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Rights of Wife in Islam

The topic worthy of discussion as the status

of women in the status quo is contemptable
and need to be revived before it is too late.
Presented by Maria Malik
Iqra Ramazn
Mahrukh Mir
Hassan Mehboob
Farwa sheikh ,and
What are the Rights?
• Rights are those fundamental needs of a living being which need to be
protected in order to maintain law and order in the society.
• The society where rights are not be given, fall into prey of anarchy which in
turn cause increasing crime rates and chaos.
Rights and Duty are two sides of the same coin.
In order to give someone his right, you have to fulfill your duty and thus it is the
duty of the other to give you your right and so on.
What is Islam’s take on rights?
• Well, we all know Islam is religion of peace hence it can’t compromise on
fundamental rights.
• “KHUTUBAH -E-HUJATUL-WIDAH” was all about protection of
fundamental rights and ideal Islamic way of life.
• If Islam gives so much importance to the protection of the rights of animals
and plants even; how can it neglect the very rights of wife?
• Islam is a religion of love and peace. It doesn’t simply order His followers for
performing certain rituals but it has also has a complete code of conduct in the
form of Holy Quran and the teachings of Our Holy Prophet Muhammad
• As the teaching of Islam provide the best procedures for performing every
worldly task. Guidance on daily life matters in the ayah of Quran;
• Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with an even balance. That
is the best (way) and best in result.”
Rights of wife
• Islam has mentioned rights and responsibilities for everyone. The rights of one
person become the responsibilities of other. Same is in the case of marriage. It
is one of the most beautiful Sunnah of our Holy Prophet. After the marriage the
Husband and wife are bonded in a relationship of love and respect. They have
certain rights and responsibilities on each other. Thus this beautiful relationship
leads towards the formation of generations and the human race is carried on. It
is a blessing to the whole society.
• The Holy Prophet P.B.U.H said “This world is a temporary joys and the best
temporary joy of this world is a righteous wife.”
• Sahih Muslim, 1467 Book: Right of Spouses
 Love and kindness
It is basic and most essential right of a wife given to her in Islam. Love and
kindness adds more sweetness in husband-wife relationship as plants needs more
water to grow up same with their(husband-wife) relationship love and kindness
creates more fruitfulness.
• It is the right of wife that the husband will treat her with good manners.
Because the husband-wife relationship is based on love and mercy. As Allah
(SWT) says in the Quran: “And be kind to your wives”.
The most prominent verse related to love of husband and wife described by
Allah Almighty: “(And of His signs is that He created you from yourself
mates and that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between
you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give
• Allah instructs men to be nice to their wives and to treat them well to the best
of their ability.
• Our beloved prophet (S.A.W) maintained the great standard of treatment
towards His wives like love, affection, kindness, care. It is clearer from the
hadith once a companion asked the prophet (P.B.U.H) what is the right of wife
over the husband?
• The prophet said: “that you feed them when you eat, you clothe them when
you clothe yourself, you do not strike her face, and you do not rebuke her or
boycott inside the house”
 Fair and kind attitude
It has been proven from the context that after the first revelation on Prophet
(P.B.U.H), he shared his experience with no one but his wife Hazrat Khadija
(R.A) in order to seek opinion which clearly depicts that it is important to take
advice from your life partner while encountering dilemma in life. Your wife is
your responsibility. You should treat her with honor and politeness. Allah says,
“And live with them honorably” [al-Nisaa’ 4:19]
Women and children are delicate in nature so it has been emphasized by Quran
and hadith to reflect an act of kindness on them. It is the right of wife to be
treated kindly as she is your responsibility through contract (nikkah). Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W.) said,
‘Be kind to women.’ (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3153; Muslim, 1468).
• No human being is perfect and all of us make mistakes. And it goes for both
men and women. In case of a woman (wife), she may commit errors by being
rude to her husband, do something against his desire, and so on. It is insightful
for a man to forgive her wifes mistakes and correct her in private.
• Imam Ali said, “Cope with women under all circumstances and speak to
them well; (and by doing so) it may make their actions correct.”
• Spouses are like garments to one another. It is said in Surah-Al-Baqrah that “
your spouses are a garment for you as you are for them”
Marrying a women doesn’t mean she is your property,
treat her with respect,
make her your queen,
love her,
Honour her And
give her a reason to treat you same.
concept of khula (separation).
• Khula’ means the separation of the wife in go back for a charge; the husband takes
the charge and let his wife go, whether or not this payment is the mehr which he
gave to her, or greater or less than that.
• Khula is a right of woman to seek divorce and many Muslims confirmed it as a
right for women and the foremost common grounds for ladies seeking Khula
are violence , physical and/or emotional abuse, inability of husband to
supply for her financially and lack of affection.
• The Qur’an is very clear in advising men that they cannot take back any
Mehr given as that is the right of the wife unless they separate due to not
being able to fulfill the rights of relationship or friendly companionship with
one another)
• [al-Baqarah 2:229].
• (It records an episode during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad when he was
approached by the wife of a companion of his, Thabit bin Qais. She asked the
Prophet’s advice saying that she could not find any defects in Thabit’s
character or religion but simply could not endure to live with him. The Prophet
asked if she was willing to return a garden Thabit had given to her as Mehr
upon which she replied that she was. This was done and Thabit bin Qais then
divorced her.)
• (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5273).
The Mehr (settlement)
• This is the cash to which the spouse is entitled from her better half when the
marriage is fulfilled. It is a right which the man is obliged to pay to his wife.
• Allah says in Quran:
‘‘And give to the women (whom you marry) their Mehr (obligatory bridal-
money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) with a
good heart” [al-Nisaa’ 4:4]
• A man is responsible to accommodate and provide for his wife and children. A
man should spend on his wife sufficiently and reasonably. He is responsible
for fulfilling her financial needs.
• According to Quran:
‘‘but the father of the child shall bear the cost of the mother’s food and
clothing on a reasonable basis’’ [al-Baqarah 2:2333]
• From sunnah:
“Take what is sufficient for you and your children, on a reasonable basis.”
• Marriage in Islam is a method for tension reduction, a means of legitimate
procreation, friendship and loyalty etc.
• A husband is supposed to be the one who cures the heart of his wife. He is her
friend, her companion, her support.
• He dries her tears of pain and brings happiness to her life. He plays and jokes
with her to show his affection.
• These all are the teachings of our Holy Prophet P.B.U.H. He taught us this
throughout his blessed life.
• “ Do not dare hurt women whom God created from your Ribs,
for every time you break her , you break yourself as well.”

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