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Introduction to Human

1 Resource Management
Human Resource Management
14th Edition, Global Edition

Gary Dessler

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education Ltd. 1-1

Learning Objectives

1. Explain what human resource

management is and how it relates to
the management process.
2. Briefly discuss and illustrate each of
the important trends influencing
human resource management.

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education Ltd. 1-2

Learning Objectives

3. List and briefly describe important

traits of today’s human resource
4. Describe four important human
resource manager
5. Outline the plan of this book.
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education Ltd. 1-3
Explain what human
resource management
is and how it relates to
the management

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What Is Human Resource Management?
The process of acquiring, training, and compensating
employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health
and safety, and fairness concerns. It is, indeed, the heart of
the organizations.

• The Management Process


o Planning
o Organizing
o Staffing
o Leading
o Controlling
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Why Is Human Resource
Management Important to All
• No manager wants to:
o Hire the wrong person for the job
o Experience high turnover
o Have your people not doing their best
o Waste time with useless interviews
o Have your company taken to court because of
your discriminatory actions
o Commit any unfair labor practices 1-6
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Human Resource (HR)
Responsibilities of Line
and Staff Managers

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Line and Staff Aspects of Human
Resource Management
• Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of
others, and to give orders. Managers usually distinguish
between line authority and staff
1 authority.
• Line authority is authority exercised by an HR manager by
directing the activities of the people in his or her own
department and in service areas, while staff authority gives
the manager the right to advise other managers or employees.
• Line manager is a manager who is authorized to direct the
work of subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing the
organization’s task, while staff manager is a manager who
assists and advises line managers.

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Line and Staff Managers

• Line authority
gives you the
right to issue
orders 1
• Staff authority
gives you the
right to advise
others in the

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Human Resource Duties
Line Managers

• Job placement
• Orientation & Training
• Performance
• Cooperation
• Labor costs
• Development

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Human Resource Duties

Staff Managers

• Line function
inside of HR 1

• Coordination
• Assist and advise

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Organizing the Human Resource
Department’s Responsibilities

• Size of HR reflects the company’s size

• Reorganizing the HR Management function
o Transactional HR teams
o Corporate HR teams
o Embedded HR teams
o Centers of expertise

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Human Resource Management

• Part of total management process

• Focus on staffing 1processes
o Job analyses
o Recruiting
o Compensation
o Performance
o Compliance issues, etc.

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Human Resource Duties

• In providing specialized assistance,

the human resource
manager carries
out three distinct functions:
o line function
o coordinative function
o Staff (assist and advise) functions

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Briefly discuss and illustrate
each of the important trends
resource management.

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Trends in Human Resource
• Technological advances
• Globalization and competition
• Indebtedness (“Leverage”)
1 deregulation
• Trends in the nature of work
• Demographic and workforce trends
• Economic challenges and trends

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as a Profit Center
• Computer system dramatically improves
sales and profitability along with:
o Upgraded jobs
o Training in how to sell services
o New job descriptions
o New pay policies

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Trends in Human Resource
• Technology
• Globalization
• Indebtedness and deregulation
• Trends in the nature of work
• Demographic and workforce trends
• Economic challenges and trends

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Trends in Human Resource
• More knowledge work
• Aging workforce
• Economic downturn
• De-leveraging
• Deregulation slowdown
• Slower economic growth

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List and briefly describe
important traits of today’s
human resource managers.

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The New Human
Resource1 Manager

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The New Human Resource Manager

• Focus More on Strategy

• Focus on Improving Performance
• Measure HR Performance and Results
• Use Evidence-Based Human Resource
• TheyAdd Value
• They Use New Ways to Provide HR Services

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The New Human Resource Manager

• They Take a Talent Management Approach

• They Manage Employee Engagement
• They Manage Ethics

• They Understand Their Human Resource

• They Have New Competencies

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Evidence-based Human
Resource Management

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• Talent management
• Ethics
• Employee engagement

• Measurement
• Evidence-based management
• Value
• New competencies
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Describe four important
Human Resource Manager

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Human Resource Manager’s
• Strategic positioners
• Credible activists
• Capability builders 1

• Capability builders
• HR innovators and
• Technology proponents
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Human Resource
Manager’s Competencies
• HRCI Certification
o HR managers use certification to
show their mastery of modern
human resource management
• The HRCI Knowledge Base
o The HRCI body of knowledge has a
list of main topic areas
o Chapter objectives follow the HRCI
Knowledge Base’s list

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Outline the Plan of
this Book.

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Themes and Features

Human resource management is

the responsibility of1 every
manager—not just those in
human resources.

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• The HR process
• Importance
• 1
HR responsibilities
• Trends

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