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The Philippine

Professional Code of
Ethics for Teachers

This presentation explores the Philippine Professional Code of Ethics for

Teachers, a guiding document for educators in the country. It outlines principles,
values, and ethical standards that shape the teaching profession.

by Grace Pesquira
Introduction to the Philippine Education
The Philippine education system has undergone significant transformations throughout its history. This dynamic system
aims to develop well-rounded individuals who contribute to society. The Code of Ethics is a vital part of this system.

1 Historical Context 2 Structure & Levels

The Philippines' education system has been shaped The education system includes basic education
by various influences, from colonial times to its (primary, secondary), tertiary education (colleges,
present independent state. universities), and vocational training.

3 Values & Goals 4 Quality & Access

The education system emphasizes values like Ongoing efforts aim to improve the quality of
patriotism, respect, and service to the community, education and ensure access for all Filipinos,
aiming to develop responsible citizens. particularly those from disadvantaged
Key Principles of the Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics for Teachers is based on fundamental principles that guide educators in their interactions with students, colleagues, and
the community.

Respect for Learners Professional Competence Commitment to the Profession

Recognizing and valuing each learner's Maintaining high standards of

uniqueness and promoting their holistic professional conduct, continuously Upholding the integrity and dignity of
development. improving skills and knowledge. the teaching profession, contributing to
its advancement.
Situational Example: Respect for the
Dignity of the Profession
A teacher notices a colleague sharing inaccurate information with students. The teacher approaches the
colleague privately, expressing concerns and offering to help with accurate resources. This promotes the
integrity of the profession.

Notice Inaccurate Information

The teacher observes the colleague sharing incorrect information with students.

Approach Privately
The teacher addresses the colleague privately, expressing concerns and offering help.

Offer Accurate Resources

The teacher provides accurate resources to the colleague to ensure accurate information is
Situational Example: Commitment to the Learners
A teacher notices a student struggling with a particular concept. The teacher stays after school to provide extra support, patiently explaining the concept in a way
that the student can understand. This demonstrates commitment to student success.

Step Action

1 Notice Student Struggling

2 Offer Extra Support

3 Provide Clear Explanations

4 Encourage Student Progress

Situational Example: Commitment to
the Community
A teacher organizes a community literacy program, inviting parents and community members to participate
in workshops and activities. This promotes a sense of shared responsibility for education.

Literacy Workshops Parent Involvement

The teacher organizes workshops to improve The teacher encourages parents to participate in
reading and writing skills in the community. the literacy program.

Volunteer Support Resource Sharing

The teacher recruits volunteers from the The teacher provides access to resources and
community to assist with the program. materials for the community.
Implementing the Code of Ethics in the
Teachers can implement the Code of Ethics in various ways to create a positive learning environment and promote ethical
behavior among students.

1 Respectful Communication
Teachers use respectful language and create a safe space for open dialogue.

2 Fair Assessment Practices

Teachers ensure fair and unbiased assessment methods, valuing individual learning styles.

3 Ethical Decision-Making
Teachers model ethical decision-making, engaging students in discussions about ethical dilemmas.

4 Promoting Integrity
Teachers encourage honesty and accountability, setting clear expectations for ethical behavior.
Conclusion and Importance of Ethical
Teaching Practices
The Philippine Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers plays a crucial role in shaping the future of education.
Ethical teaching practices foster a culture of respect, integrity, and lifelong learning, ensuring that educators make a
positive impact on their students and the community.

Ethical Foundation Student Development

The Code of Ethics provides a solid foundation Ethical practices promote student well-being,
for ethical decision-making in the teaching fostering a positive and supportive learning
profession. environment.

Professional Growth Societal Impact

Adhering to the Code of Ethics enhances the Ethical teachers contribute to a more just and
reputation and credibility of the teaching equitable society, empowering students to
profession. become responsible citizens.

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