Tasks
Pilot Fabrication &
Permitting 50K Plant




Site Preparation


Contingency & Plant

Revenue Sources

1. Pilot Plant
2. Commercial Plants
3. Licensing / Franchise in U.S.A. and around the
globe (Licensing fees and royalties)
4. Process Control (Software)
5. Servicing & Provide Training for Potential
6. Supply Equipments to Potential Licensors
Revenue Associates with Pilot Plant (1 Ton /Day)
1 Ton / Day
Time: 9 AM -5 PM
Total = 8 Hours
1 Ton Waste Plastic = ~8 Barrels Fuel
= 8 X 42 gallons
= 336 gallons
If 1 gallon selling cost is $3.80 then 336 gallon X $ 3.80 = $ 1,276.80
Five days production = 336 X 5
= 1,680 gallons
If 1 gallon selling cost $3.80 then 1,680 gallon X $ 3.80 = $ 6,384.00

One month = 20 working days

20 days production = 336 X 20
= 6,720 gallons
If 1 gallon selling cost $3.80 then 6,720 gallon X $ 3.80 = $ 25,536.00

12 Month production = 6,720 X 12

= 80,640 gallons
If 1 gallon selling cost $3.80 than 80,640 gallon X 3.80 = $ 306,432.00
Revenue Associates with Commercial Facility
(25,000 Ton/Year)
1 Year = 365 Days

Plant Running = 324 Days / Year

Maintenance and Repairing = 41 Days /Year

1 Month = 27 Working Days

1 Day = 24 Hours Running Facilities

1 Shift = 8 Hours
25,000 Ton / Year Conversion

One Year = 324 Days

324 Days = 25,000 Ton Conversion

One Day = 25,000/ 324 = 77.16 Ton Conversion

One Day = 24 Hours Running

24 Hours = 77.16/24 = 3.215 Ton Conversion in one Hour

One Hour Conversion = 3.215 Ton Waste Plastic

Fuel Production Daily Basis

1 Ton Waste Plastic = Seven – Eight Barrel’s of fuel

1 Barrel = 42 Gallons
1 Gallon=3.8 Liters
I Ton of Waste Plastics = 7-8 Barrels of Diesel Fuel
3.215 Ton of Waste Plastic = 22.50-25.72 Barrel of fuel for 1 Hour
1 Hour 3.215 Ton Waste Plastic = 945.21 – 1080.24 gallons of Diesel fuel
1 Day = 77.16 Ton Conversion X 7 -8 Barrel’s = 540.12 -617.28 Barrel’s
= 22,685.04 -25,925.76 Gallons of Diesel Fuel/Day

Capital Cost : US$16 M and Time needs 2.5-3.0 Yrs

Monthly Basis Fuel Production

1 Month = 27 Days

27 Days Conversion = 2,083.32 Ton Waste Plastic

= 2,083.32 X Seven - Eight
= 14,583.24 – 16,666.56 Barrel’s of Diesel fuel
= 612,496.08 -699,995.52 Gallons of Diesel fuel

12Month = 25,000 Ton Waste Plastic Conversion

= 25,000 X Seven – Eight

= 175,000 – 200,000 Barrel’s of Diesel Fuel
= 175,000-200,000 X 42
= 7350,000-8400,000 (7.3-8.4 M) Gallons of Diesel Fuel
Revenue Generation From 25000 Ton Waste Plastic /

If 1 Gallon of Diesel Fuel = $3.80

25,000 Ton Waste Plastic to Fuel Selling Cost = 7350,000 -8400,000 X 3.80

=27,930,000-31,920,000 = $27.9-31.9 Million US$.

Everything will be determined or final calculation based on

the successes of 1 Ton / Day Pilot Plant Facility.

Capital Cost : US$16 M and Time needs 2.5-3.0 Yrs.

Sustainability of NSR Technology
National Grid

House Hold City / Municipal NSR Technology

Collect Waste Plastics

Home Heating
Waste Collection Vehicle
NSR Fuel

Generator / Turbine
City Vehicles such as
School Buses, Trucks, Police, Produce Electricity Recharge
Fire, Ambulance, etc. and back up Hybrid Car
NSR Competitive Advantages
Other plastic recycling technologies have a narrow band of plastics
that can be utilized (usually #1 and #2).
Generally, #3 through #7 is a costly disposal problem. NSR can
use #1 through #7.
NSR’s technology is designed to be cheaper and simpler than
pyrolysis (virtually to all other fuel competitors).
We are more flexible in terms of both input (types of plastic) and
output (types of fuels).
Fuel Production Cost Comparison with Bio-fuel, Bio-diesel, Bio-
mass, Ethanol & NSR fuel in USA

Updated in Recent Fuel Production Producing Cost for

Year Sources Commercial
(Per Gallon in USD)
March 24, 2008 Bio-fuel $2.42
March, 2008/2009 Bio-diesel $2.20
May 20, 2009 Bio-mass $2.38
August 5,2009 Ethanol $1.90
May 2010 NSR fuel $0.50-0.75
Plant Cost Configuration
Footprint Capacity Capital Operating Annual Population
/ Space Tons/yr. Cost Cost EBIT Equivalent
50,000 ft² 100,000 $17 +10 M $28/bbl $50M 1,000,000
= $27 M
25,000 ft² 50,000 $9 + 7 M $29/bbl $25M 500,000
= $16 M
15,000 ft² 25,000 $7.5 + 5 M $31/bbl $12.6M 250,000
= $12.5 M
12,000 ft² 10,000 $4 + 3 M $34/bbl $5.0M 100,000
= $7 M
10,000 ft² 5,000 $3 + 2 M $38/bbl $2.5M 50,000
= $5 M
8,000 ft² 2,500 $2 + 1 M $43/bbl $1.2M 25,000
= $3 M
Ancillary Waste Alternative EBITDA Direct Jobs
Jobs Plastic Fuel Created
Tons/yr. Production
25 100,000 33,600,000 $50M 75
12 50,000 16,800,000 $25M 50
9 25,000 8,400,000 $12.6M 35
5 10,000 3,360,000 $5.0M 10
4 5,000 1,680,000 $2.5M 8
3 2,500 840,500 $1.2M 6
Total 48 M Tons 16.13 B gals $24.12B 60,000 -100,000

Excluding Zoning and Planning Permitting Cost.

Plant Configuration and EBIT in 15 Years
Plant Construction 15 yrs. Tons Capacity % of % of
Costs EBIT World
$5M $122M 25,000/yr. < 1% < 1%

$50M $1.2B 225,000/yr. < 1% < 1%

$100M $2.4B 425,000/yr. 1.1% < 1%

$1B $24B 4,025,000/yr. 11% 1.7%

$5B $120B 20,025,000/yr. 55% 8.8%

More Advantages by using NSR Technology and
Products as follows
H.R. 3592 Tax Credit (NSR fuel at $0.15/gal.)
“Plastics Recycling Act of 2009”
Introduced by Pascrell, Reichert, Christensen, and
Jackson-Lee in September 17, 2009.
Provides a $0.60/gal tax credit for ten years.
Limited to 84,000 gallons production per facility
(about 12 tons/hr of plastic for NSR’s technology).
Benefits: Waste Management
Substantially increase’s amount of plastic being
Fix fuel costs at $0.75/gal (before tax), $0.15/gal if
H.R. 3592 passes.
Provide an ultra-low sulfur Diesel Fuel.

Competitive bidding advantage for contracts.

Opportunities for new large commercial accounts.
Benefits: Transportation Sector
Flexible fuel production (UPS & FedEx large jet fleets).

Fixed Fuel cost (Union Pacific diesel at $0.75/gal).

Transportation companies have logistics in place for

backhaul of waste plastic.
UP Rail moves a ton of freight 830 miles on 1 gallon of
diesel (4 times better than trucks). From cost perspective,
NSR’s fuel would be 2,490 miles per gallon / ton.
Benefits: Chemical Sector

Offers future flexibility for plastic production.

Could enable Bio-plastics (needs to be tested).

Fixed cost per barrel for Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel at $30-35/bbl.

Public Relations.
Benefits: Oil Sector
A source of ultra-low sulfur Diesel Fuel.

Domestic supply with fixed internal price of $30-35/bbl.

Distribution logistics already in place.

Less controversial permit modification because of environmental

Potential Clients of NSR’s Technology in U.S.A.
1. City, Towns, Municipalities, Corporate Offices, Stadiums,
Rock Concerts, Sea Beaches, etc.
2. Hotel, Resort, Conference Centers, Universities, Colleges,
Schools, etc.
3. Department of Energy (DOE)
4. Aviation Industries
5. Department of Defense (US Army, Navy, Air Base, and Air
6. Department of Transportation (DOT)
7. USADA, Homeland Security, NASA, Airport, and Seaport
8. Plastics Industries & Other Manufacturing Companies
9. Many more
• Convert waste plastics to Hydrocarbon liquid fuel /
Crude Oil / Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel.
• Produce electricity using generator / turbine.
• Reduce landfill by converting waste plastic to useful
Hydrocarbon fuel.
• Save marine aquatic life by reducing water pollution.
• Create local and sustainable jobs.
NSR Technology Award
As recognition of NSR’s innovative technology, NSR received the AEI 2009
Tech Award by the Society of Automobile Engineering International at the SAE
World Congress and Expo in Detroit, Michigan held on 20-23 April, 2009.
Innovation Pipeline Award
For recognition for its outstanding achievement, NSR was
awarded the Innovation Pipeline Award 2009-2010 “companies
to watch” at the Connecticut Technology Council at OMNI
Hotel New Haven, CT, held on September, 17 2009 and 2010.
Ten Top Technologies for 2010

6. Running on waste - Meanwhile, Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, Ph.D., MCIC,

and Vice President (VP) of Research & Development of Natural State
Research Inc., Stamford, CT, USA, has discovered a formula to make
liquid fuel (Low Sulfur Diesel) from waste plastic. In the conversion
process, almost 100 percent of the plastics turned into liquid fuel for any
internal combustion engines.
Energy leaders recognized at WEEC, December 8-10, 2010 at the Walter E.
Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. USA.

Washington, DC (December 1, 2010) – Through its International Awards

Program, the Association of Energy Engineers, a nonprofit professional
association of over 13,000 members, recognizes the important work being done in
energy by individuals, organizations, agencies, and corporations. The following
awards will be presented December 8 at the 33rd World Energy Engineering
Congress in Washington, DC.

Renewable Energy Innovator of the Year Award-2010

(Caption: Carl Salas presented Moinuddin Sarker with the Renewable Energy
Innovator of the Year Award)
Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, PhD, MCIC, FICER, MInstP, MRSC,
FARSS has developed an innovative thermal degradation or de-
polymerization or distillation process for the conversion of waste
plastics into hydro-carbon fuel (Low Sulfur Diesel). He is the Chief
Scientist in charge of his science team. He has lectured throughout
the U.S. and Canada, sharing his new technology with industry and
government leaders. His research converts approximately one ton of
waste plastic into over 330 gallons of Diesel Fuel, at a cost of about
$0.50-$0.75 per gallon. The fuel delivers greater energy potential,
per unit volume, burning cleaner and resulting in higher mileage per
gallon than commercially available gasoline. His research has been
published in more than 100 publications.
NSR Management Team
1. Karin Kaufman, PhD.
CEO and President
2. Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, PhD, MCIC, FICER, MInstP, MRSC,
Vice President (R & D) and CO
Head of Science Team
3. New Management To Be Hired (TBH)
NSR’s Pawling, NY Show Casing (Mini Plant)-2014

Waste Water and Plastic Sorting Unit (Modular 1)

Condensation Unit / Fuel Production Unit (Modular 2)
Custom fume hood for up to
60Kg. Reactor


C1-C4 Reactor
11 Kg. Reactor

Liquid fuel
Condensation Unit / Fuel Production
Condensation Unit / Fuel Production
Condensation Unit / Fuel Production
Condensation Unit / Fuel Production
Condensation Unit / Fuel Production
For more information regarding
NSR Products and Technology (Licensing,
Franchise / Strategic Partnership):

Please contact: Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, PhD, MCIC, FICER,

+1 (203) 231-5300 (Cell) / 203-406-0675 (Work)


E-mails: msarker@naturalstateresearch.com


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