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GitHub: The

Collaborative Coding

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It

allows developers to collaborate on projects, track changes, and
manage code repositories all in one place.

by Muhammad Ashir
How GitHub Works
1 Repositories
GitHub hosts code repositories where developers can store, manage,
and share their projects.

2 Branching
Users can create branches to work on new features or bug fixes without
affecting the main codebase.

3 Commits & Pushes

Changes are saved as commits, which can then be pushed to the remote
repository on GitHub.
GitHub Repositories
Repository Structure Cloning & Forking Collaborating

Users can make a local copy Multiple developers can

Each GitHub repository of a repository (clone) or contribute to the same
contains files, folders, create a separate version repository by making pull
commits, branches, (fork) to work on requests, which the
releases, and other independently. repository owner can then
metadata related to a merge.
specific project.
GitHub Version Control

Commit Changes Branching Merging

Users can save changes to Developers can create new Once changes are reviewed,
files as commits, which branches to experiment they can be merged back
record the history of a with new features without into the main branch.
project. affecting the main
GitHub Collaboration Features

1 Pull Requests 2 Code Reviews

Users can submit proposed changes to a Team members can review and discuss
repository for review and feedback from proposed changes before they are
other contributors. merged into the main codebase.

3 Discussions 4 Team Management

GitHub provides a built-in discussion Repository owners can grant different
forum for project-related conversations levels of access and permissions to
and Q&A. individual users or teams.
GitHub Issues & Project Management

Issue Tracking Milestones & Roadmaps

GitHub allows users to report, discuss, and Project managers can use GitHub to set
track bugs, feature requests, and other milestones, create project boards, and plan
project-related issues. the development roadmap.

Automated Workflows Project Analytics

GitHub Actions can be used to automate GitHub provides insights and metrics on
tasks like testing, deployment, and issue project activity, contributions, and overall
management. development progress.
GitHub Actions & Automation

CI/CD Workflows Marketplace Scripting

Automate building, Create custom Access a wide range Use GitHub Actions
testing, and workflows to of pre-built actions to write your own
deploying your code automate your and integrations custom scripts and
with GitHub Actions. development and from the GitHub automation tools.
deployment Marketplace.
GitHub Community & Ecosystem

Open-Source Projects Developers can contribute to and

collaborate on thousands of open-source
projects hosted on GitHub.

Developer Communities GitHub is home to a thriving community of

developers who share code, ideas, and

Ecosystem of Tools GitHub integrates with a wide range of

development tools and services to
streamline workflows.

Learning Resources GitHub provides educational content,

tutorials, and guides to help users learn and
improve their skills.

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