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Development of mobile application

for identifying enegy saving potential

Guide Name: Dr. Yogesh Padiya Photo of guide

Project group members names:

1.Sarang Kawade
2. Pratham Todankar

Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Photo of Member 1 Photo of Member 2
and name and name

Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Outline of Presentation




Literature Review

Problem Definition


Tools Reuired

Expected Outcome

Present Status


Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Energy conservation refers to the practice of

reducing the consumption of energy resources
while achieving the same or better outcomes. It
involves optimizing the use of energy to
minimize waste and environmental impact. Key
strategies include improving energy efficiency,
adopting renewable energy sources, and
changing behaviors to reduce energy

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

• Process Optimisation
• Equipment monitoring and maintenance
• Energy usage tracking and analysis
• Resource Management
Analyzing industrial processes to identify inefficiencies and areas where energy is being waste
• Compliance and reporting
• Training and Education
• Cost reduction

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

• The application should collect data from various sources within

the industrial facility, including sensors, meters, and existing
• Based on the analysis of energy usage data, the application
should provide personalized recommendations and solutions
for reducing energy consumption and improving efficiency.
• The application should provide real-time monitoring and
tracking of energy usage.
• The application should have a user-friendly interface that is
easy to navigate and understand, even for users with limited
technical knowledge.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Literature Review

• Research on the use of mobile applications for energy

management in industrial settings.
• Investigate the technological solutions and tools used
in mobile applications for industrial energy
research on the use of mobile applications for energy management in industrial settings.
• Analyze successful projects, lessons learned, and key
factors contributing to their effectiveness in achieving
energy savings and operational improvements.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Problem Definition

• Industrial processes suffer from inefficiencies and

wastage, leading to unnecessary energy consumption
and increased operating costs.
• Industries lack the tools and resources needed to
effectively identify energy saving opportunities.
• There is a need for a more accessible, cost-effective,
and user-friendly solution that empowers industrial
stakeholders to proactively manage their energy
usage and identify areas for improvement.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

 Research and Requirement Analysis

 Conceptualization & Planning
 Design & Prototyping
 Development
Research & Requirement Analysis
 Testing & Quality Assurance
 Deployment & Rollout
 Evaluation & Iteration

Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Expected Outcome

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Login Page: Here the user can enter necessary

information to start the application.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Calculation Page:
Here the user can enter
the details of the
equipment used,the fuel
used,it's amount and
rate,gcv&gcv of fuel,
capacity,etc and based on
the formulas it will
calculate the required
energy saving potential of
the system.
Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Selection of Appropriate
This page helps the user
to select the industry on
which they are further
looking to save energy.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

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