Edison_s Bulb

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Edison’s Bulb

By Boda Devendar Naik

Do you love your cell phone, movies or
your digital camera? Thomas Edison
invented early versions of these
modern marvels. He also invented the
electric light bulb. Imagine how
different life was before his inventions!
Thomas Edison was born in 1847 in Milan,
Ohio, He was a busy, curious boy who got into
trouble at school, His teacher called him slow
and when he was seven he finally lost his
patience with his constant questions. Edison's
mother decided to teach him at home and let
him set up a lab in the basement.

Edison patented 1,093 inventions in his

lifetime but the light bulb is his most famous.
In 1879, after 1,200 experiments,
Edison made a light bulb using
carbonized filaments from cotton that
burned for two days. With the help of
Howard Latimer, responsible for
inventing the process for manufacturing
the carbon filament, the light bulb
changed the world.
"Hi everybody! I'm Thomas Edison. I
invented a lot of things but this is my best
invention. It is the light bulb. Inside you
will see two rather heavy and stiff wires
they are made of iron and nickel. They
are called the leads. Stretched between
them, in the center of the bulb, is the
filament, a smaller wire made of tungsten,
it is the working part of the lamp."
So when you turn on the light
think of Thomas Edison.

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