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Iteration Planning

Presented by,
Dhanyashree B
6 sem A sec
Submitted To,
Dr.Ravindra S
Assoc.Prof. dept. of CSE
07/14/2024 JNNCE
Unpacking the agenda
• Iteration
•The Iteration TimeBox
• The Iteration Schedule
•How To Plan An Iteration
•The Commitment Ceremony
•Dealing With Long Planning Sessions
•Emergency Requests
•Iteration Length
•We stop at predetermined, unchangeable time intervals and
compare reality to plan.
•Heartbeat of an XP project
•Iterations are an important safety mechanism.
•The team breathes customers stories to life.

Iteration time boxing

•Work ends at a particular time regardless of how much
you’ve finished.
•Doesn’t prevent problems, it reveals them.
Iteration schedule
•Consistent, unchanging schedule.
•Prefer iterations that start on Wednesday morning.
• Demonstrate iteration, hold retrospective, and plan next
• Commit to stories, develop, and prepare release.
Effective iteration planning process
• Measure previous velocity using estimated time.
•Breakdown stories into engineering tasks.
•Brainstorm tasks in order to finish all iteration stories.
•Select stories to match team capacity.
•Break down stories into concrete tasks.
•Write tasks on cards for clarity.
•Estimate task effort in ideal hours.
•Review and adjust tasks for balance.
•Commit to the final plan with built-in slack.
Commitment ceremony
•Making a promise to your team and to stakeholders to deliver
all the stories.
•Openly discuss problems without pressuring anybody to
•Ask each person, in turn, wait for verbal ‘yes’.
•It’s ok to say “no.”
• Best way to build trust in the team’s ability, an opportunity to
raise concerns before it’s too late.
After planning…
Delivering iterations effectively,
•Programmers pair up on tasks, rotating as needed.
•Revise plans as needed, ensuring story delivery.

Dealing with long planning sessions

• Keep iteration planning sessions concise, ideally under
four hours.
• Focus on high-level design; detailed design work happens
during the iteration.
•Delete all the code from uncompleted stories, you can get
them from version control later.
•Ensure shared design understanding with collective code
ownership and pair programming.
• Track iteration progress daily to identify and resolve issues
• Adjust the iteration plan as needed, keeping the commitment
to deliver stories.
• Maintain control of the iteration, adapting to changes without
extending deadlines.
Emergency requests
•Batman role: designate and rotate a team member to handle
urgent support tasks, preventing burnout and ensuring
consistent responsiveness.
•Agile responsiveness: balance business needs with ongoing
•Change control: modify iteration plans by replacing equivalent
•Iteration integrity: replace only unstarted stories to maintain
iteration scope.
•Planning discipline: evaluate urgency against upcoming
planning sessions.
•Daily iterations: consider daily iterations for managing
frequent emergencies effectively.
•Bug fix prioritization: address bugs promptly within the
iteration to maintain quality.
•Estimation timing: estimate new stories as they arise during
the iteration to keep planning efficient.
•Predictable delivery: maintain stakeholder trust with
consistent iteration outcomes and clear communication.
Iteration length
•Iteration length impacts team dynamics, adaptability, and
overall productivity.
•Assume the team uses 1 week iteration.
•Short iterations for teams new to XP.
•Short iterations allow the team to practice core XP skills.

Need for shorter iterations

• Short iterations enhance frequent planning and feedback.
• One-week iterations mitigate schedule risk and ease decision-
•Daily iterations—can be a great way to bring structure to a
chaotic environment.
•Adjusting iteration length supports sustained energized work.
• Longer iterations compromise stability and feedback cycles.
• Calendar-based iterations establish trust and predictability,
anchoring team rhythms.
•Business-day iterations minimize holiday impact on velocity,
enhancing regularity.
• Optimal iteration length balances workload and process

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