Chapter 12 Art and Architecture in Ancient India

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Chapter 12 art and

architecture in ancient india

ROLL NO.- 39
There are many sources which tell us about the
different people who lived in the subcontinent &
the kings who ruled over the ancient INDIA .
Some gives us an idea of development & others
serve to remind us of our rich heritage of art and
architecture ,so in this chapter, we learn about
some of them.
vedic literature
The Rigveda is the earliest literary work of INDIA. It was
composed in old or Vedic Sanskrit the three other
vedas – Sama veda , Yajur veda, and Atharva veda –
were written much later . Composed by sages , the
veda’s were originally passed an orally from generation
to generation . Apart from vedas, vedic literature also
incloudes Brahmanas , Arnyakas , Upanishads.
The Puranas were Hindu religious stories about
deities and even kings , they was written in Gupta
period . The Purans are belived to have been compiled
by Vyasa.
Epics are grand compositions which usally describes the
lives of heroes and gods. The Mahabharata and
Ramayana are important sanskrit epics which were
finally written down in the form we know them today
during the Gupta Peroid. The story of Mahabharata
had been known for years but was written down only
1500 years ago . The epics ,are said to been compiled
by Vyasa . The Ramayana tells the story of King rana of
Ayodhya . It was compiled in sanskrit by Valmiki.
Important Jain and Buddhist religious works
from the period includes the Agnas, Digha
Nikaya ,and Vinaya Pitaka. The Jatakas are
collection of Buddhist stories which were
commited to text in the post – Mauryan era.
Jain text were written in Prakrit . Buddhist
text were initally composed in Pali and
later in Sanskrit.
works in tamil
The Sangam texts were important compositions in
Tamil. Silapadikaram and Manimekalai were
important Tamil epics , composed around 1800
and 1400 years ago , respectively . Silapadikaram
was written by a poet called llango ,while
Manimekalai was composed by Sattanar . The
central characters in these epics are a Merchant
named Kovalan and his daughter.
books on science & medicine
Many advances were made in the field of medicine due to the
efforts of Charaka and Sushruta. Who was a great surgeon
in his time. Charaka wrote a book on medicine called
Charaka wrote a book on medicine called Charakasamhita,
while Sushruta Samhiti. The works of astronomers and
msthermaticians such as Varahmihira and Aryabhatta
reflect the advances in the field of science during the
period . Varahmihira wrote an encyclopaedia on science
called Brihat Samhita . Aryabhatta wrote a famous sanskrit
work on astronomy called the Aryabhatiyam.
Stupas began to build in
subcontinent around 2300 years
ago with the spread of
Buddhishm. These are dome-
shape structures example- the
Stupas at Sarnath was build to
mark the place where the
Buddha first propagated his
message like Dhamek stupa ,
Sarnath ,Varanasi.
Many pillars built by ancient still stand to this day .
Ashoka often carved instructions or messages to his
people on such pillars , the most important being that
one in Sarnath. Another not able pillar from the
Mauryan peroid is the one found in Rampurva , Bihar.
As the bhakti movement gathered streamed
construction of temples along with garbhagriyas and
shikaras became common across the subcontinent .
Garbhagriyas were rooms inside temples where the
image of central density was placed . The preists
performed prayers and devotees came to worship the
deity in these,rooms usually a,tower (shikhara) was
built on top of a garbhagriha to mark it out . Many
temples also had assembly halls ,called Mandaps for
The Harappans made figurines and scluptures of both
humans and animals. Prominent among them are the
bronze statue of ‘Dancing girl’ , a young bull , a dancer
standing on one leg . There are two school of arts , The
Gandhara school of art flourished between the 1 st
century BC and 5th century AD . The Mathura school
of art is said to flourished between the end if 1st

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