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● Protein name is derived form a Greek word PROTOS which means "the first or the
● Protein are extremely complicated and nitrogenous molecule made up of variable
number of amino acid residue joined to each other by a specific covalent bond called
peptide bond.
● 20 amino acid which have been found to occur in all proteins, known as standard amino
Why are proteins important?
● Proteins make up about 15% of the mass of the average person Enzyme act as a
biological catalyst
● Storage and transport - Haemoglobin
● Defence -Antibodies
● Hormones - Insulin
● Ligaments and arteries (mainly formed by elastin Protein)
● Muscle - Proteins in the muscle respond to nerve impulses by changing the packing of
their molecules (Actin and myosin)
● Hair, nails and skin: Protein keratin as main component

● Protein is a complex organic nitrogenous compound composed of amino acid linked together
by peptide bonds.
● Protein is a high molecular-weight polypeptide made up of amino acid linked together by
polypeptide bonds.

Features of Proteins

● Most important biomolecules they are the fundamental constituent of the cytoplasm of the
● Structural elements of body tissues.
● Proteins are considered as the bricks, they make up bones, muscles, hair and other parts of
the body.
● Proteins like enzymes are functional elements that take part in metabolic reactions.
Properties of Proteins
Physical Properties

● Proteins are colorless and tasteless.

● They are homogeneous and crystalline.
● Proteins vary in shape, they may be simple crystalloid structure to long fibrilar structures.
● The diffusion rates of proteins is extremely slow.
● Proteins exhibit Tyndall effect.

Chemical Properties

● Hydrolyzed by acidic agents.

● Reaction with alcohols & gives esters. This process is known as esterification.
● Amino acids reacts with amines to form amides.
● Protein gives Sanger reaction.
● Protein gives Xanthoproteic Test.
● Protein gives Folin's test.
Structure of Proteins

Primary Structure of Protein:

● Primary structure of protein is the linear sequence of amino acids that make up the polypeptide
● This sequence is given by the sequence of nucleotide bases of the DNA in the genetic code.
Secondary Structure of Protein:

The folding of the polypeptide chain into a specific coiled structure held together by disulfide bonds and
hydrogen bonds is known as the secondary structure of protein.

Tertiary Structure of Protein:

Tertiary structure of proteins is the three dimensional structure formed by the bending and twisting of the
polypeptide chain. The overall arrangement and interrelationship of the various regions, or domain and
individual amino acid residues of a single polypeptide chain is known as the tertiary structure of protein.

Quaternary Structure of Protein:

Some proteins contain more than one polypeptide chains, this association of polypeptide chains refers to
the quaternary structure. Each polypeptide chain is called a subunit.
Classification based on shape
Depend upon the axial ratio the protein are classify into two type of protein.

1. Globular protein
2. Fibrous protein

Classification based on
Catalytic Protein: These are enzyme which may be simple or conjugated.

1. Alkaline phosphatase
2.Alanine transaminase
Regulatory or Hormonal protein: Many protein and peptide acts as hormone.

1. Insulin
2. Growth Hormone

Structural Protein: Contribute to the structure of the tissue.

3. Collagen
4. Elastin

Transport Protein: Serve to carry substances.

5. Transferrin carry Iron

6. Hemoglobin carry Oxygen

Immune Protein: Serve in defense mechanism.

Immunoglobulin, IgG, IgA, IgM, ID,IgE

Contractile Protein: Takes part in the muscle contraction.

7. Actin
8. Myosin
Function of Protein
● Transport substances in blood of different tissues.
E.g: Haemoglobin is a oxygen transport protein.
● Contraction of muscle and cells
E.g: Myosin.
● Prevents blood loss

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