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Development Communication

The Social Work Profession
Development Communication

This refers to the use of communication to facilitate social development. Technique includes
information dissemination and education, social marketing and mobilization, media advocacy,
communication for behavior and social change, and community participation. It promotes
participation and social change using the methods and instruments of interpersonal communication,
community media, and modern information technologies.
The art and science of human communication applied to the speedy transformation of a society
towards the larger fulfillment of human potential.
 All three necessitate the presence of communication elements such as
sender, message, channel, and receiver and when permissible, feedback.
While they use communication tools and practices to transmit a message
with its corresponding goals, each of them uses communication to bring
positive changes in the society in different ways.
 DevCom – two-way (messages transmitted by the sender draw out responses
from the receiver which helps the sender measure the effectiveness of the
communication process in attaining the goal
 ComArts – one-way or two-way (because it covers variety of audience and
 MassCom – usually one-way (its main concern is to deliver facts to the mass
where feedback is limited or improbable

 Choose what to write

 Situation before the development
 How the development address the situation
 Feedback of the people
 Situation after the development
 Plans for future development
Social Work Social Welfare
W.A. Friedlander said, "Social work is a professional According to Friedlander: "Social welfare is the organised systems
service based upon scientific knowledge and skill in human of social services and institutions designed to aid individuals and
relations, which assists individuals alone or in groups to groups to attain satisfying standards of life and health and
obtain social and personal satisfaction and independence. personal and social relationships which permit them to develop
their full capacities and to promote their well being in harmony
with the needs of their families and the community.
Social work is a profession. Social welfare is a condition

social work is the work someone does to aid society (either Social welfare refers to the programs in place to assist people in
in whole or just a segment or individual) society
A social worker may be a counsellor or a person who helps but social welfare is the unemployment money or food stamps a
the homeless, for example, person gets from the government.
Social work is about helping individuals to overcome Social welfare is what the state is doing to improve social living,
difficulties they may face. Or example - an older person i.e. National health service, unemployment benefits, housing etc.
who has recently been in the hospital may need help when
they return home to assist them in their daily living long or
short term.
Social work is professional and has a code of ethics WHILE social welfare is not professional
Process Goal
Child Welfare
Child welfare social workers serve some of the most vulnerable
children, youths, and families. Social workers specialize in building
on the strengths of families and helping them to provide a safe and
nurturing environment for children and youths.
However, when families are unable to do this, social workers must intervene to protect
the children from harm. Child welfare social workers ensure that children and youths
who have experienced abuse or neglect are supported through a range of services.

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