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Prepared & Delivered by: SADIA KHAN

English-III (BSN 3rd -INS-KMU)
• Preposition
• Examples
• Preposition of place: ON, Onto, UPON, From, To, Over, Above ,Under &
Below, In, At
• Preposition of Time :In & At
A preposition is a word placed before noun or a pronoun to show in what
relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.
The word preposition means “which is placed before”.
A preposition may have two or more words.
1: The road runs OVER hills and plain.
A preposition is usually placed before its object, but sometime it follows it; as,
1. What are you thinking of?
2. What are you looking for?
• I am in the class.
This IN in the sentence tells us the relation between pronoun(I) and object class.
Preposition of place:ON
• Surface:
The book is ON the table.
He is ON bus stop. ( bus stop is place point)
They will come on Friday.
I met her on Monday.
• Devices you are working on:
He is on phone.
Drama will be telecasted on T.V.
• Body Parts:
My brother friend slap me on my face.
• State(Condition):
In summer mango juice is on demand.
I am on bed rest for past three days.
Onto: Preposition of Place
• Movement:
The cat jump onto the table.
Move the books onto the shelf.
• When you are fully aware of something:
The knew I was onto their plan.
They cancelled the surprise party because they came to know that I was
onto their surprise.
UPON: Preposition of place
• Immediately after doing something or something happen:
Ali got married immediately upon passing out the college.
Upon declaration of her result, she rushed towards her mother.
• Any event going to happen:
Eid is almost upon us.
Our Exam will soon be upon us.
Used in place of ON:
More formal then on
• My whole future depended upon your decision.
• They congratulated him upon his success.
when two noun is used in a sentence and one is more important than put upon with.
He worked hard year upon year.
Both onto and upon is used for movement. When there is physically
movement of something then prefer to use onto.
We were put upon this earth for a purpose.
The child fell upon ground.
From: Origin
• I am coming from .
• This bus travel from Mumbai.
• Where are you from.
• This is from my side.
Cause of something:
He died from Heart attack.
She is suffering from fever.
TO for direction or as an infinitive:
He is going to school.
We earn to live.
To show the top:
The birds are flying over my head.
Something hiding something other:
I put my hands over my ears.
For any number or age:
He won the election over 2 million.
For higher level(comparison of two things):
His house is situated above the sea level.
In Contact but not in touch:
Can you raise your hands above your head.
The temperature of Peshawar is above 30 degree.
Under and below
Opposite of over is under
• The cat is under the table.
Below is opposite of above
• There was a big box below the painting.
Preposition of Time
Uses of At:
It is used for minutes, seconds, and hours.
• I go to school at 7’O clock.
Uses of IN:
For calendar time that is years and months.
• Pakistan got independence in 1947.
• My exam is in May.
• I was born in 1999.
Preposition of Place
Uses of IN:
Any place covered from four sides.
• I am in my home.
• I am in the class.
Uses of AT:
To tell the exact location.
• I am at University gate.

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