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Development of mobile application

for identifying enegy saving potential.

Guide Name: Dr. Yogesh Padiya Photo of guide

Project group members names:

1.Sarang Kawade
2. Pratham Todankar

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Energy conservation refers to the practice of

reducing the consumption of energy resources while
achieving the same or better outcomes. It involves
optimizing the use of energy to minimize waste and
environmental impact. Key strategies include
improving energy efficiency, adopting renewable
energy sources, and changing behaviors to reduce
energy consumption.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Energy conservation is crucial for saving money,

protecting the environment, and ensuring a
sustainable future. By reducing energy usage, we
can lower costs, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and
natural resources for generations to come.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Developing a mobile application for identifying energy-saving potential

involves creating a user-friendly interface that empowers individuals or
businesses to assess and improve their energy usage.

• Environmental Sustainability: Energy conservation reduces greenhouse

gas emissions, which helps mitigate climate change and its associated
impacts such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and ecosystem
• Resource Preservation: Many energy sources, such as fossil fuels, are
finite and non-renewable. Conserving energy helps preserve these
resources for future generations and reduces the need for
environmentally harmful extraction processes.
• Cost Savings: Energy conservation can lead to significant cost savings for
individuals, businesses, and governments by reducing energy bills and
operational expenses.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

• Energy Security: Dependence on imported energy sources can

pose security risks. By conserving energy and diversifying energy
sources, countries can enhance their energy security and reduce
vulnerability to supply disruptions.

• Public Health: Burning fossil fuels for energy production releases

pollutants into the air, contributing to air pollution and respiratory
diseases. Energy conservation helps improve air quality and protect
public health.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Login Page: Here the user can enter necessary

information to start the application.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Selection of Appropriate
This page helps the user
to select the industry on
which they are further
looking to save energy.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Calculation Page:
Here the user can enter
the details of the
equipment used,the fuel
used,it's amount and
rate,gcv&gcv of fuel,
capacity,etc and based on
the formulas it will
calculate the required
energy saving potential of
the system.
Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Results: A final pdf can be generated for the energy

saving potential and schematic diagram of the
selected equipment based on the calculation which
can be downloaded by the user.

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

Department of
Mechanical Engineering

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