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Chapter 2 Discovering Energy

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Chapter 2 Discovering Energy

2.1 What are the different forms of

2.2 How can energy be converted from one
form to another?
2.3 What are the differences between
renewable and non-renewable energy?
2.4 How can energy be used responsibly?

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Recognise and give examples of different
forms of energy in everyday life (potential
energy, kinetic energy, light energy, heat
energy, electrical energy and sound

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What is energy?
 Energy is the ability to do

 Thereare many forms of

light energy

Examples are:
(a) potential energy
(b) kinetic energy
(c) light energy
(d) heat energy
(e) electrical energy kinetic energy
(f) sound energy Different forms of energy
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What is potential energy?
 Potential energy is stored energy.

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Different forms of Potential Energy

black petroleum contains useful chemical

potential energy
water at the top of a waterfall has
gravitational potential energy

the stretched spring in a

stapler has elastic potential energy

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What is kinetic energy?
 Kinetic energy is the energy that moving objects have.

moving objects have kinetic energy

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What is light energy?
 Light energy allows us to see things.
 Light energy also plays an important role of helping
plants make food through photosynthesis.

light helps plants to make food and the table

lamp provides light for reading.

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What is heat energy?
 Heatenergy keeps us warm in a cold environment
and helps us cook our food.

Heat is needed to toast bread and for keeping

warm beside a fireplace

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What is electrical energy?
 Electrical energy is the result
of the movement of electrons
in electrical conductors such Light bulb
(converts electrical
as copper wires. energy to light energy)

 Electrical energy is a very

useful and convenient form
of energy used widely in our
daily lives. It is useful
because it can be converted Electric hob
easily to other forms of (converts electrical energy
to heat energy)
energy by using electrical
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What is sound energy?
 Soundenergy allows us to hear
and communicate.
hand bell (converts
kinetic energy to
 Sound energy enables us to sound energy)
listen to our favourite music
and hear warnings of danger.

 Sound is produced by vibrating

objects such as the speaker in
an electronic alarm clock or a
hand bell. electronic alarm clock
(converts electrical energy to sound
Activity Book Link energy)
Activity 2.1
Discovering Energy
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Chapter 2 Discovering Energy

2.1 What are the different forms of energy?

2.2 How can energy be converted from
one form to another?
2.3 What are the differences between
renewable and non-renewable energy?
2.4 How can energy be used responsibly?

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Investigateenergy conversion from one
form to another

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Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can
only be converted from one form to another.

using an electric bulb

shooting an arrow with a converts electrical energy
bow converts elastic to light
potential energy to a wind generator produces energy
kinetic energy electricity from the kinetic
energy of wind

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Useful energy conversions

using batteries as a source

of electricity converts
chemical potential energy audio-visual
to equipment converts
electrical energy electrical energy to sound
and light energy

fossil fuels contain chemical energy

which can be converted to
electrical energy

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Harmful energy conversions

a nuclear explosion converts

nuclear energy to heat energy
loud noises from
jackhammer can cause
hearing loss as kinetic
energy is converted to
Activity Book Link sound energy
Activity 2.2
Steam Engine Model

overheating of wires can cause fire as electrical

energy is converted to heat energy

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Chapter 2 Discovering Energy

2.1 What are the different forms of energy?

2.2 How can energy be converted from one
form to another?
2.3 What are the differences between
renewable and non-renewable energy?
2.4 How can energy be used responsibly?

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Compare the differences between
renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass,
hydro) and non-renewable energy (coal,
oil and natural gas), and their limitations

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Sources of energy
Sources of energy can be broadly classified
into renewable or non-renewable

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Non-Renewable Sources of Energy
Non-renewable sources of energy are limited
and will run out one day. Most non-renewable
sources of energy are obtained from fossil fuels.

The three main types of fossil fuels are:

(a) crude oil (also known as petroleum),
(b) coal, and
(c) natural gas.

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Fossil fuels
 Fossilfuels are a form of
non-renewable energy.

 While it takes millions

of years for fossil fuels
to form, it takes only a
short time to burn them.
diesel and petrol are used
 Therewill come a day as fuels for motor vehicles

when fossil fuels run

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Problems with using fossil fuels
 Burning of fossil fuels
releases carbon dioxide
into the air which is a
greenhouse gas that causes
global warming and climate

 Extractionof fossil fuels can

ruin landscapes.
freshly mined coal

 Mining of fossil fuels can

cause death and injury to
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Natural gas

car running on Compressed Natural

Gas (or CNG) fuel.

 Natural gas is made up of mainly methane gas.

 Itis used in power stations in Singapore to generate

electricity and also for cooking at home.

 Thereare also motor vehicles which are powered by

compressed natural gas (CNG).

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Natural gas

natural gas is used for cooking

 Compared to other fossil fuels, natural gas is considered

a clean fuel.

 Naturalgas can be transported over long distances

using pipelines and large tanker ships as it can be
compressed into a liquid.

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Renewable Sources of Energy

The “Supertrees” at Gardens by the Bay are

installed with solar panels

 Renewable sources of energy come from natural

resources such as wind, sunlight, water and plants.

 Renewable sources of energy can be used again. They

help to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
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Renewable Sources of Energy
 Most renewable
sources of energy do
not cause air pollution
or release greenhouse
gases into the air.

 Examples of renewable
sources of energy are
wind energy, solar the Hoover Dam generates
hydroelectric power
energy, biomass and

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Wind Energy
 Wind is moving air which
has kinetic energy.

 Wind turbines convert

the kinetic energy of the
wind into electricity.

 Once the wind turbines are be converted

kinetic energy of wind can
into electrical energy
built, the energy obtained by using wind turbines

is effectively free.

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Wind Energy
 Windenergy is clean and does not
produce greenhouse gases.

 Wind energy will not run out.

 The amount of electricity that can

be produced depends on the
strength of the wind so wind
turbines are built only in places
with strong winds most days of The wind farms in Palm Springs,
California , are built along hilly areas
the year.

 Thewind in Singapore is usually

gentle, so wind energy is not used
here. © Copyright Star Publishing Pte Ltd
Solar Energy

 Solar energyis energy

from the Sun.

 Solar panelsconvert
solar energy into
solar panel mounted on a street lamp

 Solarenergy is clean,
free and will not run
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Solar Energy

solar panels mounted on rooftops in Singapore

 Solar energy is suitable for places with lots of

sunlight throughout the year. This makes it
suitable for Singapore which has an average of
12 hours of sunlight per day throughout the year.

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a hydroelectric power plant

 Hydropower refers to the energy obtained from flowing water.

 A dam is built to block a river. The water behind the dam is then used
to turn water turbines. The water turbines then turn generators to
produce electricity.

 As Singapore does not have big rivers with high water flow, we are not
able to use hydropower as a source of energy.
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 Hydropower does not produce any
pollutants or greenhouse gases.

 Once the dam is built, electricity

can be generated as long as there is
water flow.

 However, dams are very expensive

to build and can cause large areas
of land upstream to be flooded.
Three Gorges Dam in China

 The ecosystem and habitats of

some animals can be destroyed due
to flooding.

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Comparing Renewable and Non-
Renewable Sources of Energy

Activity Book Link

Activity 2.3 Sources of Energy

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Chapter 2 Discovering Energy

2.1 What are the different forms of energy?

2.2 How can energy be converted from one
form to another?
2.3 What are the differences between
renewable and non-renewable energy?
2.4 How can energy be used responsibly?

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Appreciate that fossil fuels are
exhaustible and the need and ways to
reduce energy wastage
Appreciate the importance of conserving
energy in our daily lives because
Singapore is dependent on imported fossil
fuels to meet its energy needs.

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Why should we reduce energy wastage?

how can we conserve the use of electricity at home?

 We should reduce energy wastage as fossil fuels cannot

be replaced and burning fossil fuels causes pollution

 Singapore depends heavily on imported fuels such as

oil and natural gas from other countries for our power
stations and vehicles to use.
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Using energy responsibly
 It is urgent and important for us to
use energy responsibly and to
encourage the use of renewable
sources of energy.

 Our government is also encouraging

the use of energy-saving
technology and providing money to
research on clean energy.
hybrid car with low carbon emission
 An example is the Carbon
Emissions-based Vehicle Scheme
(CEVS) where buyers of cars with
low carbon emission will enjoy
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How can we conserve energy?

 We can do our part to

conserve the use of energy

(a) using only the amount of

energy needed;
(b) developing the habit of
saving energy;
(c) taking public transport; Project Carbon Zero is an energy-saving
competition project organised by NEA and
(d) sharing this message of SEC for school students to motivate them to
reduce energy wastage at home
conserving energy with our
family and friends.
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Picture references
Wind turbines

Solar panels on rooftops


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