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Essay: Advantages and Disadvantages

Types of essays: 5
1. Opinion (agree or disagree)
2. Advantages and Disadvantages
3. Problem and Solution
4. Discussion (Discuss both views)
5. Two-part Question (2 questions)
Task 2 Structure: 4P
Type 2: Advantages and Disadvantages
 1) Discuss advantages and disadvantages.

 2) Do the advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?

 3) Discuss advantages and disadvantages and give

your opinion.
Example Question:
In some countries young people are encouraged to
work or travel for a year between finishing high
school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young

people who decided to do this.
 Step 1: Question Analysis (understand the essay
 Step 2: Planning (brainstorming and choosing the
best ideas)
 Step 3: Writing an essay of minimum 250 words
Step 1: Question Analysis
 What type of essay is it?
 Underline the key words
 Translate the question for yourself
 What do they want from you?
Step 2: Planning
 Advantages (at least 3)
 Disadvantages (at least 3)
 What example, statistic, a well-known fact can you
provide for every advantage and disadvantage?
 Choose the best advantage and the best
Example Question:
In some countries young people are encouraged to
work or travel for a year between finishing high
school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young

people who decided to do this.
 Advantage 1:
 Example 1:

 Disadvantage 2
 Example 2:
Task 2 Structure: 4P
1P: Introduction
 S1: Paraphrase the question
Present the question in different words
 S2: Plan of the essay:

Present your advantage and disadvantage

S1: Paraphrase the question:

In some countries young people are encouraged to

work or travel for a year between finishing high
school and starting university studies.
S2: Plan of the essay:
 Present your advantage and disadvantage:
The essay will suggest that …
The essay will demonstrate that …
Write your own introduction:

In some countries young people are encouraged to

work or travel for a year between finishing high
school and starting university studies.
Main Body:
 Supporting paragraph 1 – Advantage
 Supporting paragraph 2 – Disadvantage
 S1: Topic sentence (Present your A/D)
 S2: Explain how this is an A/D
 S3: Provide an example (or another proof or
 3 sentences for A and D
Main Body
 Write you own paragraph
 One group writes an advantage paragraph
 The other group writes the disadvantage paragraph.
 One sentence
 Restate your advantage and disadvantage

In conclusion, …. (mention Advantage), however,

(mention Disadvantage)
 Write your own conclusion
Example 2:
Some experts believe that it is better for children to
begin learning a foreign language at primary schools
rather than secondary school.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the

Example 2:
 In this type we have to show that advantages are
stronger than disadvantages
 We do not care if there are more advantages or
disadvantages (strength, not the amount)
 The plane travelling example
 Brainstorming:
 What are the disadvantages and advantages?
 What example and statistic can you use to support
your advantages?
 How can you prove that the disadvantages are
Mind map
 Choose two strongest arguments (with examples)
 Choose one weak disadvantage that you prove to
be wrong.
 S1: Paraphrase the question
 S2: Thesis statement (what is stronger?)

This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the
 S3: Plan of the essay

Present your two advantages and say that the disadvantage is not
The essay will demonstrate … (2 advantages), followed by an
explanation that the primary disadvantage (put it here)is not valid.
 Write your own introduction (3 sentences)

Some experts believe that it is better for children to

begin learning a foreign language at primary schools
rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Paragraph 1 (Stronger side)
 S1: Topic sentence (present your 1st advantage)
 S2: Explain why it is strong
 S3: Provide an example, statistic or a fact
 S4: Topic sentence (present your 2nd advantage)
 S5: Explain why it is strong
 S6: Provide an example, statistic or a fact
Paragraph 2 (Weaker Side)
 S1: Topic sentence (present your disadvantage)
 S2: Explain why it is wrong
 S3: Provide an example or a fact

One group writes Paragraph 1

The group writes Paragraph 2
 1sentence
 Restate your 2 advantages and 1 disadvantage

In conclusion, the fact that (A1) and (A2) outweighs

the invalid argument that (D1).

Write your own conclusion

Example 3
Computers are becoming an essential part of school

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give

your own opinion.
Example 3:
 Similar to example 1, but:
 We add a 3rd paragraph for your opinion in the main
 We state our opinion in introduction
 S1: Paraphrase the question
 S2: Your opinion
 S3: Present your advantage and disadvantage
Main Body
 Paragraph 1: Advantage
 Paragraph 2: Disadvantage

 Paragraph 3: Opinion (2 sentences)

S1: Give and explain your opinion

S2: Give and example or more explanation
Overall, …
 1 sentence (max 2)
 Restate your opinion and include your advantage
and disadvantage
 Show that your advantage is more important than
your disadvantage (that’s how you show your
Advantages and Disadvantages:
 1) Discuss advantages and disadvantages
Standard 4P structure
 2) Advantages outweigh disadvantages

First paragraph in the body presents 2 advantages and has 6

sentences plus thesis in introduction
 3) Give your opinion

We add a 3rd paragraph to the main body to give an opinion (only

2 sentences)

 Benefit
 Profit
 Valuable asset

 Drawback
 Downside
 Shortcoming
Valid: (invalid)

 Reasonable (unreasonable)
 Logical (illogical)
 Legitimate (illegitimate)

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