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Environmental Issue

What Is Environment

Environment is an essential natural process or an outcome of occurrence.

Environment is surrounding atmosphere/ condition for existence.


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan

Environmental Issue In Pakistan

Environmental issues in Pakistan threaten the populations health and have been disturbing the balance between economic development and environmental protection.

Poor natural resource management over many years and continuing high population growth have had a negative impact on Pakistan's environment.

Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan

Environmental Issue In Pakistan

Pakistan has focused on achieving selfsufficiency in food production, meeting energy demands, and containing its high rate of population growth rather than on curtailing pollution or other environmental hazards.

As a result, "green" concerns have not been the government's top priority


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan

Key Environmental Issues and Challenges

Water Resources Energy Environmental Pollution Irrigated Agriculture and Cropland Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan

Water Resources
Water is an essential element for our survival
There is a limited natural fresh water resources; a majority of the population does not have access to potable water; deforestation; soil erosion; desertification Per capita water availability in Pakistan has decreased from 5,000 cubic meters per annum in to 1,100 in 1951. The principal source of drinking water for the majority of people in Pakistan is groundwater. Most of the rural areas and many major cities rely on it, although some cities such as Islamabad, Karachi, Hyderabad etc., get water from a number of other sources. About 80% of the Punjab has fresh groundwater, but in Sindh, less than 30% of groundwater is fresh.

A recent study of 11 cities of Punjab shows an excess of arsenic and fluoride concentrations in the water supply systems of six cities; Multan, Bhawalpur, Shaikhupura, Kasur, Gujranwala, and Lahore Alarmingly, over 2 million people in these cities are drinking unsafe water, some with a high arsenic concentration.
3-May-12 Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan 7

Water Resources


Presented By Irtaza & Umair

Environmental Pollution



Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan

Environmental Pollution
Water Pollution Air Pollution Soil Pollution

Types Of Pollution


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


Air Pollution

Air pollution in Pakistan is caused by industrial and thermal power plants, but more particularly by vehicular emissions

Karachi and Lahore, is estimated to be 20 times higher than World Health Organization standards

A large number of commercial vehicles ply on Karachi roads without proper fitness.

These unfit vehicles are out to emit dangerous smoke through their exhausts which cause serious health problems especially chest related diseases among the citizens

An estimated 550 metric tons per year of lead emissions are generated by vehicles in Pakistan

Many Pakistani environmentalists say that poor fuel quality is also to blame for the country's serious air pollution problems


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


Air Pollution


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste

Roughly 48,000 tons of solid waste is generated every day in the country.

Streets are treated as receptacles for waste.

There is only partial segregation of recyclable waste. Waste paper, plastic, metal, glass, rubber, rags and so on are thrown on the streets along with domestic, trade and institutional wastes.

Poor sanitation and hygiene and the lack of access to a safe drinking water supply are considered key contributing factors to the high rate of disease (such as diarrhea) in the country.

Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan

Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


Biological Effect

Mental retardation

Eye disease



Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan

Pollution And Waste Management

Presently over 15,000 industrial units located in different districts, discharge highly toxic waste.

It converted the blue waters of Arabian coast into a septic tank. Thousands of tons of toxic waste is dumped into the sea every day

The city generates around 7,000 tons of garbage daily which is also disposed of without proper treatment.

Major industrial contributors to water pollution in Pakistan are the petrochemicals, paper and pulp, food processing, tanneries, refineries, textile and sugar industries.


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


In recent years, Pakistans rising consumption of oil its flat oil production (close to 65,000 bbl/day)

Pakistans demand for electricity is also rising rapidly, close to 12% on the average. Its installed capacity is about 23,000 megawatts (MW) Pakistan faces power shortages during peak seasons and peak hours of use, making it necessary to implement rotating blackouts ("load-shedding"). Additionally, many rural areas do not even have access to electricity, while half the population is not connected to the national grid.

Technical and commercial losses caused by poor infrastructure and a significant amount of power theft represent 30% of the total electric power generated. Pakistan, as an energy intensive is a net importer of energy, and also lags behind other countries in converting high-value primary energy (gas and oil) into useful energy services. Pakistan contributes little to greenhouse gas emissions and global climate change. Its total energy-related carbon dioxide emissions measure about 100 million t, of which 46% is from oilrelated emissions, 45% from gas, and 9% from coal.
3-May-12 Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan 17

Irrigated Agricultur & Cropland

The irrigation of crops with heavy water requirements (such as sugarcane and rice) deposits 20 million tons of river salts every year, and moves salts in the soil profile to the surface.

Pakistan depends heavily on irrigation agriculture

The resulting Process reduces crop yields, while the use of groundwater containing relatively high levels of dissolved salts leads to sodicity


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan



Much of the countrys variety of plant and animal life has disappeared over its long period of civilization

Natural ecological zones have been so widely affected by human activity that very few truly natural habitats remain.

Pakistan has the least variety of mammals, birds, amphibians, and higher plants per representative unit of area.

The excessive and improper use of pesticides destroys the natural biotic balance of agricultural soils and reduces the diversity of invertebrate fauna

It is estimated that a quarter of the pesticides applied to crops eventually reach the Arabian Sea as runoff


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


Forests are important in the fight against greenhouse gasses which are impacting climate change. They absorb water and ensure that it is filtered, sustained, and gradually available for consumption.

Deforestation and desertification lead to landslides and drought.

When forests are cut down to use land for agriculture, carbon stored in trees is released as carbon dioxide (CO2)

Pakistan has only 2.5 percent of forest cover with an alarming rate of deforestation.
The annual rate of deforestation in Pakistan is -2.1 percent, no Asian country has a forest degradation rate higher than this.


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


Government Policy
In 1992 the government issued its National Conservation Strategy Report (NCSR) outlining Pakistan's state of environmental health, its sustainable goals, and viable program options for the future with the National Conservation Goals
The NCSR stipulated three goals for the country's environmental protection efforts

Conservation of natural resources

Promotion of sustainable development
Improvement of efficiency in the use and management of resources.

in 1993 Pakistan applied National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) to municipal and liquid industrial effluents and industrial gaseous emissions, motor vehicle exhaust, and noise.

However, attempts to legislate environmenta l protection have fallen short, and regulations have not been enforced strongly


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


Government Policy
The government's 1995 Clean Fuel Initiative was largely ineffective, and now authorities are looking at the possibility of using alternative fuels for vehicles

According to the latest statistics, more than 275 CNG stations are in operation and over 275,000 cars have been converted to CNG, making Pakistan third largest CNG consumer in the world after Argentina and Italy

Use of CNG in vehicles is being encouraged to reduce pressure on petroleum imports, to reduce carbon emissions and improve the environment. But It Has decrease our natural gas
3-May-12 Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan 22


Environmental concerns in Pakistan can be examined in both rural and urban contexts, but the institutional and regulatory framework required for environmental management has not evolved noticeably during the last periods.


Presented By Kamran,Umair,Anis,Arsalan


Q/Ans Session

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