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Computer hardware and software :

• The physical parts that we can see and touch are called hardware.
• Eg : CPU , Keyboard , Monitor etc…
• Software cannot be seen by us but it plays an important role in
working of the hardware parts the way we want.
• Eg : OS (Operating system),BIOS (Basic input output system).
• The monitor is a hardware device , when we open a game on the computer we see it on the
monitor so its basically a display device that shows us what we are doing so that we can see. This
display of content in done by the software which displays text , images , videos. Therefore,
Hardware will not be able to function without the help of Software.
• Mobile is made of hardware and software but they are easier to carry around because of their


• The most important software in any computer is the Operating System (OS).
• This is the software that starts working as soon as we switch on a computer. It displays the
desktop on the monitor. Some of the most commonly used operating systems for laptops and
desktop are Ubuntu, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
• Mobile devices also have an operating system that helps them perform their functions. Some of
the mobile operating systems are Apple iOS and Google .
• All the computer applications, such as browsers, games, Office tools, etc., are also software
programs that perform particular functions.

Booting (Switching on a computer):

Step 1 : The Startup

Step 2 : BIOS: Power On Self Test

Step 3 : Loading of OS

Step 4 : System Configuration

Step 5 : Loading System Utilities

Step 6 : User Authentication


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