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Understanding Harmony in the Self

Understanding the Sources of Imagination in the Self

Human Being Self Co-existence Body
Ekkuo eSa lg-vfLrRo “kjhj
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
vko';drk lq[k ¼tSls lEeku½ lqfo/kk ¼tSls Hkkstu½
In Time Continuous Temporary
dky esa fujUrj lkef;d
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
ek=k esa xq.kkRed ¼Hkko gS½ Limited Quantity)
Ekk=kRed ¼lhfer ek=k esa½
Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Right Physio-chemical Things
iwfrZ ds fy, Feeling lgh le>] lgh Hkko HkkSfrd&jklk;fud oLrq

Activity Imagination (Desire, Thought, Eating, Walking…

fØ;k Expectation)… [kkuk] pyuk---
dYiuk”khyrk ¼bPNk] fopkj]
In Time Continuous Temporary
dky esa fujUrj lkef;d
Response Knowing, Assuming,
Recognising, Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling
tkuuk] ekuuk] igpkuuk] fuokZg igpkuuk] fuokZg djuk

Consciousness pSrU; Material tM+

Activities of Self eSa dh fdz;k,a

Self eSa 1.


3. Desire Imaging
bPNk fp=.k
4. Thought Imagination
fopkj fo'ys"k.k&rqyu
5. Expectation Selecting-Tasting
vk'kk p;u&vkLoknu
Body 'kjhj

Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z

Sources of Motivation for our Imagination and its Implications
Self verification on the basis
of Natural Acceptance
Self eSa 1. lgt Loh—fr ds vk/kkj ij
3 tkap dj
Preconditioning 2.
ekU;rk 3. Desire Imaging Lora=rk √
Enslavement bPNk fp=.k
Content of
4. Thought Imagination
ijra=rk X fopkj fo'ys"k.k&rqyu
dh oLrq
5. Expectation Selecting-Tasting
vk'kk p;u&vkLoknu
2 Sensation
Body 'kjhj
Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z
Enslavement ijra=rk X
Content of Imagination in the Self

Natural Acceptance Is it like this?

D = Continuous Happiness & Prosperity

D1 D2 D3 …..Dn

T11, T12 ….T1n T21, T22,…T2n T31, T32,..T3n Tn1, Tn2,..Tnn

E111, E112 ,.. E1n E21, E22,.. E2n Or is it like this?

Natural Acceptance Preconditioning Sensation D = ?
D1.. Dn = Consumption,
profit, name, fame…
D1 D2 D3 …Dn sensual pleasure …
T11, T12,….T1n T21, T22, …T2n T31, T32,…T3n Tn1, Tn2,…Tnn

E111, E112 ,.. E1n E21, E22,.. E2n

State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised
If the imagination is random and disorganised
It indicates a state of confusion

Many of these imaginations may be

contrary to each other and contrary to the natural acceptance

This contradiction in desires, in thoughts, in expectations, this contradiction between desires and
thoughts, this contradiction between desire-thought-expectation and the natural acceptance,
all these contradictions result in unhappiness

If we observe carefully, we realize that we have accumulated a lot of desires, which are resulting
in numerous thoughts and expectations

Harmony in the Self is realised when there are no contradictions in the imagination and all
imagination is in accordance with our natural acceptance
State of Imagination – Random and Disorganised

1. Realization Natural
vuqHko 3 Acceptance
2. Understanding
Preconditioning 1 cks/k
ekU;rk 3. Desire Imaging
bPNk fp=.k
4. Thought Analysing COMPETENCE
fopkj fo'ys"k.k
What You Are
5. Expectation Selecting/Tasting
vk'kk p;u@vkLoknu
2 Sensation
Body 'kjhj
Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z Lakosnuk

Harmony in Self = Content of Imagination is in accordance with Natural Acceptance

1. Realization Natural
Right Understanding to
vuqHko Acceptance
be ensured in the Self
2. Understanding
3. Desire Imaging
bPNk fp=.k
Content of
4. Thought Analysing COMPETENCE
fopkj fo'ys"k.k
Guided by What You Are
5. Expectation Selecting/Tasting
Right Understanding
vk'kk p;u@vkLoknu
Body 'kjhj
Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z Happiness = To be in a state of Harmony
Lkq[k ¾ laxhr esa] O;oLFkk
esa thuk 11
Assignment for Today…
C. The Self
1.Take the same list of your desires. Now find out what is the source of the desire:
preconditioning (PC) or sensation (S) or natural acceptance (NA):
S.No. Desire Purpose Preconditioning Sensation Natural
Example: Acceptance
1 Money a. Physical Facilities to √
take care of Body
b. Status √
c. Merry making √
2 Name, fame Attention from others √
3 Good food Health of Body √
Taste √
4 Car a. To save energy of √
Body in transportation
b. Respect in society √
c. To look good √
5 Peace of mind For the Self √
6 ….

Sum Up
The Self has powers of Desire, Thought & Expectation making the Imagination. This is going on

Behaviour/Work is an expression/outcome of Imagination

Imagination is motivated by Preconditioning, Sensation or Natural Acceptance

Desires based on Natural Acceptance lead to harmonious thought & expectation. This is
harmony in the Self . This is the state of self-organisation. This is the state of happiness. In this
state, the behaviour/work is also mutually fulfilling – the conduct is definite

Desires based on preconditioning or sensation may lead to contradiction in thought &

expectation. This is disharmony in the Self . This is the state of enslavement. This is the state
of unhappiness. In this state, the behaviour/work may or may not be mutually fulfilling – the
conduct is not definite

Self Reflection

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