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Attitude and Behaviour

Amjad Hafeez
Associate Professor
Govt. Graduate College Kot Addu
Attitude or Behavior
Attitude Behavior
Attitude refers to a Behavior refers to the
person's mental state, observable actions or
including their reactions of an
feelings, beliefs, and individual in response
thoughts about a to external or internal
specific object, person, stimuli.
situation, or concept.
A lion can kill animals many times
larger and stronger than itself, how?
How can an ant lift objects 800 times
heavier than itself?
Why can’t an elephant break an ordinary
rope when it can pull down big trees?
What are the factors behind this behavior?
What is an attitude?
A settled state of mind or disposition
that influences

Thinking Feeling Behaving

The Components of Attitude
The ABC Model
Affective Behavioral Cognitive
Feelings Action Belief
I am afraid of scorpions. ( Affective )
I scream when I see a scorpion. ( Action)
I know scorpions are dangerous. (Belief/knowledge)

Positive and Negative Attitude
Positive Attitude Negative Attitude
 Optimism  Pessimism
 Resilience  Complaining:
 Blaming
 Gratitude
 Cynicism
 Open mindedness  Resistance to Change
 Constructive Thinking  Irritability
 Confidence  Lack of Motivation
 Self-doubt
 Enthusiasm
 Dwelling on Problems:
 Respect of humanity  Isolation
 Humility  Ego and arrogance
Why do people adopt certain behavior?
1)Beliefs and Attitudes
2)Learning and Conditioning
3)Social Influence
5) Environmental Factors
6)Personal Experiences
How to Learn a Desirable Behavior?
Educate yourself
Don’t learn for a day, learn for life
Adapt and adjust , be flexible
Seek support
Observe and learn
Specific Areas to Focus
Professional behavior
Appearance, reliability, punctuality, respect, collaboration
Interpersonal behavior
Trust, humility, communication, tolerance, compassion
Ethical behavior
Honesty, fairness, loyalty, transparency , courage
Quran on Social Behvior
Kindness and Respect: Surah Al-Isra (17:23) "And your
Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to
parents, good treatment...“
Charity and Generosity: Surah Al-Baqarah (2:177)
"Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the
east or the west, but [true] righteousness give wealth,
in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the
traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves.“
Justice and Fairness:. Surah An-Nisa (4:135) : "O you who
have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice,
witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents
and relatives...
Quran on Ethical Behavior
Honesty and Truthfulness:. Surah Al-Baqarah (2:42) :
"And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the
truth while you know it.“
Avoiding Harmful Behavior: Surah Al-Hujurat (49:12)
says: "O you who have believed, avoid much negative
assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do
not spy or backbite each other...“
Moral Integrity: Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:1-3)
"Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who
are during their prayer humbly submissive, and they
who turn away from ill speech..."
Quran on Professional Behavior
Fair Trade and Business Ethics: Surah Al-Baqarah
(2:188) : "And do not consume one another's wealth
unjustly or send it [in bribery] to the rulers in order that
[they might aid] you [to] consume a portion of the wealth
of the people in sin, while you know [it is unlawful].“
Fulfillment of Contracts:. Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:1): "O
you who have believed, fulfill [all] contracts...“
Avoiding Corruption: Al-Baqarah (2:205) warns: "And
when he goes away, he strives throughout the land to
cause corruption therein and destroy crops and animals.
And Allah does not like corruption."
Quran and Positive Attitude
Surah Al-Baqarah , 2:286
"Allah does not burden a soul
beyond that it can bear...“
Quran and positivity
Quran and positive Attitude
Quran and thankfulness( shukr)

 ‫َو ِإْذ َتَأَّذ َن َر ُّبُك ْم َلِئن َشَك ْر ُتْم َأَلِز يَد َّنُك ْم َو َلِئن َك َفْر ُتْم‬
‫ِإَّن َع َذ اِبي َلَش ِد يٌد‬
And [remember the time] when your Sustainer made
[this promise] known: 'If you are grateful [to Me], I
shall most certainly give you more and more; but if you
are ungrateful, verily, My chastisement will be severe
Quran and positive Attitude

[Al-Inshirah:6]: ‫ِإَّن َم َع اْلُع ْس ِر ُيْس ًر ا‬
verily, with every hardship comes ease!
Quran and Trust in Allah
‫َو َيْر ُز ْقُه ِم ْن َح ْيُث اَل َيْح َتِس ُب َو َم‬
‫َيَتَو َّك ْل َع َلى ِهَّللا َفُهَو َح ْس ُبُه‬
‫ِإَّن َهَّللا َباِلُغ َأْم ِر ِه َقْد َجَعَل ُهَّللا ِلُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َقْد ًر ا‬
Allah provides for him in a manner beyond all
expectation; and for everyone who places his
trust in God He [alone] is enough.
Quran and patience ( sabr)
Al-Baqara:153‫اْس َتِع يُنوا‬ ‫َيا َأُّيَها اَّلِذ يَن آَم ُنوا‬
‫ِبالَّصْبِر َو الَّص اَل ِة ِإَّن َهَّللا َم َع‬
 ‫الَّصاِبِريَن‬
O YOU who have attained to faith! Seek aid
in steadfast patience and prayer: for, behold,
God is with those who are patient in
Quran and Predestined Fate
:‫َو َيْع ُفو‬ ‫َو َم ا َأَص اَبُك م ِّم ن ُّمِص يَبٍة َفِبَم ا َك َسَبْت َأْيِد يُك ْم‬
‫َع ن‬
‫َك ِثيٍر‬
Now whatever calamity may befall you will
be an outcome of what your own hands
have wrought, although He pardons much;
Quran and Social Behavior

‫َو ِباْلَو اِلَد ْيِن ِإْح َس اًنا َو ِذ ي اْلُقْر َبٰى‬

‫َو اْلَيَتاَم ٰى َو اْلَم َس اِك َو ُقوُلوا ِللَّناِس ُح ْس ًنا‬
you shall do good unto your parents
and kinsfolk, and the orphans, and the
poor; and you shall speak unto all
people in a kindly way;
Quran and Human Goodness
Al-Zalzala:7]: ‫َفَم ن َيْع َم ْل ِم ْثَقاَل َذ َّر ٍة‬
‫َخ ْيًر ا َيَر ُه‬
And so, he who shall have done
an atom's weight of good, shall
behold it;
Causes of Negative Attitude
Unrealistic expectations
Wrong role models
Fear and anger instead of motivation
Past trauma or any painful experience
Giving up at the first shock
Less tolerance
Benefits of Positive Attitude
An overview
Physical Health

1. Improved Immune Function: Positive thinking can

strengthen the immune system, making the body
more resistant to illnesses.
2. Lower Stress Levels: A positive attitude helps manage
stress more effectively, reducing the risk of stress-
related conditions.
3. Longer Lifespan: Studies have shown that optimists
tend to live longer than pessimists.
Mental Health

1. Better Coping Skills: Positive thinkers are better

equipped to handle difficult situations and bounce
back from setbacks.
2. Reduced Risk of Depression: Maintaining a positive
outlook can decrease the likelihood of developing
depression and anxiety.
3. Enhanced Psychological Well-being: A positive
attitude contributes to overall happiness and life
Social Benefits

1. Stronger Relationships: Positive people tend to

attract others and build healthier, more supportive
2. Better Communication: A positive attitude fosters
open, constructive communication and reduces
3. Increased Social Support: Optimistic individuals
often have larger social networks and receive more
support from others.
Professional Benefits

1. Increased Productivity: A positive mindset can

boost motivation, creativity, and productivity at work.
2. Better Problem-solving Skills: Optimistic people
are more likely to approach problems with a solution-
oriented mindset.
3. Enhanced Career Success: Positive attitudes are
linked to greater career advancement and job
Personal Development
Greater Resilience: A positive attitude helps build
resilience, enabling individuals to overcome challenges
and setbacks.
Improved Self-esteem: Positive thinking fosters a
better self-image and higher self-confidence.
Enhanced Life Satisfaction: Optimism and
positivity contribute to a more fulfilling and enjoyable
Attitude test
How do you feel about starting your day?
How do you feel about criticism on you?
Defend myself
Take it as a personal attack
Consider it a means to improve myself
I feel stressed
How do you react to the mistakes that the
students or children make ?
I consider a sign of failure
It’s a sign of learning
It’s a crime to make mistake
Mistakes make me annoyed
What is your reaction when something doesn't go
as planned?
• I adapt and find a new way to achieve my goal
• I accept it and move on
• I feel frustrated but try to continue
• I get upset and feel like giving up
How do you view your future?
• A. Full of possibilities and exciting opportunities
• B. Uncertain but I'm hopeful
• C. A mix of good and bad possibilities
• D. Bleak and worrisome
How do you feel about your current job or
• A. Enthusiastic and want improvement
• B. Satisfied and content
• C. Bored but manageable
• D. Unhappy and unmotivated
Students don’t learn without fear of punishment
I have never thought about it.
If a student is dull and irresponsive, it is the
fault of_______
The student
The teacher
the society
It is his luck
Overcoming Negative Attitude
1. Self-Awareness and Reflection
• Identify Negative Patterns:
• Understand Triggers:
2. Cognitive Restructuring
• Challenge Negative Thoughts
• Replace with Positive Thoughts
• 3. Practice Gratitude
• Gratitude Journaling:
• Express Gratitude
Overcoming Negative Attitude
5. Positive Interactions and Relationships
Surround Yourself with Positivity
• Limit Exposure to Negativity
6. Physical Well-Being
• Exercise Regularly
• Healthy Diet
• Adequate Sleep
• 7. Goal Setting and Achievement
• Set Realistic Goals
• Celebrate Small Wins
Overcoming negative attitude
8. Seek Professional Help
• Therapy or Counseling
• Support Groups
9. Engage in Positive Activities
• Hobbies and Interests
• Volunteer Work
10. Self-Compassion and Acceptance
• Accept Imperfections

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