Calibration-and-Testing-of-a-Precision-Ammeter (1)

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Calibration and Testing of

a Precision Ammeter

Calibration is a foundational practice that validates the accuracy and consistency of

precision ammeters. Over time, factors like component aging, environmental conditions,
and operational usage can subtly alter an ammeter's performance. Calibration effectively
addresses these concerns by systematically verifying and adjusting the instrument to
conform to established standards, ensuring dependable readings essential for scientific
research, industrial applications, and regulatory compliance.

by Satyam kumar
Design and Discussion
Theoretical Background Design Choices Functionality

The project design is based on a The design choices for this project The circuit design ensures seamless
detailed understanding of the were made carefully to optimize integration of the various
theoretical principles governing performance, reliability, and cost- components to deliver precise
precision ammeters. This includes effectiveness. Components were current measurements. The
the operational characteristics of key selected based on their microcontroller's programmable
components like operational specifications, such as the op-amp's analog and digital blocks enable
amplifiers, microcontrollers, and low offset drift, the microcontroller's advanced signal processing, while
display modules, as well as the analog capabilities, and the LCD's the precision rectifier and calibration
underlying concepts of quantization, compatibility with the system. techniques enhance the overall
rectification, and noise mitigation. accuracy of the ammeter.
Component Selection
1 Operational Amplifier 2 Microcontroller
The Texas Instruments The PSoC 5 CYCKIT-059LP
LMP7721MA/NOPB op-amp was microcontroller was selected for its
chosen for its exceptional low offset advanced analog and digital capabilities,
drift, ultra-low input bias current, and including high-resolution ADCs, DACs,
wide supply voltage range, making it and versatile communication interfaces,
ideal for high-precision applications. enabling comprehensive signal
processing and control.

3 Display
The 16x2 LCD module was chosen for its simplicity, ease of use, and compatibility with the
microcontroller, providing a clear and intuitive way to display the ammeter's measurements.
Instruments Used
Keithley Ultra 6220 Precision Instrument
The Keithley Ultra 6220 serves as a A high-precision instrument is used to
precision current and voltage source, measure the actual current values,
providing the known input currents which are then compared to the
required to calibrate the ammeter calculated and displayed readings of
under test. Its exceptional accuracy the ammeter to assess its accuracy
and stability are essential for the and identify any discrepancies.
calibration process.
Circuit Operation
Data Collection Error Analysis
The Keithley 6220 precision current source is used to Theoretical and actual error calculations are performed to
generate a series of known input currents, and the assess the accuracy of the ammeter's measurements by
corresponding average counts are recorded for each input comparing the calculated and measured current values.

1 2 3

Current Calculation
A predefined equation is used to calculate the current based
on the recorded average counts, and the results are plotted
to visualize the relationship between the input current and
the ammeter's response.
Calibration Method
Observation Table
The calibration process involves recording the ammeter's response to a range of input
currents provided by the Keithley 6220 and comparing the measured values to the
expected inputs.

Curve Fitting
Regression analysis is used to derive equations that describe the relationship between
the ammeter's readings and the actual current values, enabling accurate calibration and
error correction.

Adjustment and Verification

The ammeter's measurements are adjusted based on the calibration equations, and the
accuracy is verified by comparing the adjusted readings to the reference values
provided by the precision instrument.
Noise and Its Elimination

Johnson Noise Shot Noise Flicker Noise

Johnson noise, or thermal noise, is an Shot noise, caused by the discrete Flicker noise, or 1/f noise, can be
inherent noise source that can be nature of electric charge, can be addressed through circuit design
minimized through techniques like mitigated by reducing current levels, techniques, material and device
temperature reduction, bandwidth limiting bandwidth, and optimizing optimization, and advanced signal
limitation, and proper circuit design. device operation. processing methods.
Application of the Instrument
Industrial Uses Academic Uses

The precision ammeter finds widespread application in In academic research and education, the precision ammeter
industrial settings, including quality control, process is an indispensable tool for laboratory experiments,
monitoring, medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, prototype development, and teaching demonstrations,
and metrology services, where accurate measurements are enabling researchers and students to conduct reliable
crucial for ensuring product quality, process optimization, measurements and validate theoretical principles.
and regulatory compliance.
Calibration Accuracy
Current Range (nAmps) Minimum Error (%) Maximum Error (%)

100 - 10,000 0.14 2.0

10,000 - 1,000,000 0.00 1.10

1,000,000 - 100,000,000 0.01 1.10

Calibration Accuracy Importance of Calibration
The calibration process achieved an accuracy of 2% for the Routine calibration is essential for preserving the
precision ammeter, meeting the desired target of less than ammeter's accuracy and reliability over time, ensuring its
1% error. Ongoing efforts are focused on addressing the continued suitability for a wide range of applications in
remaining sources of error, such as leakage and lack of both academic research and industrial settings, where
shielding, to further improve the instrument's performance. precise current measurements are critical for innovation
and advancement.

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